Matrix Chile - U.S. FTA and DR - CAFTA - Chapter 9 Annex 9.1 Market Access Schedules

A Comparative Guide to the Chile-United States Free Trade Agreement and the
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement


Chapter Nine:  Annex 9.1 Market Access Schedules

Comparative Study

Table of Contents

Annex 9.1
Section A:
Central Level of Government Entities
Annex 9.1.2(b)(i) Annex 9.1.2(b)(ii) and Annex 9.1.2(b)(iii)
Section A:
Central Level of Government Entities
This Agreement applies to procurement by the Central Level of Government Entities listed in this Section where the value of the procurement is estimated, in accordance with Section G, to equal or exceed the following relevant threshold. Unless otherwise specified within this Section, all agencies subordinate to those listed are covered by this Agreement. 1. This Chapter applies to the entities of the central level of government listed in each Party�s Schedule to this Section where the value of the procurement is estimated, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section H, to equal or exceed:
For procurement of goods and services (To be adjusted according to the formula in Section G, paragraph 2): $56,190
(a) for procurement of goods and services:

(i) US$58,550; or
(ii) in the case of the Central American Parties, for the three-year period following the date of entry into force of this Agreement, US$117,100; and

For procurement of construction services (To be adjusted according to the formula in Section G, paragraph 3): $6,481,000

(b) for procurement of construction services:

(i) US$6,725,000; or

(ii) in the case of the Central American Parties and the Dominican Republic, for the three-year period following the date of entry into force of this Agreement, US$8,000,000.

The monetary thresholds set out in subparagraphs (a)(i) and (b)(i) shall be adjusted in accordance with Section H of this Annex.


2. Unless otherwise specified, this Chapter covers all agencies subordinate to the entities listed in each Party�s Schedule in this Section.
  Schedule of Costa Rica
Contralor�a General de la Rep�blica
2. Defensor�a de los Habitantes de la Rep�blica
3. Presidencia de la Rep�blica
4. Ministerio de la Presidencia
5. Ministerio de Gobernaci�n y Polic�a y Seguridad P�blica1

1. Ministerio de Gobernaci�n y Polic�a y Seguridad P�blica: This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco;
textiles, apparel and leather products) of the United Nations Central Product Classification 1.0 (CPC, version 1.0), for the Fuerza P�blica.
6. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto
7. Ministerio de Hacienda2
2. Ministerio de Hacienda:
This Chapter does not cover the issuance of tax stamps.

Schedule of Chile
1. Presidencia de la Rep�blica
2. Ministerio de Interior
3. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
4. Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
5. Ministerio de Hacienda
6. Ministerio Secretar�a General de la Presidencia
7. Ministerio Secretar�a General de Gobierno
8. Ministerio de Econom�a, Fomento, Reconstrucci�n y Energ�a
9. Ministerio de Miner�a
10. Ministerio de Planificaci�n y Cooperaci�n
11. Ministerio de Educaci�n
12. Ministerio de Justicia
13. Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsi�n Social
14. Ministerio de Obras P�blicas
15. Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones
16. Ministerio de Salud
17. Ministerio de la Vivienda y Urbanismo
18. Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales
19. Ministerio de Agricultura
20. Ministerio Servicio Nacional de la Mujer

Gobiernos Regionales

Intendencia I Regi�n
  1. Gobernaci�n de Arica
  2. Gobernaci�n de Parinacota
  3. Gobernaci�n de Iquique

Intendencia II Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Antofagasta
  2. Gobernaci�n de El Loa
  3. Gobernaci�n de Tocopilla

Intendencia III Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Cha�aral
  2. Gobernaci�n de Copiap�

Intendencia IV Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Huasco
  2. Gobernaci�n de El Elqui
  3. Gobernaci�n de Limar�
  4. Gobernaci�n de Choapa

Intendencia V Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Petorca
  2. Gobernaci�n de Valpara�so
  3. Gobernaci�n de San Felipe de Aconcagua
  4. Gobernaci�n de Los Andes
  5. Gobernaci�n de Quillota
  6. Gobernaci�n de San Antonio
  7. Gobernaci�n de Isla de Pascua

Intendencia VI Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Cachapoal
  2. Gobernaci�n de Colchagua
  3. Gobernaci�n de Cardenal Caro

Intendencia VII Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Curic�
  2. Gobernaci�n de Talca
  3. Gobernaci�n de Linares
  4. Gobernaci�n de Cauquenes

Intendencia VIII Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de �uble
  2. Gobernaci�n de B�o-B�o
  3. Gobernaci�n de Concepci�n
  4. Gobernaci�n de Arauco

Intendencia IX Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Malleco
  2. Gobernaci�n de Caut�n

Intendencia X Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Valdivia
  2. Gobernaci�n de Osorno
  3. Gobernaci�n de Llanquihue
  4. Gobernaci�n de Chilo�
  5. Gobernaci�n de Palena

Intendencia XI Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Coihaique
  2. Gobernaci�n de Ays�n
  3. Gobernaci�n de General Carrera

Intendencia XII Regi�n

  1. Gobernaci�n de Capit�n Prat
  2. Gobernaci�n de Ultima Esperanza
  3. Gobernaci�n de Magallanes
  4. Gobernaci�n de Tierra del Fuego
  5. Gobernaci�n de Ant�rtica Chilena

Intendencia Regi�n Metropolitana

  1. Gobernaci�n de Chacabuco
  2. Gobernaci�n de Cordillera
  3. Gobernaci�n de Maipo
  4. Gobernaci�n de Talagante
  5. Gobernaci�n de Melipilla
  6. Gobernaci�n de Santiago


8. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganader�a
9. Ministerio de Econom�a, Industria y Comercio
10. Ministerio de Obras P�blicas y Transportes
11. Ministerio de Educaci�n P�blica3

3. Ministerio de Educaci�n P�blica: This Chapter does not cover procurement made in furtherance of school feeding programs.
12. Ministerio de Salud
13. Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social
14. Ministerio de Cultura, Juventud y Deportes
15. Ministerio de Justicia y Gracia
16. Ministerio de Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos
17. Ministerio de Comercio Exterior
18. Ministerio de Planificaci�n Nacional y Pol�tica Econ�mica
19. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog�a
20. Ministerio de Ambiente y Energ�a
21. Ministerio de Condici�n de la Mujer
22. Instituto Costarricense de Turismo

Schedule of the Dominican Republic
1. Contralor�a General de la Rep�blica
2. Secretar�a de Estado de Interior y Polic�a1, 2

This Chapter does not cover:
(a) procurement by the Direcci�n General de Migraci�n; or
(b) procurement by the Polic�a Nacional of: (i) goods classified under Group 447 (weapons and ammunition and parts thereof) of the United Nations Central Product Classification 1.0 (CPC, version 1.0), or (ii) combat, assault and tactical vehicles.

2. Polic�a Nacional in the Secretar�a de Estado de Interior y Polic�a and Secretar�a de Estado de las Fuerzas Armadas:
This Chapter does not cover procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of the CPC.
3. Secretar�a de Estado de las Fuerzas Armadas2, 3 2.Polic�a Nacional in the Secretar�a de Estado de Interior y Polic�a and Secretar�a de Estado de las Fuerzas Armadas:
This Chapter does not cover procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of the CPC.
3. Secretar�a de Estado de las Fuerzas Armadas:
This Chapter does not cover: (a) procurement by the Departamento Nacional de Investigaci�n, and the Instituto de Altos Estudios para la Defensa y Seguridad Nacional; or (b) procurement of: (i) goods classified under Group 447 (weapons and ammunition and parts thereof) of the CPC; (ii) aircraft, airframe structural components, aircraft components, parts and accessories; (iii) landing and ground handling equipment; (iv) docks; (v) ships and ship components, parts and accessories; (vi) marine equipment; or (vii) combat, assault and tactical vehicles.
4. Secretar�a de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores4
This Chapter does not cover procurement by the Direcci�n General de Pasaportes for the production of passports.
5. Secretar�a de Estado de Agricultura5
This Chapter does not cover procurement made in furtherance of agricultural support programs.
6. Secretar�a de Estado de Finanzas6
This Chapter does not cover procurement by the Tesorer�a Nacional with regard to the issuance of tax stamps or postage stamps, or the production of checks and treasury bonds
7. Secretar�a de Estado de Educaci�n7
This Chapter does not cover procurement made in furtherance of school feeding programs (Desayuno Escolar) or programs to support the dissemination of education, the well-being of students, or the accessibility of education, including at the border with Haiti (Zona Fronteriza) and in other rural or impoverished areas.
8. Secretar�a de Estado de Salud P�blica y Asistencia Social
9. Secretar�a de Estado de Deportes, Educaci�n F�sica y Recreaci�n
10. Secretar�a de Estado de Trabajo
11. Secretar�a de Estado de Industria y Comercio
12. Secretar�a de Estado de Turismo
13. Secretar�a de Estado de la Mujer
14. Secretar�a de Estado de la Juventud
15. Secretar�a de Estado de Educaci�n Superior, Ciencia y Tecnolog�a
16. Secretar�a de Estado de Obras P�blicas y Comunicaciones
17. Secretar�a de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
18. Secretar�a de Estado de Cultura
19. La Presidencia de la Rep�blica Dominicana
20. Secretariado T�cnico de la Presidencia8
21. Secretar�a de Estado de la Presidencia
22. Secretariado Administrativo de la Presidencia

Schedule of El Salvador
1. Ministerio de Defensa1
1. Ministerio de Defensa, Ministerio de Educaci�n, and Ministerio de Salud P�blica y Asistencia Social:
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of the United Nations Central Product Classification 1.1 (CPC, version 1.1).
2. Ministerio de Hacienda
3. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
4. Ministerio de Gobernaci�n2

2. Ministerio de Gobernaci�n: This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of CPC, version 1.1, for the Policia Nacional Civil.
5. Ministerio de Educaci�n1

1. Ministerio de Defensa, Ministerio de Educaci�n, and Ministerio de Salud P�blica y Asistencia Social: This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of the United Nations Central Product Classification 1.1 (CPC, version 1.1).
6. Ministerio de Salud P�blica y Asistencia Social1

1. Ministerio de Defensa, Ministerio de Educaci�n, and Ministerio de Salud P�blica y Asistencia Social: This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of the United Nations Central Product Classification 1.1 (CPC, version 1.1).
7. Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsi�n Social
8. Ministerio de Econom�a
9. Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
10. Ministerio de Obras P�blicas
11. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganader�a

Schedule of Guatemala

1. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganader�a y Alimentaci�n1
1. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganader�a y Alimentaci�n:
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of agricultural goods made in furtherance of agricultural support programs, or procurement made in furtherance of school feeding programs.
2. Ministerio de la Defensa Nacional2
2. Ministerio de Defensa Nacional:
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of the following goods and services: arms, munitions, equipment, construction materials, aircraft, vessels and other vehicles, fuel, lubricants, provisions, and the contracting for services or supply by or on behalf of the Ej�rcito de Guatemala and its institutions.
3. Ministerio de Econom�a
4. Ministerio de Educaci�n3
3. Ministerio de Educaci�n: This Chapter does not cover procurement made in furtherance of school feeding programs.
5. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes
6. Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsi�n Social4
4. Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsi�n Social and Ministerio de Salud P�blica y Asistencia Social: This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of the CPC, version 1.0.
7. Ministerio de Finanzas P�blicas
8. Ministerio de Salud P�blica y Asistencia Social4
4. Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsi�n Social and Ministerio de Salud P�blica y Asistencia Social:
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of the CPC, version 1.0.
9. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
10. Ministerio de Gobernaci�n5
5. Ministerio de Gobernaci�n: This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of the CPC, version 1.0, for the Policia Nacional Civil y Sistema Penitenciario.
Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Infrestructura y Vivienda
12. Ministerio de Energ�a y Minas
13. Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
14. Secretar�a General
15. Secretar�a de Coordinaci�n Ejecutiva
16. Secretar�a de Planificaci�n y Programaci�n
17. Secretar�a de An�lisis Estrat�gico
18. Secretar�a de la Paz
19. Secretar�a de Asuntos Administrativos y de Seguridad
20. Secretar�a de Asuntos Agrarios
21. Secretar�a Presidencial de la Mujer
22. Secretar�a de Bienestar Social
23. Secretar�a de Comunicaci�n Social
24. Secretar�a Ejecutiva de la Comisi�n contra el Consumo, Adicci�n y Tr�fico Il�cito de Drogas
25. Secretar�a de Obras Sociales de la Esposa del Presidente
26. Comisi�n Presidencial de Derechos Humanos
27. Comisi�n Presidencial para la Reforma del Estado, la Descentralizaci�n y la Participaci�n Ciudadana
28. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog�a
29. Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducci�n de Desastres
30. Junta Nacional del Servicio Civil
31. Oficina Nacional del Servicio Civil
32. Fondo de Desarrollo Ind�gena Guatemalteco
33. Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog�a
34. Fondo Nacional para la Paz
35. Consejo Nacional de la Juventud

