SEDI - DSDE - Department of Social Development and Employment
SEDI - DSDE - Department of Social Development and Employment
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Secretaría Ejecutiva para el Desarrollo Integral SEDI - DSDE - Department of Social Development and Employment UDSE
Untitled Document

Support Information

 •  International Workshop: Learning Communities: The experience of the Program Puente – Chile Solidario


  • High Level Meeting on Poverty, Equity and Social Inclusion

  • • Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development

    • Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development

    • Inter-American Program to Combat Poverty and Discrimination

    • Best Practices in Social Development – The Experience of the Social Investment (Only available in Spanish)

    Other Relevant Documents

    • Puente in the Caribbean Brochure
    • Puente in the Caribbean Newsletter
    • Manual for Working Sessions with the Family
    • Program Documents - Compilation of Reports

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