Schedule of Honduras
1. Secretar�a de Estado en los Despachos de Gobernaci�n y Justicia
2. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Educaci�n1
. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Educaci�n and Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho Presidencial: This Chapter does not cover procurement made in furtherance of school feeding programs.
3. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Salud
4. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Seguridad2
2. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Seguridad:
This Chapter does not cover procurement of uniforms, shoes, food, or tobacco for the Polic�a Nacional.
5. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho Presidencial1
1. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Educaci�n and Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho Presidencial:
This Chapter does not cover procurement made in furtherance of school feeding programs.
6. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores
7. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Defensa Nacional3
. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Defensa Nacional: This Chapter does not cover the procurement of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products) of the CPC, version 1.0, for the Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras. This Chapter does not cover the procurement of the following goods, or the procurement of uniforms for the Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras and the Polic�a Nacional:

1. Ammunition
2. War airplanes
3. Military rifles
4. Pistol and guns of any kind, 41 caliber or more
5. Honduran army regulation pistols
6. Silencers for all kinds of firearms
7. Firearms
8. Accessories and ammunition
9. Cartridges for firearms
10. Equipment and other accessories essential for cartridge loading
11. Gunpowder, explosives, primers and fuses
12. Mask for protection against asphyxiating gases
13. Air guns

8. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Finanzas
9. Secretar�a de Estado en los Despachos de Industria y Comercio
10. Secretar�a de Estado en los Despachos de Obras P�blicas, Transporte y Vivienda
11. Secretar�a de Estado en los Despachos de Trabajo y Seguridad Social
12. Secretar�a de Estado en los Despachos de Agricultura y Ganader�a
13. Secretar�a de Estado en los Despachos de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente
14. Secretar�a de Estado en los Despachos de Cultura, Artes y Deportes
15. Secretar�a de Estado en el Despacho de Turismo

16. Secretar�a T�cnica y de Cooperaci�n Internacional

Schedule of Nicaragua
1. Ministerio de Gobernaci�n1
1. Ministerio de Gobernaci�n:
This Chapter does not cover procurement made by the Polic�a Nacional.
2. Ministerio de la Familia
3. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
4. Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal
5. Ministerio de Educaci�n, Cultura y Deportes2
2. Ministerio de Educaci�n, Cultura y Deportes:
This Chapter does not cover procurement made in furtherance of school feeding programs.
6. Ministerio de Fomento, Industria y Comercio
7. Ministerio de Salud
8. Ministerio del Trabajo
9. Ministerio de Hacienda y Cr�dito P�blico
10. Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales
11. Procuradur�a General de la Rep�blica
12. Presidencia de la Rep�blica
13. Vicepresidencia de la Rep�blica
14. Ministerio de Defensa3
3. Ministerio de Defensa:
This Chapter will not cover procurement by the Ministerio de Defensa until the beginning of the fourth year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement. This Chapter does not cover procurement made by the Ej�rcito de Nicaragua.
15. Ministerio de Transporte e Infraestructura4

. Ministerio de Transporte e Infraestructura: This Chapter will not cover procurement by the Ministerio de Transporte e Infraestructura until the beginning of the fourth year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement.

Schedule of the United States
1. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
2. African Development Foundation
3. Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System
4. American Battle Monuments Commission
5. Appalachian Regional Commission
6. Broadcasting Board of Governors
7. Commission of Fine Arts
8. Commission on Civil Rights
9. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
10. Consumer Product Safety Commission
11. Corporation for National and Community Service
12. Delaware River Basin Commission
13. Department of Agriculture (Not including procurement of agricultural goods made in furtherance of agricultural support programs or human feeding programs)

14. Department of Commerce (Not including shipbuilding activities of NOAA)

15. Department of Defense (Not including the procurement of the following goods:

(f) FSC 19 and 20 - that part of these classifications defined as naval vessels or major components of the hull or superstructure thereof;















(a)Federal Supply Classification (FSC) 83 - all elements of this classification other than pins, needles, sewing kits, flag staffs, flagpoles, and flagstaff trucks;

(b) FSC 84 - all elements other than sub-class 8460 (luggage);

(c) FSC 89 - all elements other than sub-class 8975 (tobacco products);

(d) FSC 2310 - (buses only);

(e) Specialty metals, defined as steels melted in steel manufacturing facilities located in the United States or its possessions, where the maximum alloy content exceeds one or more of the following limits, must be used in products purchased by DOD:

(1) manganese, 1.65 per cent; silicon, 0.60 per cent; or copper, 0.06 per cent; or which contains more than 0.25 per cent of any of the following elements: aluminium, chromium, cobalt, columbium, molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungsten, or vanadium;

(2) metal alloys consisting of nickel, iron-nickel and cobalt base alloys containing a total of other alloying metals (except iron) in excess of 10 per cent;

(3) titanium and titanium alloys; or

(4) zirconium base alloys;

(g) FSC 5l and 52;

(h) The following FSC categories are not generally covered due to application of Article
17: 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 28, 31, 58, 59, 95. For detailed listing of the Federal Supply Classifications (FSC),see










16. Department of Education
17. Department of Energy (Not including national security procurements made in support of safeguarding nuclear materials or technology and entered into under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, and oil purchases related to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve)
18. Department of Health and Human Services

19. Department of Housing and Urban Development
20. Department of the Interior, including the Bureau of Reclamation
21. Department of Justice
22. Department of Labor
23. Department of State
24. Department of Transportation (Not including the Federal Aviation Administration)
25. Department of the Treasury
26. Department of Veterans Affairs
27. Environmental Protection Agency
28. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
29. Executive Office of the President
30. Export-Import Bank of the United States
31. Farm Credit Administration
32. Federal Communications Commission
33. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
34. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
35. Federal Election Commission
36. Federal Emergency Management Agency
37. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
38. Federal Housing Finance Board
39. Federal Maritime Commission
40. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
41. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
42. Federal Prison Industries, Inc.
43. Federal Reserve System
44. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
45. Federal Trade Commission
46. General Services Administration (Not including Federal Supply Groups 51 and 52 and Federal Supply Class 7340).
47. Government National Mortgage Association
48. Holocaust Memorial Council
49. Inter-American Foundation
50. Merit Systems Protection Board
51.National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
52. National Archives and Records Administration
53. National Capital Planning Commission
54. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science
55. National Council on Disability
56. National Credit Union Administration
57. National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities
58. National Labor Relations Board
59. National Mediation Board
60. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
61. National Science Foundation
62. National Transportation Safety Board
63. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
64. Office of Government Ethics
65. Office of the Nuclear Waste Negotiator
66. Office of Personnel Management
67. Office of Special Counsel
68. Office of Thrift Supervision
69. Overseas Private Investment Corporation
70. Peace Corps
71. Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
72. Railroad Retirement Board
73. Securities and Exchange Commission
74. Selective Service System
75. Small Business Administration
76. Smithsonian Institution
77. Susquehanna River Basin Commission
78. United States Agency for International Development
79. United States International Trade Commission

Schedule of the United States
1. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
2. African Development Foundation
3. Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System
4. American Battle Monuments Commission
5. Appalachian Regional Commission
Broadcasting Board of Governors
. Commission of Fine Arts
. Commission on Civil Rights
8. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
9. Consumer Product Safety Commission
10. Corporation for National and Community Service
12. Delaware River Basin Commission
13. Department of Agriculture1
1. Department of Agriculture: This Chapter does not cover the procurement of agricultural goods made in furtherance of agricultural support programs or human feeding programs.
14. Department of Commerce2
2. Department of Commerce: This Chapter does not cover shipbuilding activities of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

15. Department of Defense3
3. Department of Defense: This Chapter does not cover the procurement of the goods listed below. (For complete listing of U.S. Federal Supply Classification, see
(a) FSC 11 Nuclear Ordnance
FSC 18 Space Vehicles
FSC 19 Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons, and Floating Docks (the part of this classification defined as naval vessels or major components of the hull or superstructure thereof)
FSC 20
Ship and Marine Equipment (the part of this classification defined as naval vessels or major components of the hull or superstructure thereof)
FSC 2310 Passenger Motor Vehicles (only Buses)

FSC 2350 Combat, Assault & Tactical Vehicles, Tracked
FSC 5l Hand Tools
FSC 52 Measuring Tools
FSC 60 Fiber Optics Materials, Components, Assemblies, and
FSC 8140 Ammunition & Nuclear Ordnance Boxes, Packages & Special Containers
FSC 83 Textiles, Leather, Furs, Apparel, Shoes, Tents, and Flags (all elements other than pins, needles, sewing kits, flagstaffs, flagpoles and flagstaff trucks)

FSC 84 Clothing, Individual Equipment, and Insignia (all elements other than sub-class 8460 - luggage)
FSC 89 Subsistence (all elements other than sub-class 8975 � tobacco products)




(b) �Specialty metals,� defined as steels melted in steel manufacturing facilities located in the United States or its possessions, where the maximum alloy content exceeds one or more of the following limits, must be used in products purchased by
the Department of Defense:
(1) manganese, 1.65 percent; silicon, 0.60 percent; or copper, 0.60 percent; or which contains more than 0.25 percent of any of the following elements: aluminum, chromium, cobalt, columbium, molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungsten or vanadium;

(2) metal alloys consisting of nickel, iron-nickel and cobalt base alloys containing a total of other alloying metals (except iron) in excess of 10 per cent;
(3) titanium and titanium alloys; or
(4) zirconium base alloys; and

c) The goods in the following FSC categories are not generally covered by this Chapter due to application of Article 21.2 (Essential Security):
FSC 10 Weapons
FSC 12 Fire Control Equipment
FSC 13 Ammunitions and Explosives
FSC 14 Guided Missiles
FSC 15 Aircraft and Airframe Structural Components
FSC 16 Aircraft Components and Accessories
FSC 17 Aircraft Launching, Landing, and Ground Handling Equipment
FSC 19 Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons, and Floating Docks
FSC 20 Ship and Marine Equipment
FSC 28 Engines, Turbines, and Components
FSC 31 Bearings
FSC 58 Communications, Detection, and Coherent Radiation
FSC 59 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components
FSC 95 Metal Bars, Sheets, and Shapes
16. Department of Education
17. Department of Energy4

4. Department of Energy: This Chapter does not cover national security procurements made in support of safeguarding nuclear materials or technology and entered into under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, or oil purchases related to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

18. Department of Health and Human Services
19. Department of Homeland Security5

5. Department of Homeland Security:

(a) This Chapter does not cover procurement by the Transportation Security Administration.

(b) The national security considerations applicable to the Department of Defense are equally applicable to the U.S. Coast Guard.

20. Department of Housing and Urban Development
21. Department of the Interior, including the Bureau of Reclamation
22. Department of Justice
23. Department of Labor
24. Department of State
25. Department of Transportation6
6. Department of Transportation: This Chapter does not cover procurement by the Federal Aviation Administration.

26. Department of the Treasury
27. Department of Veterans Affairs
28. Environmental Protection Agency
29. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
30. Executive Office of the President
31. Export-Import Bank of the United States
32. Farm Credit Administration
33. Federal Communications Commission
34. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
35. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
36. Federal Election Commission

37. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

38. Federal Housing Finance Board
39. Federal Maritime Commission
40. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
41. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
42. Federal Prison Industries, Inc.
43. Federal Reserve System
44. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
45. Federal Trade Commission
46. General Services Administration7
7. General Services Administration: This Chapter does not cover the
procurement of the goods in the following FSC categories:
Annex 9.1.2(b)(i)-10
5l Hand Tools
52 Measuring Tools
7340 Cutlery and Flatware

47. Government National Mortgage Association
48. Holocaust Memorial Council
49. Inter-American Foundation
50. Merit Systems Protection Board
51. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
52. National Archives and Records Administration
53. National Capital Planning Commission
54. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science
55. National Council on Disability
56. National Credit Union Administration
57. National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities
58. National Labor Relations Board
59. National Mediation Board
62. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
60. National Science Foundation
61. National Transportation Safety Board
63. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
64. Office of Government Ethics
65. Office of the Nuclear Waste Negotiator
66. Office of Personnel Management
67. Office of the Special Counsel
68. Office of Thrift Supervision
69. Overseas Private Investment Corporation
71. Peace Corps
70. Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
72. Railroad Retirement Board
73. Securities and Exchange Commission
74. Selective Service System
75. Small Business Administration
76. Smithsonian Institution
77. Susquehanna River Basin Commission
78. United States Agency for International Development
79. United States International Trade Commission

Section B:
Sub-Central Level Government Entities
Section B:
Sub-Central Level Government Entities
This Agreement applies to procurement by the Sub-Central Level Government Entities listed in this Section where the value of the procurement is estimated, in accordance with Section G, to equal or exceed the following relevant threshold.

1. This Chapter applies to the entities of the sub-central level of government listed in each Party�s Schedule to this Section where the value of the procurement is estimated, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section H, to equal or exceed:
(To be adjusted according to the formula in Section G, paragraph 3) For procurement of goods and services: $460,000

For procurement of construction services: $6,481,000

(a) for procurement of goods and services:

(i) US$477,000; or

(ii) in the case of the Central American Parties and the Dominican Republic, for the three-year period

following the date of entry into force of this Agreement, US$650,000; and

(b) for procurement of construction services:

(i) US$6,725,000; or

(ii) in the case of the Central American Parties and the Dominican Republic, for the three-year period following the date of entry into force of this Agreement, US$8,000,000. The monetary thresholds set out in subparagraphs (a)(i) and (b)(i) shall be adjusted in accordance with Section H of this Annex.

2. This Chapter only applies to the entities listed in each Party�s Schedule in this Section.

Schedule of Chile
1. Municipalidad de Arica
2. Municipalidad de Iquique
3. Municipalidad de Pozo Almonte
4. Municipalidad de Pica
5. Municipalidad de Huara
6. Municipalidad de Camarones
7. Municipalidad de Putre
8. Municipalidad de General Lagos

9. Municipalidad de Cami�a
10. Municipalidad de Colchane
11. Municipalidad de Tocopilla
12. Municipalidad de Antofagasta
13. Municipalidad de Mejillones
14. Municipalidad de Taltal
15. Municipalidad de Calama
16. Municipalidad de Ollag�e
17. Municipalidad de Maria Elena
18. Municipalidad de San Pedro De Atacama
19. Municipalidad de Sierra Gorda
20. Municipalidad de Copiap�
21. Municipalidad de Caldera
22. Municipalidad de Tierra Amarilla
23. Municipalidad de Cha�aral
24. Municipalidad de Diego De Almagro
25. Municipalidad de Vallenar
26. Municipalidad de Freirina
27. Municipalidad de Huasco
28. Municipalidad de Alto Del Carmen
29. Municipalidad de La Serena
30. Municipalidad de La Higuera
31. Municipalidad de Vicu�a
32. Municipalidad de Paihuano
33. Municipalidad de Coquimbo
34. Municipalidad de Andacollo
35. Municipalidad de Ovalle
36. Municipalidad de R�o Hurtado
37. Municipalidad de Monte Patria
38. Municipalidad de Punitaqui
39. Municipalidad de Combarbal�
40. Municipalidad de Illapel
41. Municipalidad de Salamanca
42. Municipalidad de Los Vilos
43. Municipalidad de Canela
44. Municipalidad de Valpara�so
45. Municipalidad de Vi�a Del Mar
46. Municipalidad de Quilpue
47. Municipalidad de Villa Alemana
48. Municipalidad de Casablanca
49. Municipalidad de Quintero
50. Municipalidad de Puchuncav�
51. Municipalidad de Quillota
52. Municipalidad de La Calera
53. Municipalidad de La Cruz
54. Municipalidad de Hijuelas
55. Municipalidad de Nogales
56. Municipalidad de Limache
57. Municipalidad de Olmu�
58. Municipalidad de Isla De Pascua
59. Municipalidad de San Antonio
60. Municipalidad de Santo Domingo
61. Municipalidad de Cartagena
62. Municipalidad de El Tabo
63. Municipalidad de El Quisco
64. Municipalidad de Algarrobo
65. Municipalidad de San Felipe
66. Municipalidad de Santa Mar�a
67. Municipalidad de Putaendo
68. Municipalidad de Catemu
69. Municipalidad de Panquehue
70. Municipalidad de Llay - Llay
71. Municipalidad de Los Andes
72. Municipalidad de San Esteban
73. Municipalidad de Calle Larga
74. Municipalidad de Rinconada
75. Municipalidad de La Ligua
76. Municipalidad de Cabildo
77. Municipalidad de Petorca
78. Municipalidad de Papudo
79. Municipalidad de Zapallar
80. Municipalidad de Juan Fern�ndez
81. Municipalidad de Con - Con
82. Municipalidad de Buin
83. Municipalidad de Calera De Tango
84. Municipalidad de Colina
85. Municipalidad de Curacav�
86. Municipalidad de El Monte
87. Municipalidad de Isla De Maipo
88. Municipalidad de Pudahuel
89. Municipalidad de La Cisterna
90. Municipalidad de Las Condes
91. Municipalidad de La Florida
92. Municipalidad de La Granja
93. Municipalidad de Lampa
94. Municipalidad de Conchal�
95. Municipalidad de La Reina
96. Municipalidad de Maip�
97. Municipalidad de Estaci�n Central
98. Municipalidad de Melipilla
99. Municipalidad de �u�oa
100. Municipalidad de Paine
101. Municipalidad de Pe�aflor
102. Municipalidad de Pirque
103. Municipalidad de Providencia
104. Municipalidad de Puente Alto
105. Municipalidad de Quilicura
106. Municipalidad de Quinta Normal
107. Municipalidad de Renca
108. Municipalidad de San Bernardo
109. Municipalidad de San Jos� De Maipo
110. Municipalidad de San Miguel
111. Municipalidad de Santiago
112. Municipalidad de Talagante
113. Municipalidad de Til Til
114. Municipalidad de Alhu�
115. Municipalidad de San Pedro
116. Municipalidad de Maria Pinto
117. Municipalidad de San Ram�n
118. Municipalidad de La Pintana
119. Municipalidad de Macul
120. Municipalidad de Pe�alolen
121. Municipalidad de Lo Prado
122. Municipalidad de Cerro Navia
123. Municipalidad de San Joaqu�n
124. Municipalidad de Cerrillos
125. Municipalidad de El Bosque
126. Municipalidad de Recoleta
127. Municipalidad de Vitacura
128. Municipalidad de Lo Espejo
129. Municipalidad de Lo Barnechea
130. Municipalidad de Independencia
131. Municipalidad de Pedro Aguirre Cerda
132. Municipalidad de Huechuraba
133. Municipalidad de Padre Hurtado
134. Municipalidad de Rancagua
135. Municipalidad de Machal�
136. Municipalidad de Graneros
137. Municipalidad de Codegua
138. Municipalidad de Mostazal
139. Municipalidad de Peumo
140. Municipalidad de Las Cabras
141. Municipalidad de San Vicente
142. Municipalidad de Pichidegua
143. Municipalidad de Do�ihue
144. Municipalidad de Coltauco
145. Municipalidad de Rengo
146. Municipalidad de Quinta De Tilcoco
147. Municipalidad de Requ�noa
148. Municipalidad de Olivar
149. Municipalidad de Coinco
150. Municipalidad de Malloa
151. Municipalidad de San Fernando
152. Municipalidad de Chimbarongo
153. Municipalidad de Nancagua
154. Municipalidad de Placilla
155. Municipalidad de Santa Cruz
156. Municipalidad de Lolol
157. Municipalidad de Ch�pica
158. Municipalidad de Pumanque
159. Municipalidad de Paredones
160. Municipalidad de Palmilla
161. Municipalidad de Litueche
162. Municipalidad de Pichilemu
163. Municipalidad de Marchihue
164. Municipalidad de La Estrella
165. Municipalidad de Navidad
166. Municipalidad de Peralillo
167. Municipalidad de Curic�
168. Municipalidad de Romeral
169. Municipalidad de Teno
170. Municipalidad de Rauco
171. Municipalidad de Licant�n
172. Municipalidad de Vichuqu�n
173. Municipalidad de Huala��
174. Municipalidad de Molina
175. Municipalidad de Sagrada Familia
176. Municipalidad de Talca
177. Municipalidad de San Clemente
178. Municipalidad de Pelarco
179. Municipalidad de R�o Claro
180. Municipalidad de Pencahue
181. Municipalidad de Maule
182. Municipalidad de Curepto
183. Municipalidad de Constituci�n
184. Municipalidad de Empedrado
185. Municipalidad de San Javier
186. Municipalidad de Linares
187. Municipalidad de Yerbas Buenas
188. Municipalidad de Colb�n
189. Municipalidad de Longav�
190. Municipalidad de Parral
191. Municipalidad de Retiro
192. Municipalidad de Chanco
193. Municipalidad de Cauquenes
194. Municipalidad de Villa Alegre
195. Municipalidad de Pelluhue
196. Municipalidad de San Rafael
197. Municipalidad de Chill�n
198. Municipalidad de Pinto
199. Municipalidad de Coihueco
200. Municipalidad de Ranquil
201. Municipalidad de Coelemu
202. Municipalidad de Quirihue
203. Municipalidad de Ninhue
204. Municipalidad de Portezuelo
205. Municipalidad de Trehuaco
206. Municipalidad de Cobquecura
207. Municipalidad de San Carlos
208. Municipalidad de �iqu�n
209. Municipalidad de San Fabi�n
210. Municipalidad de San Nicol�s
211. Municipalidad de Bulnes
212. Municipalidad de San Ignacio
213. Municipalidad de Quill�n
214. Municipalidad de Yungay
215. Municipalidad de Pemuco
216. Municipalidad de El Carmen
217. Municipalidad de Concepci�n
218. Municipalidad de Penco
219. Municipalidad de Hualqui
220. Municipalidad de Florida
221. Municipalidad de Tom�
222. Municipalidad de Talcahuano
223. Municipalidad de Coronel
224. Municipalidad de Lota
225. Municipalidad de Santa Juana
226. Municipalidad de Lebu
227. Municipalidad de Los Alamos
228. Municipalidad de Arauco
229. Municipalidad de Curanilahue
230. Municipalidad de Ca�ete
231. Municipalidad de Contulmo
232. Municipalidad de Tir�a
233. Municipalidad de Los Angeles
234. Municipalidad de Santa B�rbara
235. Municipalidad de Laja
236. Municipalidad de Quilleco
237. Municipalidad de Nacimiento
238. Municipalidad de Negrete
239. Municipalidad de Mulch�n
240. Municipalidad de Quilaco
241. Municipalidad de Yumbel
242. Municipalidad de Cabrero
243. Municipalidad de San Rosendo
244. Municipalidad de Tucapel
245. Municipalidad de Antuco
246. Municipalidad de Chill�n Viejo
247. Municipalidad de San Pedro De La Paz
248. Municipalidad de Chiguayante
249. Municipalidad de Angol
250. Municipalidad de Pur�n
251. Municipalidad de Los Sauces
252. Municipalidad de Renaico
253. Municipalidad de Collipulli
254. Municipalidad de Ercilla
255. Municipalidad de Traigu�n
256. Municipalidad de Lumaco
257. Municipalidad de Victoria
258. Municipalidad de Curacaut�n
259. Municipalidad de Lonquimay
260. Municipalidad de Temuco
261. Municipalidad de Vilc�n
262. Municipalidad de Freire
263. Municipalidad de Cunco
264. Municipalidad de Lautaro
265. Municipalidad de Perquenco
266. Municipalidad de Galvarino
267. Municipalidad de Nueva Imperial
268. Municipalidad de Carahue
269. Municipalidad de Saavedra
270. Municipalidad de Pitrufqu�n
271. Municipalidad de Gorbea
272. Municipalidad de Tolt�n
273. Municipalidad de Loncoche
274. Municipalidad de Villarrica
275. Municipalidad de Puc�n
276. Municipalidad de Melipeuco
277. Municipalidad de Curarrehue
278. Municipalidad de Teodoro Schmidt
279. Municipalidad de Padre De Las Casas
280. Municipalidad de Valdivia
281. Municipalidad de Corral
282. Municipalidad de Mariquina
283. Municipalidad de Mafil
284. Municipalidad de Lanco
285. Municipalidad de Los Lagos
286. Municipalidad de Futrono
287. Municipalidad de Panguipulli
288. Municipalidad de La Uni�n
289. Municipalidad de Paillaco
290. Municipalidad de R�o Bueno
291. Municipalidad de Lago Ranco
292. Municipalidad de Osorno
293. Municipalidad de Puyehue
294. Municipalidad de San Pablo
295. Municipalidad de Puerto Octay
296. Municipalidad de R�o Negro
297. Municipalidad de Purranque
298. Municipalidad de Puerto Montt
299. Municipalidad de Calbuco
300. Municipalidad de Puerto Varas
301. Municipalidad de Llanquihue
302. Municipalidad de Fresia
303. Municipalidad de Frutillar
304. Municipalidad de Maull�n
305. Municipalidad de Los Muermos
306. Municipalidad de Ancud
307. Municipalidad de Quemchi
308. Municipalidad de Dalcahue
309. Municipalidad de Castro
310. Municipalidad de Chonchi
311. Municipalidad de Queil�n
312. Municipalidad de Quell�n
313. Municipalidad de Puqueld�n
314. Municipalidad de Quinchao
315. Municipalidad de Curaco De Velez
316. Municipalidad de Chait�n
317. Municipalidad de Palena
318. Municipalidad de Futaleuf�
319. Municipalidad de San Juan De La Costa
320. Municipalidad de Cochamo
321. Municipalidad de Hualaihue
322. Municipalidad de Ays�n
323. Municipalidad de Cisnes
324. Municipalidad de Coyhaique
325. Municipalidad de Chile Chico
326. Municipalidad de Cochrane
327. Municipalidad de Lago Verde
328. Municipalidad de Guaitecas
329. Municipalidad de R�o Iba�ez
330. Municipalidad de O�higgins
331. Municipalidad de Tortel
332. Municipalidad de Punta Arenas
333. Municipalidad de Puerto Natales
334. Municipalidad de Porvenir
335. Municipalidad de Torres Del Paine
336. Municipalidad de Rio Verde
337. Municipalidad de Laguna Blanca
338. Municipalidad de San Gregorio
339. Municipalidad de Primavera
340. Municipalidad de Timaukel
341. Municipalidad de Navarino



Schedule of Costa Rica
Municipalidad de Abangares
2. Municipalidad de Acosta
3. Municipalidad de Aguirre
4. Municipalidad de Alajuela
5. Municipalidad de Alajuelita
6. Municipalidad de Alfaro Ruiz
7. Municipalidad de Alvarado
8. Municipalidad de Aserr�
9. Municipalidad de Atenas
10. Municipalidad de Bagaces
11. Municipalidad de Barba
12. Municipalidad de Bel�n
13. Municipalidad de Buenos Aires
14. Municipalidad de Ca�as
15. Municipalidad de Carrillo
16. Municipalidad de Cartago
17. Municipalidad de Corredores
18. Municipalidad de Coto Brus
19. Municipalidad de Curridabat
20. Municipalidad de Desamparados
21. Municipalidad de Dota
22. Municipalidad de El Guarco
23. Municipalidad de Escaz�
24. Municipalidad de Esparza
25. Municipalidad de Flores
26. Municipalidad de Garabito
27. Municipalidad de Goicoechea
28. Municipalidad de Golfito
29. Municipalidad de Grecia
30. Municipalidad de Gu�cimo
31. Municipalidad de Guatuso
32. Municipalidad de Heredia
33. Municipalidad de Hojancha
34. Municipalidad de Jim�nez
35. Municipalidad de La Cruz
36. Municipalidad de La Uni�n
37. Municipalidad de Le�n Cort�s
38. Municipalidad de Liberia
39. Municipalidad de Lim�n
40. Municipalidad de Los Chiles
41. Municipalidad de Matina
42. Municipalidad de Montes de Oca
43. Municipalidad de Montes de Oro
44. Municipalidad de Mora
45. Municipalidad de Moravia
46. Municipalidad de Nandayure
47. Municipalidad de Naranjo
48. Municipalidad de Nicoya
49. Municipalidad de Oreamuno
50. Municipalidad de Orotina
51. Municipalidad de Osa
52. Municipalidad de Palmares
53. Municipalidad de Para�so
54. Municipalidad de Parrita
55. Municipalidad de P�rez Zeled�n
56. Municipalidad de Po�s
57. Municipalidad de Pococ�
58. Municipalidad de Puntarenas
59. Municipalidad de Puriscal
60. Municipalidad de San Carlos
61. Municipalidad de San Isidro
62. Municipalidad de San Jos�
63. Municipalidad de San Mateo
64. Municipalidad de San Pablo
65. Municipalidad de San Rafael
66. Municipalidad de San Ram�n
67. Municipalidad de Santa Ana
68. Municipalidad de Santa B�rbara
69. Municipalidad de Santa Cruz
70. Municipalidad de Santo Domingo
71. Municipalidad de Sarapiqu�
72. Municipalidad de Siquirres
73. Municipalidad de Talamanca
74. Municipalidad de Tarraz�
75. Municipalidad de Tib�s
76. Municipalidad de Tilar�n
77. Municipalidad de Turrialba
78. Municipalidad de Turr�bares
79. Municipalidad de Upala
80. Municipalidad de Valverde Vega
81. Municipalidad de V�squez de Coronado

Schedule of the Dominican Republic

1. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Azua

2. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Bahoruco
3. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Barahona
4. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Dajab�n
5. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Duarte
6. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de El�as Pi�a
7. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de El Seybo
Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Espaillat
9. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Hato Mayor
10. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Independencia
11. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de La Altagracia
12. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de La Romana
13. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de La Vega
14. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Mar�a Trinidad S�nchez
15. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Monse�or Nouel
16. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Montecristi
17. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Monte Plata
18. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Ocoa
19. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Pedernales
20. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Peravia
21. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Puerto Plata
22. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Salcedo
23. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Saman�
24. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de S�nchez Ram�rez
25. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de San Crist�bal
26. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de San Juan
27. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de San Pedro de Macor�s
28. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Santiago
29. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Santiago Rodr�guez
30. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Santo Domingo
31. Gobernaci�n de la Provincia de Valverde

Schedule of El Salvador

1. Municipalidad de San Salvador
2. Municipalidad de Mejicanos
3. Municipalidad de Ilopango
4. Municipalidad de Santiago Texacuangos
5. Municipalidad de Santa Ana
6. Municipalidad de Sesori
7. Municipalidad de Nueva Guadalupe
8. Municipalidad de Santa Tecla
9. Municipalidad de Ciudad Arce
10. Municipalidad de Santa Elena
11. Municipalidad de San Agust�n
12. Municipalidad de Estanzuelas
13. Municipalidad de Mercedes Uma�a
14. Municipalidad de Alegr�a
15. Municipalidad de Nueva Granada
16. Municipalidad de Sonsonate
17. Municipalidad de Acajutla
18. Municipalidad de San Juli�n
19. Municipalidad de La Uni�n
20. Municipalidad de San Alejo
21. Municipalidad de Conchagua
22. Municipalidad de Bol�var
23. Municipalidad de San Rafael Obrajuelo
24. Municipalidad de Tejutla
25. Municipalidad de La Reina

Schedule of Guatemala

Municipalidades Departamento de Guatemala
1. Fraijanes
2. San Juan Sacatep�quez
3. San Pedro Sacatep�quez
4. San Raymundo
5. San Pedro Ayampuc
6. Chinautla
7. Santa Catarina Pinula
8. Guatemala
9. Mixco
10. Villa Nueva
This Chapter does not cover procurement of construction services by entities of Departamento de Guatemala.
Municipalidades Departamento de Quetzaltenango
11. Quetzaltenango
12. Coatepeque
Municipalidades Departamento de Escuintla
13. Chiquimulilla
14. Santa Luc�a Cotzumalguapa
15. Escuintla
16. Puerto de San Jos�
Municipalidades Departamento de Zacapa
17. Zacapa
18. R�o Hondo
19. Teculut�n
Municipalidades Departamento de Chiquimula
20. Chiquimula
Municipalidades Departamento de El Quich�
21. Santa Cruz del Quich�
Municipalidades Departamento de El Pet�n
22. Flores
23. San Benito
Municipalidades Departamento de El Progreso
24. Guastatoya
Municipalidades Departamento de Izabal
25. Puerto Barrios
Municipalidades Departamento de Huehuetenango
26. Huehuetenango
Municipalidades Departamento de Jalapa
27. Jalapa Municipalidades Departamento de Jutiapa
28. Jutiapa Municipalidades Departamento de Alta Verapaz
29. Cob�n Municipalidades Departamento de Baja Verapaz
30. Salam�

Schedule of Honduras
1. Municipalidad de La Ceiba, Atl�ntida
2. Municipalidad de El Porvenir, Atl�ntida
Annex 9.1.2(b)(i)-16
3. Municipalidad de Esparta, Atl�ntida
4. Municipalidad de Jutiapa, Atl�ntida
5. Municipalidad de La Masica, Atl�ntida
6. Municipalidad de San Francisco, Atl�ntida
7. Municipalidad de Tela, Atl�ntida
8. Municipalidad de Arizona, Atl�ntida
9. Municipalidad de Balfate, Col�n
10. Municipalidad de Iriona, Col�n
11. Municipalidad de Lim�n, Col�n
12. Municipalidad de Sab�, Col�n
13. Municipalidad de Santa Fe, Col�n
14. Municipalidad de Santa Rosa de Agu�n, Col�n
15. Municipalidad de Sonaguera, Col�n
16. Municipalidad de Tocoa, Col�n
17. Municipalidad de Bonito Oriental, Col�n
18. Municipalidad de Comayagua, Comayagua
19. Municipalidad de Ajuterique, Comayagua
20. Municipalidad de El Rosario, Comayagua
21. Municipalidad de Esqu�as, Comayagua
22. Municipalidad de Humuya, Comayagua
23. Municipalidad de La Libertad, Comayagua
24. Municipalidad de Laman�, Comayagua
25. Municipalidad de Lejaman�, Comayagua
26. Municipalidad de La Trinidad, Comayagua
27. Municipalidad de Me�mbar, Comayagua
28. Municipalidad de Minas de Oro, Comayagua
29. Municipalidad de Ojos de Agua, Comayagua
30. Municipalidad de San Jer�nimo, Comayagua
31. Municipalidad de San Jos� de Comayagua, Comayagua
32. Municipalidad de San Jos� del Potrero, Comayagua
33. Municipalidad de San Luis, Comayagua
34. Municipalidad de San Sebasti�n, Comayagua
35. Municipalidad de Siguatepeque, Comayagua
36. Municipalidad de Villa de San Antonio, Comayagua
37. Municipalidad de Las Lajas, Comayagua
38. Municipalidad de Taulab�, Comayagua
39. Municipalidad de Santa Rosa de Cop�n, Cop�n
40. Municipalidad de Caba�as, Cop�n
41. Municipalidad de Concepci�n, Cop�n
42. Municipalidad de Corqu�n, Cop�n
43. Municipalidad de Cucuyagua, Cop�n
44. Municipalidad de Dolores, Cop�n
45. Municipalidad de Dulce Nombre, Cop�n
46. Municipalidad de El Para�so, Cop�n
47. Municipalidad de Florida, Cop�n
48. Municipalidad de La Jigua, Cop�n
49. Municipalidad de La Uni�n, Cop�n
50. Municipalidad de Nueva Arcadia (La Entrada), Cop�n
51. Municipalidad de San Agust�n, Cop�n
52. Municipalidad de San Antonio de Cop�n, Cop�n
53. Municipalidad de San Jer�nimo, Cop�n
54. Municipalidad de San Jos�, Cop�n
55. Municipalidad de San Juan de Opoa, Cop�n
56. Municipalidad de San Nicol�s, Cop�n
57. Municipalidad de San Pedro, Cop�n
58. Municipalidad de Santa Rita, Cop�n
59. Municipalidad de Trinidad, Cop�n
60. Municipalidad de Veracruz, Cop�n
61. Municipalidad de Choloma, Cort�s
62. Municipalidad de Omoa, Cort�s
63. Municipalidad de Pimienta, Cort�s
64. Municipalidad de Potrerillos, Cort�s
65. Municipalidad de Puerto Cort�s, Cort�s
66. Municipalidad de San Antonio de Cort�s, Cort�s
67. Municipalidad de San Francisco de Yojoa, Cort�s
68. Municipalidad de San Manuel, Cort�s
69. Municipalidad de Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cort�s
70. Municipalidad de Villanueva, Cort�s
71. Municipalidad de La Lima, Cort�s
72. Municipalidad de Choluteca, Choluteca
73. Municipalidad de Apacilagua, Choluteca
74. Municipalidad de Concepci�n de Mar�a, Choluteca
75. Municipalidad de Duyure, Choluteca
76. Municipalidad de El Corpus, Choluteca
77. Municipalidad de El Triunfo, Choluteca
78. Municipalidad de Marcovia, Choluteca
79. Municipalidad de Morolica, Choluteca
80. Municipalidad de Namasigue, Choluteca
81. Municipalidad de Orocuina, Choluteca
82. Municipalidad de Pespire, Choluteca
83. Municipalidad de San Antonio de Flores, Choluteca
84. Municipalidad de San Isidro, Choluteca
85. Municipalidad de San Jos�, Choluteca
86. Municipalidad de San Marcos de Col�n, Choluteca
87. Municipalidad de Santa Ana de Yusguare, Choluteca
88. Municipalidad de Alauca, El Para�so
89. Municipalidad de Danl�, El Para�so
90. Municipalidad de El Para�so, El Para�so
91. Municipalidad de Guinope, El Para�so
92. Municipalidad de Jacaleapa, El Para�so
93. Municipalidad de Liure, El Para�so
94. Municipalidad de Morocel�, El Para�so
95. Municipalidad de Oropol�, El Para�so
96. Municipalidad de Potrerillos, El Para�so
97. Municipalidad de San Antonio de Flores, El Para�so
98. Municipalidad de San Lucas, El Para�so
99. Municipalidad de San Mat�as, El Para�so
100. Municipalidad de Soledad, El Para�so
101. Municipalidad de Teupasenti, El Para�so
102. Municipalidad de Tex�guat, El Para�so
103. Municipalidad de Vado Ancho, El Para�so
104. Municipalidad de Yauyupe, El Para�so
105. Municipalidad de Trojes, El Para�so
106. Municipalidad de Alubar�n, Francisco Moraz�n
107. Municipalidad de Cedros, Francisco Moraz�n
108. Municipalidad de Curar�n, Francisco Moraz�n
109. Municipalidad de El Porvenir, Francisco Moraz�n
110. Municipalidad de Guaimaca, Francisco Moraz�n
111. Municipalidad de La Libertad, Francisco Moraz�n
112. Municipalidad de La Venta, Francisco Moraz�n
113. Municipalidad de Lepaterique, Francisco Moraz�n
114. Municipalidad de Maraita, Francisco Moraz�n
115. Municipalidad de Marale, Francisco Moraz�n
116. Municipalidad de Nueva Armenia, Francisco Moraz�n
117. Municipalidad de Ojojona, Francisco Moraz�n
118. Municipalidad de Orica, Francisco Moraz�n
119. Municipalidad de Reitoca, Francisco Moraz�n
120. Municipalidad de Sabanagrande, Francisco Moraz�n
121. Municipalidad de San Antonio de Oriente, Francisco Moraz�n
122. Municipalidad de San Buenaventura, Francisco Moraz�n
123. Municipalidad de San Ignacio, Francisco Moraz�n
124. Municipalidad de San Juan de Flores, Francisco Moraz�n
125. Municipalidad de San Miguelito, Francisco Moraz�n
126. Municipalidad de Santa Ana, Francisco Moraz�n
127. Municipalidad de Santa Luc�a, Francisco Moraz�n
128. Municipalidad de Talanga, Francisco Moraz�n
129. Municipalidad de Tatumbla, Francisco Moraz�n
130. Municipalidad de Valle de Angeles, Francisco Moraz�n
131. Municipalidad de Villa de San Francisco, Francisco Moraz�n
132. Municipalidad de Vallecillo, Francisco Moraz�n
133. Municipalidad de Puerto Lempira, Gracias a Dios
134. Municipalidad de Brus Laguna, Gracias a Dios
135. Municipalidad de Ahuas, Gracias a Dios
136. Municipalidad de Juan Francisco Bulnes, Gracias a Dios
137. Municipalidad de Villeda Morales, Gracias a Dios
138. Municipalidad de Wampusirpi, Gracias a Dios
139. Municipalidad de La Esperanza, Intibuc�
140. Municipalidad de Camasca, Intibuc�
141. Municipalidad de Colomoncagua, Intibuc�
142. Municipalidad de Concepci�n, Intibuc�

Schedule of Nicaragua
1. Municipalidad de Altagracia
2. Municipalidad de Bel�n
3. Municipalidad de Boaco
4. Municipalidad de Buenos Aires
5. Municipalidad de C�rdenas
6. Municipalidad de Catarina
7. Municipalidad de Ciudad Antigua
8. Municipalidad de Ciudad Dar�o
9. Municipalidad de Ciudad Sandino
10. Municipalidad de Dipilto
11. Municipalidad de Dolores
12. Municipalidad de El Jicaral
13. Municipalidad de El J�caro
14. Municipalidad de El Rosario
15. Municipalidad de Esquipulas
16. Municipalidad de Jalapa
17. Municipalidad de Jinotega
18. Municipalidad de La Concepci�n
19. Municipalidad de La Concordia
20. Municipalidad de La Conquista
21. Municipalidad de La Paz de Carazo
22. Municipalidad de Macuelizo
23. Municipalidad de Matigu�s
24. Municipalidad de Moyogalpa
25. Municipalidad de Mozonte
26. Municipalidad de Murra
27. Municipalidad de Muy Muy
28. Municipalidad de Nandasmo
29. Municipalidad de Nindir�
30. Municipalidad de Niquinohomo
31. Municipalidad de Ocotal
32. Municipalidad de Palacag�ina
33. Municipalidad de Rancho Grande
34. Municipalidad de San Carlos
35. Municipalidad de San Dionisio
36. Municipalidad de San Fernando
37. Municipalidad de San Francisco del Norte
38. Municipalidad de San Isidro
39. Municipalidad de San Jorge
40. Municipalidad de San Jos� de Cusmapa
41. Municipalidad de San Jos� de los Remates
42. Municipalidad de San Lorenzo
43. Municipalidad de San Lucas
44. Municipalidad de San Ram�n
45. Municipalidad de Santa Luc�a
46. Municipalidad de Santa Mar�a
47. Municipalidad de Santa Rosa del Pe��n
48. Municipalidad de S�baco
49. Municipalidad de Telpaneca
50. Municipalidad de Terrabona
51. Municipalidad de Teustepe
52. Municipalidad de Ticuantepe
53. Municipalidad de Tisma
54. Municipalidad de Tola
55. Municipalidad de Totogalpa
56. Municipalidad de Tuma � La Dalia
57. Municipalidad de Wiwil�
58. Municipalidad de Yalag�ina
59. Municipalidad de Camoapa
60. Municipalidad de Diriamba
61. Municipalidad de El Castillo
62. Municipalidad de El Crucero
63. Municipalidad de El Sauce
64. Municipalidad de El Viejo
65. Municipalidad de Jinotepe
66. Municipalidad de La Paz Centro
67. Municipalidad de Larreynaga
68. Municipalidad de Le�n
69. Municipalidad de Managua
70. Municipalidad de Masatepe
71. Municipalidad de Masaya
72. Municipalidad de Matagalpa
73. Municipalidad de Mateare
74. Municipalidad de Nagarote
75. Municipalidad de Potos�
76. Municipalidad de R�o Blanco
77. Municipalidad de San Francisco Libre
78. Municipalidad de San Jos� de Achuapa
79. Municipalidad de San Juan de Oriente
80. Municipalidad de San Juan de R�o Coco
81. Municipalidad de San Juan del Norte
82. Municipalidad de San Marcos
83. Municipalidad de San Rafael del Sur
84. Municipalidad de Santa Teresa
85. Municipalidad de Somoto
86. Municipalidad de Telica
87. Municipalidad de Tipitapa
88. Municipalidad de Villa Carlos Fonseca

Schedule of the United States



Schedule of the United States

Unless otherwise specified, this Chapter covers procurement only by those entities listed in this schedule.

List A:
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua shall have access to procurement by the following sub-central level of government entities:

List B:
Honduras shall have access to procurement by the following sub-central level of government entities:


  1. Arkansas

Executive branch agencies, including universities but excluding the Office of Fish and Game and construction services


1. Arkansas LIST A & B
Executive branch agencies, including universities
This Chapter does not cover procurement by
the Office of Fish and Game or construction services.
  1. California

Executive branch agencies

  1. Colorado

Executive branch agencies

2. Colorado LIST A & B
Executive branch agencies
  1. Connecticut
Department of Administrative Services Connecticut
Department of Transportation Connecticut
Department of Public Works
Constituent Units of Higher Education
3. Connecticut LIST A & B
Department of Administrative Services
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Connecticut Department of Public Works
Constituent Units of Higher Education
  1. Delaware*
Administrative Services (Central Procurement Agency) State Universities State Colleges
4. Delaware**
Administrative Services (Central Procurement Agency)
State Universities
State Colleges
  1. Florida*
Executive branch agencies
5. Florida** LIST A & B
Executive branch agencies
  1. Hawaii
Department of Accounting and General Services (with the exception of procurements of software developed in the state and construction)
6. Hawaii
Department of Accounting and General Services
This Chapter does not cover procurement of software developed in the state or construction services.
  1. Idaho
Central Procurement Agency (including all colleges and universities subject to central purchasing oversight)
7. Idaho
Idaho Central Procurement Agency (including all colleges and universities subject to central purchasing oversight)
  1. Illinois*
Department of Central Management Services
  1. Iowa*
Department of General Services Department of Transportation Board of Regents� Institutions (universities)
  1. Kansas
Executive branch agencies, excluding construction services, automobiles and aircraft
  1. Kentucky
Division of Purchases, Finance and Administration Cabinet, excluding construction projects
8. Kentucky LIST A & B
Division of Purchases, Finance and Administration Cabinet. This Chapter does not cover procurement for construction projects.
  1. Louisiana
Executive branch agencies
9. Louisiana LIST A & B
Executive branch agencies
  1. Maine*
Department of Administrative and Financial Services
Bureau of General Services (covering state government agencies and school construction)
Maine Department of Transportation
  1. Maryland*
Office of the Treasury Department of the Environment
Department of General Services
Department of Housing and Community Development
Department of Human Resources
Department of Licensing and Regulation
Department of Natural Resources
Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
Department of Personnel Department of Transportation


10. Maryland** LIST A & B
Office of the Treasury
Department of the Environment
Department of General Services
Department of Housing and Community Development
Department of Human Resources
Department of Licensing and Regulation
Department of Natural Resources
Department of Personnel
Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
Department of Transportation
  1. Massachusetts
Executive Office for Administration and Finance
Executive Office of Communities and Development
Executive Office of Consumer Affairs
Executive Office of Economic Affairs
Executive Office of Education
Executive Office of Elder Affairs
Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
Executive Office of Health and Human Service
Executive Office of Labor
Executive Office of Public Safety
Executive Office of Transportation and Construction
  1. Michigan*
Department of Management and Budget
  1. Minnesota
Executive branch agencies


  1. Mississippi
Department of Finance and Administration (does not include services)
11. Mississippi LIST A & B
Department of Finance and Administration
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of services.
  1. Missouri
Office of Administration Division of Purchasing and Materials Management
  1. Montana
Executive branch agencies (only for services and construction)
  1. Nebraska
Central Procurement Agency
12. Nebraska LIST A & B
Central Procurement Agency
  1. New Hampshire*
Central Procurement Agency
13. New Hampshire** LIST A & B
Central Procurement Agency
  1. New York*
State agencies State university system Public authorities and public benefit corporations, with the exception of those entities with multi-state mandates. In addition to the exceptions noted at the end of this Section, transit cars, buses and related equipment are not covered.
14. New York** LIST A & B
State agencies
State university system
Public authorities and public benefit corporations
1. This Chapter does not cover public authorities and public benefit corporations with multistate mandates.
2. This Chapter does not cover the procurement of transit cars, buses, or related equipment.
  1. Oklahoma*
Office of Public Affairs and all state agencies and departments subject to the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, excluding construction services.
  1. Oregon
Department of Administrative Services
15. Oregon
Department of Administrative Services
  1. Pennsylvania*
Executive branch agencies, including: Governor�s Office
Department of the Auditor General Treasury Department
Department of Agriculture
Department of Banking
Pennsylvania Securities Commission
Department of Health
Department of Transportation
Insurance Department
Department of Aging
Department of Correction
Department of Labor and Industry
Department of Military Affairs
Office of Attorney General
Department of General Services
Department of Education
Public Utility Commission
Department of Revenue
Department of State Pennsylvania
State Police
Department of Public Welfare
Fish Commission
Game Commission
Department of Commerce
Board of Probation and Parole
Liquor Control Board
Milk Marketing Board
Lieutenant Governor�s Office
Department of Community Affairs
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
State Civil Service Commission
Pennsylvania Public Television Network
Department of Environmental Resources
State Tax Equalization Board
Department of Public Welfare
State Employees� Retirement System
Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board
Public School Employees� Retirement System
Pennsylvania Crime Commission Executive Offices
Department of State
Department of Justice
Department of the Treasury
Department of Economic Development and Commerce
Department of Labor and Human Resources
Department of Natural and Environmental Resources
Department of Consumer Affairs
Department of Sports and Recreation
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of construction services.
  1. Rhode Island
Executive branch agencies, excluding boats, automobiles, buses and related equipment
17. Rhode Island
Executive branch agencies. This Chapter does not cover the procurement of boats, automobiles, buses, or related equipment.
  1. South Dakota
Central Procuring Agency (including universities and penal institutions) In addition to the exceptions noted at the end of this Section, procurements of beef are not covered.
18. South Dakota LIST A & B
Central Procuring Agency (including universities and penal institutions). This Chapter does not cover the procurement of beef.
  1. Tennessee
Executive branch agencies (excluding services and construction)



  1. Texas
Texas Building and Procurement Commission
19. Texas LIST A & B
Texas Building and Procurement Commission.
This Chapter does not apply to preferences for: (1) motor vehicles; (2) travel agents located in Texas; and (3) rubberized asphalt paving made from scrap tires by a Texas facility.
  1. Utah
Executive branch agencies
20. Utah
Executive branch agencies
  1. Vermont
Executive branch agencies
21. Vermont LIST A & B
Executive branch agencies
  1. Washington
Washington State executive branch agencies, including: General Administration Department of Transportation State Universities
In addition to the exceptions noted at the end of this Section, procurements of fuel, paper products, boats, ships and vessels are not covered.
22. Washington LIST A & B
Washington State executive branch agencies, including:
General Administration
Department of Transportation
State Universities
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of fuel, paper products, boats, ships, or vessels.
  1. Wisconsin
Executive branch agencies, including:
Department of Administration
State Correctional Institutions
Department of Development
Educational Communications Board
Department of Employment Relations
State Historical Society
Department of Health and Social Services
Insurance Commissioner
Department of Justice
Lottery Board
Department of Natural Resources
Administration for Public Instruction
Racing Board
Department of Revenue
State Fair Park Board
Department of Transportation
State University System


  1. Wyoming*
Procurement Services Division Wyoming Department of Transportation University of Wyoming


23. Wyoming** LIST A & B
Procurement Services Division
Wyoming Department of Transportation
University of Wyoming
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of construction services.

S. Notes
1. For those states marked by an asterisk with pre-existing restrictions, the Chapter does not apply to procurement of construction-grade steel (including requirements on subcontracts), motor vehicles and coal.

2. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent any state entity from applying restrictions that promote the general environmental quality in that state, as long as such restrictions are not disguised barriers to international trade.
3. This Chapter shall not apply to any procurement made by a covered entity on behalf of non-covered entities at a different level of government.
4. This Chapter shall not apply to restrictions attached to Federal funds for mass transit and highway projects.
5. This Chapter shall not apply to State Government Entities� procurements of printing services.
6. This Chapter shall not apply to preferences or restrictions associated with programs administered by entities that promote the development of distressed areas and businesses owned by minorities, disabled veterans, and women.

Notes to the Schedule of the United States

1. For the states marked by an asterisk (*), indicating pre-existing restrictions, this Chapter does not cover the procurement of construction-grade steel (including requirements on subcontracts), motor vehicles, or coal.

3. Nothing in this Annex shall be construed to prevent any state entity from applying restrictions that promote the general environmental quality in that state, as long as such restrictions are not disguised barriers to international trade.
4. This Chapter does not cover any procurement made by a covered entity on behalf of non-covered entities at a different level of government.
5. This Chapter does not apply to restrictions attached to Federal funds for mass transit and highway projects.
6. This Chapter does not apply to the procurement of printing services.
2. This Chapter does not apply to preferences or restrictions associated with programs promoting the development of distressed areas, or businesses owned by minorities, disabled veterans, or women.

Section C:
Other Covered Entities
Section C:
Other Covered Entities
This Agreement applies to procurement by the Other Covered Entities listed in this Section where the value of the procurement is estimated, in accordance with Section G, to equal or exceed the following relevant threshold.

1. This Chapter applies to the other covered entities listed in each Party�s Schedule to this
Section where the value of the procurement is estimated, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section H, to equal or exceed:
For goods and services of List A Entities
(To be adjusted according to the formula in Section G, paragraph 2):$280,951
For goods and services of List B Entities
(To be adjusted according to the formula in Section G, paragraph 3):$518,000
For construction services of List A and List B Entities
(To be adjusted according to the formula in Section G, paragraph 3): $6,481,000

Schedule of Chile

List A:

1. Empresa Portuaria Arica
2. Empresa Portuaria Iquique
3. Empresa Portuaria Antofagasta
4. Empresa Portuaria Coquimbo
5. Empresa Portuaria Valpara�so
6. Empresa Portuaria San Antonio
7. Empresa Portuaria San Vicente-Talcahuano
8. Empresa Portuaria Puerto Montt
9. Empresa Portuaria Chacabuco
10. Empresa Portuaria Austral
11. Aeropuertos de propiedad del Estado, dependientes de la Direcci�n de Aeron�utica Civil

(a) for procurement of goods and services:

(i) of List A entities, US$250,000; or

(ii) of List B entities, US$538,000; and

(b) for procurement of construction services for List A and List B entities:

(i) US$6,725,000; or

(ii) in the case of the Central American Parties and the Dominican Republic, for the three-year period following the date of entry into force of this Agreement, US$8,000,000. The monetary thresholds set out in subparagraphs (a)(ii) and (b)(i) shall be adjusted in accordance with Section H of this Annex.
2. Unless otherwise specified, this Chapter covers only the entities listed in each Party�s
Schedule in this Section.

Schedule of Costa Rica

List A
1. Instituto Costarricense de Ferrocarriles � INCOFER
2. Instituto Costarricense de Puertos del Pac�fico � INCOP
3. Junta Administrativa de la Imprenta Nacional
4. Programa Integral de Mercadeo Agropecuario � PIMA
5. Autoridad Reguladora de los Servicios P�blicos � ARESEP
6. Banco Hipotecario de la Vivienda � BANHVI
7. Consejo de Transporte P�blico
8. Instituto Costarricense del Deporte y la Recreaci�n
9. Instituto Nacional de Fomento Cooperativo � INFOCOOP
10. Servicio Nacional de Aguas Subterr�neas, Riego y Avenamiento
11. Banco Central de Costa Rica1

1. Banco Central de Costa Rica: This Chapter does not cover the issuance of bills, coins, or tax stamps.

List B:

1. Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social2
. Caja Costarricense de Electricidad:
This Chapter does not cover procurement by goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco, textiles, apparel, and leather products) of the CPC, version 1.0.
2. Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad3

3. (a) The 40 day time limit set out in Article 9.5.1 shall not apply to the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (�ICE�). ICE shall provide suppliers sufficient
time to prepare and submit responsive tenders.
(b) Notwithstanding Article 9.15.6(a), ICE shall provide no less than three business days for suppliers to prepare and submit written challenges.
(c) On request of the United States, Costa Rica shall consult with regard to the implementation of time periods referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b).

Schedule of the Dominican Republic

List A:
1. Instituto Nacional de Formaci�n y Capacitaci�n Magisterial
2. Corporaci�n de Fomento Industrial
3. Instituto Nacional de la Uva
4. Instituto Agrario Dominicano
5. Instituto Dominicano del Az�car (INAZUCAR)
6. Centro de Exportaci�n e Inversi�n de la Rep�blica Dominicana
7. Instituto de Auxilios y Vivienda (INAVI)
8. Corporaci�n Dominicana de Empresas El�ctricas Estatales (CDEE)
9. Autoridad Portuaria Dominicana
10. C�mara de Cuentas de la Rep�blica Dominicana
11. Consejo Nacional de Zonas Francas de Exportaci�n
12. Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL)1
Junta Central Electoral
14. Superintendencia de Bancos
15. Banco Central de la Rep�blica Dominicana2

Notes to the Dominican Republic Schedule

1. Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL):
This Chapter does not apply to procurements of goods and services required for the implementation of special projects executed by the Fondo de Desarrollo de las Telecomunicaciones to implement the Pol�tica Social sobre Servicio Universal of the Dominican Republic pursuant to the Ley General de Telecomunicaciones No.153-98 and Reglamento del Fondo de Desarollo de las Telecomunicaciones.
2. Banco Central de la Rep�blica Dominicana:
This Chapter does not cover the issuance of  currency and coins.

Schedule of El Salvador

List A:
1. Consejo de Vigilancia de la Contadur�a P�blica
2. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog�a
3. Consejo Salvadore�o del Caf�
4. Consejo Superior de Salud P�blica
5. Corporaci�n Salvadore�a de Turismo
6. Federaci�n Salvadore�a de F�tbol
7. Feria Internacional de El Salvador
8. Fondo de Inversi�n Social de Desarrollo Local
9. Hogar de Ancianos �Narcisa Castillo,� Santa Ana
10. Hospital Nacional �Benjamin Bloom�
11. Hospital Nacional �Dr. Luis Edmundo V�squez,� Chalatenango
12. Hospital Nacional �Francisco Men�ndez,� Ahuachap�n
13. Hospital Nacional �Juan Jos� Fern�ndez� Zacamil
14. Hospital Nacional �San Juan de Dios,� San Miguel
15. Hospital Nacional �San Juan de Dios,� Santa Ana
16. Hospital Nacional �San Juan de Dios,� Sonsonate
17. Hospital Nacional �San Pedro,� Usulut�n
18. Hospital Nacional �San Rafael� Nueva San Salvador
19. Hospital Nacional �Santa Gertrudis,� San Vicente
20. Hospital Nacional �Santa Teresa� Zacatecoluca
21. Hospital Nacional de Ciudad Barrios
22. Hospital Nacional de Cojutepeque
23. Hospital Nacional de Ilobasco
24. Hospital Nacional de Jiquilisco
25. Hospital Nacional de La Uni�n
26. Hospital Nacional de Maternidad �Dr. Ra�l Arg�ello Escol�n�
27. Hospital Nacional de Metap�n
28. Hospital Nacional de Nueva Concepci�n
29. Hospital Nacional de Nueva Guadalupe
30. Hospital Nacional de San Francisco Gotera
31. Hospital Nacional de Santa Rosa de Lima
32. Hospital Nacional de Santiago de Mar�a
33. Hospital Nacional de Sensuntepeque
34. Hospital Nacional de Suchitoto
35. Hospital Nacional Neumol�gico �Dr. Jos� Antonio Salda�a�
36. Hospital Nacional Psiqui�trico �Dr. Jos� Molina Mart�nez�
37. Hospital Nacional San Bartolo
38. Instituto Nacional de los Deportes de El Salvador
39. Instituto Nacional de Pensiones de los Empleados P�blicos
40. Instituto Salvadore�o de Desarrollo de la Mujer
41. Instituto Salvadore�o de Desarrollo Municipal
42. Instituto Salvadore�o de Fomento Cooperativo
43. Instituto Salvadore�o de Formaci�n Profesional
44. Instituto Salvadore�o de Protecci�n al Menor
45. Instituto Salvadore�o de Rehabilitaci�n de Inv�lidos
46. Instituto Salvadore�o de Transformaci�n Agraria
47. Instituto Salvadore�o de Turismo
48. Registro Nacional de las Personas Naturales
49. Superintendencia de Pensiones
50. Superintendencia de Valores
51. Unidad T�cnica Ejecutiva
52. Comisi�n Ejecutiva Portuaria Aut�noma
53. Comisi�n Ejecutiva Hidroel�ctrica del R�o Lempa
54. Complejo Pesquero
55. Corporaci�n Salvadore�a de Inversiones

List B:
1. Centro Nacional de Registros
2. Hospital Nacional Rosales
3. Superintendencia General de Energ�a y Telecomunicaciones (SIGET)

Note to El Salvador Schedule
This Chapter does not cover procurement by the entities listed in List A items 10 through 37 and in List B item 2 of goods classified under Section 2 (food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel, and leather products) of the CPC, version 1.1.

Schedule of Guatemala
List A:
1. Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala
2. Confederaci�n Deportiva Aut�noma de Guatemala
3. Comisi�n Institucional para el Desarrollo y Fortalecimiento de la Propiedad de la Tierra
4. Comit� Ol�mpico Guatemalteco
5. Comit� Permanente de Exposiciones
6. Consejo Nacional para la Protecci�n de la Antigua Guatemala
7. Empresa Guatemalteca de Telecomunicaciones
8. Escuela Nacional Central de Agricultura
9. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnolog�a Agr�colas
10. Instituto de Fomento Municipal
11. Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo
12. Instituto Nacional de Administraci�n P�blica
13. Instituto Nacional de Bosques
14. Instituto Nacional de Comercializaci�n Agr�cola
15. Instituto Nacional de Cooperativas
16. Instituto Nacional de Estad�stica
17. Instituto T�cnico de Capacitaci�n y Productividad
18. Superintendencia de Administraci�n Tributaria
19. Fondo de Solidaridad para el Desarrollo Comunitario

Schedule of Honduras

List A:

1. Administraci�n Forestal del Estado, Corporaci�n Hondure�a de Desarrollo Forestal (AFE-COHDEFOR)
2. Instituto Hondure�o de Mercadeo Agr�cola (IHMA)
3. Instituto Hondure�o para la prevenci�n del Alcoholismo, Drogadicci�n y Farmacodependencia (IHADFA)
4. Instituto Hondure�o de Turismo (IHT)
5. Instituto Nacional de Jubilaciones y Pensiones de los Funcionarios y Empleados del Poder Ejecutivo (INJUPEMP)
6. Comisi�n Nacional Pro-Instalaciones Deportivas y Mejoramiento del Deporte (CONAPID)
7. Comit� Permanente de Contingencias (COPECO)
8. Instituto Nacional Agrario (INA)
9. Empresa Nacional Portuaria (ENP)
10. Banco Central de Honduras (BCH)1

Note to Honduras Schedule

Banco Central de Honduras (BCH): This Chapter does not cover the issuance or the circulation of currency.

Schedule of Nicaragua
List A:

1. Banco Central de Nicaragua
. Banco Central de Nicaragua: This Chapter does not cover the issuance of bills or coins.
2. Comisi�n Nacional de Energ�a
3. Consejo Nacional de Planificaci�n Econ�mica y Social
4. Correos de Nicaragua
5. Direcci�n General de Ingresos
. Direcci�n General de Ingresos: This Chapter does not cover the production or issuance of passports (including its security elements, such as security paper or security plastic) or tax stamps.
6. Direcci�n General de Servicios Aduaneros
7. Empresa Administradora de Aeropuertos Internacionales
8. Empresa Portuaria Nacional
9. Fondo de Inversi�n Social de Emergencia (FISE)
10. Fondo Nicarag�ense de la Ni�ez y la Familia
11. Instituto de Desarrollo Rural (IDR)
12. Instituto de Seguridad Social y Desarrollo Humano
13. Instituto de Vivienda Urbana y Rural
14. Instituto Nacional de Estad�sticas y Censos
15. Instituto Nacional Forestal
16. Instituto Nacional Tecnol�gico
17. Instituto Nicarag�ense de Apoyo a la Peque�a y Mediana Empresa
18. Instituto Nicarag�ense de Cultura
19. Instituto Nicarag�ense de Estudios Territoriales
20. Instituto Nicarag�ense de Juventud y Deportes
21. Instituto Nicarag�ense de la Mujer
22. Instituto Nicarag�ense de Seguridad Social
23. Instituto Nicarag�ense de Tecnolog�a Agropecuaria
24. Instituto Nicarag�ense de Turismo
25. Instituto Tecnol�gico Nacional
26. Ministerio P�blico
27. Procuradur�a para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos
28. Radio Nicaragua
29. Sistema Nacional de Prevencion, Mitigacion y Atencion de Desastres
30. Superintendencia de Bancos y de otras Instituciones Financieras
31. Teatro Nacional Rub�n Dar�o
32. Universidades y Centros de Educaci�n T�cnica Superior
(with respect to purchases made with funds from the State)
Schedule of the United States

List A:
1. Tennessee Valley Authority
2. Bonneville Power Administration
3. Western Area Power Administration
4. Southeastern Power Administration
5. Southwestern Power Administration
6. St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

Schedule of the United States
List A:
1. Tennessee Valley Authority
2. Bonneville Power Administration
3. Western Area Power Administration
4. Southeastern Power Administration
5. Southwestern Power Administration
6. St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

List B:
1. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, with the following exceptions:
List B:

(a) maintenance, repair and operating materials and supplies (e.g., hardware, tools, lamps/lighting, plumbing);


(b) in exceptional cases, individual procurements may require certain regional production of goods if authorized by the Board of Directors; and,


(c) procurements pursuant to multi-jurisdictional agreement (i.e., for contracts which have initially been awarded by other jurisdictions).

2. The Port of Baltimore (not including procurement of transit cars, buses and related equipment and subject to the conditions specified for the state of New York in Section B)  
3. The New York Power Authority (not including procurement of transit cars, buses and related equipment and subject to the conditions specified for the state of New York in Section B) NO CORRESPONDING ARTICLE
4. Rural Utilities Service Financing:

(a) waiver of Buy American restriction on financing for all power generation projects (restrictions on financing for telecommunication projects) are excluded from the Chapter;

(b) application of WTO Government Procurement Agreement � equivalent procurement procedures and national treatment to funded projects exceeding the thresholds specified above.

Rural Utilities Service1

1. The Rural Utilities Service agrees:
(a) to waive federal buy national requirements imposed as conditions of funding for all power generation projects; and
(b) to apply procurement procedures equivalent to the procedures in the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement and national treatment to funded projects exceeding the thresholds specified above. For greater certainty, this Chapter does not apply to any other aspect of procurement by the Rural Utilities Service, including any restrictions the Rural Utilities Service places on financing for telecommunications projects.

U.S. Notes
1. With respect to procurement by entities listed in this Section, this Chapter shall not apply to restrictions attached to Federal funds for airport projects.
Notes to United States Schedule
2. With respect to procurement by entities listed in this Section, this Chapter does not apply to restrictions attached to Federal funds for airport projects.

Section D:

Section D:

This Chapter applies to all goods procured by the entities listed in Annex 9.1, Sections (A) through (C), subject to the Notes to the respective Sections and the General Notes. (For complete listing of U.S. Federal Supply Classification, see This Chapter applies to all goods procured by the entities listed in Sections A through C, subject to the Notes to the respective Sections and the General Notes.

Section E:
Section E:
This Chapter applies to all services procured by the entities listed in Annex 9.1, Sections (A) through (C), subject to the Notes to the respective Sections, the General Notes, and the Notes to this Section, except for the services in the categories of the Common Classification System excluded in the Schedules of each Party. (For complete listing of the Common Classification System, see nafta/chap-105.asp)

Schedule of Chile
The following services, as elaborated in the Common Classification System, are excluded:
L. Financial and Related Services
All classes


This Chapter applies to all services procured by the entities listed in Sections A through C, subject to the Notes to the respective Sections, the General Notes, and the Notes to this Section, except for the services excluded in the Schedules of each Party. All services covered by this Section are subject to the existing measures listed in each Party�s Schedule to Annex I.

Schedule of Costa Rica
This Chapter does not cover procurement of the following services:
1. Research and Development
Division 81 Research and Development Services
2. Management of Government-Owned Facilities (Administrative Facilities and Service
Buildings, Airfield, Communications, and Missile Facilities, Educational Buildings, Hospital Buildings, Industrial Buildings, Residential Buildings, Warehouse Buildings, Research and Development Facilities, Other Buildings, Conservation and Development Facilities, Highways, Roads, Streets, Bridges and Railways, Electric Power Generation (EPG) Facilities, Utilities, Other Non-Building Facilities).
3. Management and Distribution of Lotteries
Class 9692 Gambling and Betting services
4. Public Services
Division 69 Electricity Distribution Services; Gas and Water Distribution Services
through mains
Division 91 Public Administration and other services to the community as a whole;
Compulsory Social Security Services
Division 92 Education Services (public education)
Division 93 Health and Social Services
Division 94 Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and other environmental protection services

Schedule of the Dominican Republic

This Chapter does not cover procurement of the following services:
1. Business and Production Services
Division 81 Research and Development Services
Group: 836 Advertising Services
2. Management of Government-Owned Facilities (Administrative Facilities and Service
Buildings, Airfield, Communications, Missile Facilities, Educational Buildings, Hospital
Buildings, Industrial Buildings, Residential Buildings, Warehouse Buildings, Research
and Development Facilities, Other Buildings, Conservation and Development Facilities,
Highways, Roads, Streets, Bridges, Dams, Railways, Electric Power Generation (EPG)
Facilities, Public Utilities, Other Non-Building Facilities).
3. Public Services
Division 69 Electricity Distribution Services; Gas and Water Distribution Services
through mains
Division 913 Administrative Services of Compulsory Social Security Schemes
Division 92 Education Services (public education)
4. Transport Services
Division 64 Land Transport Services
Division 65 Water Transport Services
Division 66 Air Transport Services
5. Printing Services

Schedule of El Salvador
No services are excluded.

Schedule of Guatemala
This Chapter does not cover the following services, as elaborated in CPC, version 1.0:
1. Public Services
Division 69 Electricity Distribution Services; Gas and Water Distribution Services through mains
Division 91 Public Administration and other services to the community as a whole; Compulsory Social Security Services
Division 92 Education Services (public education)
Division 93 Health and Social Services
Division 94 Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and other environmental protection services
2. Individual Professional Services (This Chapter does not cover the contracting of individuals, for defined periods, who provide a professional service, where such contracting is not used to avoid the obligations of this Chapter.)

Schedule of Honduras
This Chapter does not cover the following services, as elaborated in CPC, version 1.0.
1. CPC 64 Land Transport Services
2. CPC 66 Air Transport Services
3. CPC 69 Electricity Distribution Services; Gas and Water Distribution
Services through mains

Schedule of Nicaragua
This Chapter does not cover procurement of the following services, as elaborated in the Common Classification System (for a complete listing of the Common Classification System see
1. M. Operation of Government-Owned Facilities
All classes
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of the following services, as elaborated in CPC, version 1.0.
2. Public Services
Division 69 Electricity Distribution Services; Gas and Water Distribution Services through mains Division 91 Public Administration and other services to the community as a whole; Compulsory Social Security Services
Division 92 Education Services (public education)
Division 93 Health and Social Services
Division 94 Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and other environmental protection services

Schedule of the United States

The following services, as elaborated in the Common Classification System, are excluded:


Schedule of the United States

This Chapter does not cover the procurement of the following services, as elaborated in the Common Classification System (for a complete listing of the Common Classification System see
A. Research and Development
All classes
D. Information Processing and Related Telecommunications Services

D304 ADP Telecommunications and Transmission Services, except for those services classified as �enhanced or value-added services.� For purposes of this provision, the procurement of �ADP Telecommunications and Transmission services� does not include the ownership or furnishing of facilities for the transmission of voice or data services.
D305 ADP Teleprocessing and Timesharing Services
D316 Telecommunications Network Management Services
D317 Automated News Services, Data Services or Other Information Services
D399 Other ADP and Telecommunications Services

J. Maintenance, Repair, Modification, Rebuilding and Installation of Equipment

J019 Maintenance, Repair, Modification, Rebuilding and Installation of Equipment Related to Ships
J998 Non-nuclear Ship Repair

M. Operation of Government-Owned Facilities

All facilities operated by the Department of Defense, Department of Energy and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and for all entities:
M180 Research and Development

S. Utilities

All Classes

V. Transportation, Travel and Relocation

1. A. Research and Development
All classes
2. D. Information Processing and Related Telecommunications Services
D304 ADP Telecommunications and Transmission Services, except for those services classified as �enhanced or value-added services.� For the purposes of this provision, the procurement of �ADP Telecommunications and Transmission Services� does not include the ownership or furnishing of facilities for the transmission of voice or data services.
D305 ADP Teleprocessing and Timesharing Services
D316 Telecommunications Network Management Services
D317 Automated News Services, Data Services or Other Information Services
D399 Other ADP and Telecommunications Services
3. J. Maintenance, Repair, Modification, Rebuilding, and Installation of Goods/Equipment

J019 Maintenance, Repair, Modification, Rebuilding and Installation of Equipment Related to Ships
J998 Non-nuclear Ship Repair
4. M. Operation of Government-Owned Facilities
All facilities operated by the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and for all entities:
M180 Research and Development facilities
5. S. Utilities
All Classes
6. V. Transportation, Travel and Relocation


All Classes except V503 Travel Agent Services
All Classes except V503 Travel Agent Services
U.S. Notes:

All services purchased in support of military forces overseas are excluded from coverage of this Chapter.

Notes to the United States Schedule
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of any service in support of military forces overseas.

Section F:
Construction Services
Section F:
Construction Services
This Chapter applies to all construction services procured by the Entities listed in Annex 9.1, Sections (A) through (C), subject to the Notes to the respective sections, the General Notes, and the Notes to this Section, except for the construction services set out in the Schedules to this Annex.

Schedule of Chile
No construction services are excluded.


This Chapter applies to all construction services for all Parties procured by the entities
listed in Sections A through C, subject to the Notes to the respective Sections and the General
Notes. All construction services covered by this Section are subject to the existing measures listed in each Party�s Schedule to Annex I.

Schedule of the Dominican Republic
This Chapter does not cover the procurement of construction services with respect to suppliers of Puerto Rico, until such time as the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico provide reciprocal access to procurement of construction services for each other�s suppliers.

Schedule of the United States

The following construction services are excluded:

U.S. Notes:
In accordance with this Chapter, buy national requirements on articles, supplies and materials acquired for use in construction contracts covered by this Chapter shall not apply to goods of Chile.
Schedule of the United States

This Chapter does not cover the procurement of dredging services.


Section G
Threshold Adjustment Formulas
Section H
Threshold Adjustment Formula
1. In calculating the value of a contract for the purpose of ascertaining whether the procurement is covered by this Chapter, an entity shall include the maximum total estimated value of the procurement over its entire duration, taking into account all options, premiums, fees, commissions, interest and other revenue streams or other forms of renumeration provided for in such contracts.

2. The calculations referred to in Annex 9.1, Sections (A) through (C) that specifically referenced this paragraph shall be made in accordance with the following:

(a) the U.S. inflation rate shall be measured by the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics;

(b) the first adjustment for inflation, to take effect on January 1, 2004, shall be calculated using the period from November 1, 2001 through October 31, 2003;

(c) all subsequent adjustments shall be calculated using two-year periods, each period beginning November 1, and shall take effect on January 1 of the year immediately following the end of the two-year period;

(d) the United States shall notify Chile of the adjusted threshold values no later than November 16 of the year before the adjustment takes effect;

(e) the inflationary adjustment shall be estimated according to the following formula:


1. In calculating the value of a contract for the purpose of ascertaining whether a procurement is covered by this Chapter, a procuring entity shall include the maximum total estimated value of the procurement over its entire duration, taking into account all options, premiums, fees, commissions, interest, and other revenue streams, or other forms of remuneration provided for in such contracts.

2. The thresholds in Sections A through C shall be adjusted at two-year intervals with each adjustment taking effect on January 1, beginning on January 1, 2006.

3. With regard to the thresholds for goods and services in Section A, the United States shall calculate the U.S. dollar value for the threshold every two years, based on the U.S. inflation rate measured by the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, using the two-year period that ends on October 31 in the year prior to the adjustment taking effect, and using the following formula:


T0 x (1+ Πi) = T1

T0 = threshold value at base period
Πi = accumulated U.S. inflation rate for the ith two year-period
T1 = new threshold value.

T0 x (1+ ΠI) = T1

T0 = threshold value at base period
Πi = accumulated U.S. inflation rate for the ith two-year period
T1 = new threshold value.


(f) Chile shall calculate and convert the value of the thresholds applicable to this paragraph into Chilean currency using the conversion formula set out in subparagraph (g). Chile shall notify the United States of the value in its currency of the newly calculated thresholds no later than one month before the thresholds take effect; and



(g) Chile shall use for its calculation the official conversion rate of the Central Bank of Chile (Banco Central de Chile). Its conversion rate shall be the existing value of the Chilean currency in terms of U.S. dollars as of December 1 and June 1 of each year, or the first working day thereafter. The conversion rate as of December 1 shall apply from January 1 to June 30 of the following year, and as of June 1 shall apply from July 1 to December 31 of that year.

3. The calculations referred to in Annex 9.1, Sections (A) through (C) that specifically referenced this paragraph shall be made in accordance with the following:

(a) Chile shall calculate and convert the value of the thresholds applicable to this paragraph into its national currency using the conversion rates published by the IMF in its monthly �International Financial Statistics�. Chile shall notify the United States without delay of the methodology used and the results of its calculations;

(b) the conversion rates shall be the average of the daily values of the respective national currency in terms of the Standard Drawing Right (SDR) over the two-year period preceding October 1 or November 1 of the year prior to the thresholds in national currency becoming effective, which shall be from January 1;

(c) thresholds shall be fixed for two years, i.e. calendar years for all Parties where the fiscal year (1 April-31 March) will be used; and

(d) the Parties agree that if a major change in a national currency vis-a-vis the SDR during a year were to create a significant problem with regard to the application of the Chapter, they shall consult as to whether an interim adjustment is appropriate.

4. The thresholds for construction services in Section A and the thresholds in Sections B and C are conversions into U.S. dollars of the thresholds listed in the U.S. Appendix 1 to the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement, which are set out in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and listed below. The United States shall calculate adjustments of these thresholds based on an average of the daily conversion rates of the U.S. dollar in terms of SDRs, published by the IMF in its monthly "International Financial Statistics," for the two-year period preceding October 1 or November 1 of the year before the adjusted thresholds are to take effect:

(a) 5 million SDRs for construction services;
(b) 355,000 SDRs for goods and services for Section B entities; and
(c) 400,000 SDRs for goods and services for Section C, List B entities.








5. The United States shall notify the other Parties of the adjusted threshold values in December of the year before the adjusted thresholds take effect.

6. Except for El Salvador, which shall use the value expressed by the United States in U.S. dollars, each Party shall:
(a) convert the adjusted thresholds values notified by the United States under paragraph 4 into its national currency based on the official conversion rate of its central bank, using the average of the daily values of its currency in terms of the U.S. dollar over the two-year period ending September 30 of the year in which the United States notifies the adjusted thresholds; and (b) promptly notify the other Parties of the value in its currency of the adjusted thresholds.

7. The Parties shall consult bilaterally if a major change in a national currency vis-�-vis the other currency were to create a significant problem with regard to the application of the Chapter.

Section H:
General Notes
Section G
General Notes
Schedule of Chile

Unless otherwise specified herein, the following General Notes to each Party�s Schedule apply without exception to this Chapter, including to all sections of this Annex.

Schedule of Costa Rica
1. This Chapter does not apply to procurement by one Costa Rican entity of a good or service obtained or acquired from another Costa Rican entity.
2. This Chapter does not apply to government procurement programs on behalf of small, medium and micro enterprises (SME).

Schedule of the Dominican Republic
1. This Chapter does not apply to government procurement programs on behalf of small,
medium and micro enterprises, including any form of preference, such as the exclusive right to provide a good or a service.
2. This Chapter does not apply to the procurement of construction-grade steel (including requirements on subcontracts).
3. This Chapter does not apply to government procurement programs to promote the
alleviation of poverty, or to protect women, the disabled, or children and adolescents, including at the border with Haiti (Zona Fronteriza) or in other rural or impoverished areas.
4. This Chapter does not apply to procurement of goods and services related to the disposal
of toxic, dangerous, or radioactive waste.
5. This Chapter does not apply to procurement by one Dominican entity of a good or service
obtained or acquired from another Dominican entity.
6. This Chapter does not cover procurement made in furtherance of public health protection
programs, including treatment of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, paludism, malaria, or other epidemics.
7. This Chapter does not apply to procurements made in support of human feeding programs.

Schedule of El Salvador
This Chapter does not apply to procurement by one Salvadoran entity of a good or service obtained or acquired from another Salvadoran entity.

Schedule of Guatemala
1. This Chapter does not apply to procurement by one Guatemalan entity of a good or service obtained or acquired from another Guatemalan entity.
2. This Chapter does not apply to procurement of unrefined minerals naturally occurring in Guatemala for the construction of public works.
3. If, following the entry into force of this Agreement between the United States and Guatemala, Guatemala proposes to implement a procurement measure that is intended to promote the development of its minority-owned or small, medium and micro enterprises, but that would not be consistent with this Chapter, Guatemala shall consult with the United States. If the United States and Guatemala agree on the need and terms and conditions for such a measure, Guatemala shall be permitted to implement the measure.

Schedule of Honduras
This Chapter does not apply to procurement by one Honduran entity of a good or service obtained or acquired from another Honduran entity.

Schedule of Nicaragua
1. This Chapter does not apply to procurement by one Nicaraguan entity of a good or service obtained or acquired from another Nicaraguan entity.

2. (a) Notwithstanding Articles 9.2.1 and 9.2.2, for five years following the date of the entry into force of this Agreement between the United States and Nicaragua, Nicaragua may maintain a price preference program for its small, medium, and micro enterprises, in accordance with the following:

(i) A �small, medium, and micro enterprise� is defined, for purposes of this note, as a business that has 100 or fewer employees and total annual sales of no more than US$1.2 million;

(ii) Nicaragua may award its small, medium, and micro enterprises up to a ten percent price preference in tenders for procurement covered by this Chapter; and (iii) The price preference shall be clearly described in the notice of intended procurement or notice inviting suppliers to participate in the procurement and relevant tender documentation.

(b) Before the end of the five-year period, the United States and Nicaragua shall consult to determine whether there is a need to extend the price preference program and, if they agree that there is such a need, to determine the scope of the extension.

(c) If, following the entry into force of this Agreement between the United States and Nicaragua, Nicaragua proposes to implement a procurement measure that is intended to promote the development of its small, medium and micro enterprises, but that would not be consistent with this Chapter, Nicaragua shall consult with the United States. If the United States and Nicaragua agree on the need and terms and conditions for such a measure, Nicaragua shall be permitted to implement the measure.

Schedule of the United States

1. This Chapter does not apply to set-asides on behalf of small and minority businesses.


Schedule of the United States

1. This Chapter does not apply to set asides on behalf of small or minority businesses.
Set asides include any form of preference, such as the exclusive right to provide a good or service and price preferences.
2. This Chapter does not apply to the procurement of transportation services that form a part of, or are incidental to, a procurement contract.

2. This Chapter does not apply to the procurement of transportation services that form a part of, or are incidental to, a procurement contract.

3. Where a contract to be awarded by an entity is not covered by this Chapter, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to cover any good or service component of that contract. NO CORRESPONDING PARAGRAPH


Section I
Transition Mechanisms

NO CORRESPONDING SECTION 1. Each Party shall make best efforts to comply with the obligations listed in each Party�s Schedule to this Section during the two years following the date of entry into force of this Agreement. The Notes to each Party�s Schedule shall apply during this two-year period. Thereafter, each Party shall fully comply with these obligations.

Schedule of Costa Rica

1. Article 9.4.2 (inclusion of an indication that the procurement is covered by this Chapter in the notice of intended procurement)

2. Article 9.5.1 (40 days time limit for the tendering process)1

1. Article 9.5.1: For the tendering process set out in Article 9.5.1, Costa Rica shall provide at least 30 days for procurement made through the Licitaci�n P�blica and at least ten days for procurement made through the Licitaci�n por registro.

3. Article 9.6.3 (written communication of modification to tender documentation)

4. Article 9.11.2 (publication of a notice regarding the contract award)

5. Article 9.15.6(a) (period provided to suppliers to prepare and submit written challenges)2

2. Article 9.15.6(a): Costa Rica shall provide at least three days for suppliers to prepare and submit written challenges under Article 9.15.6(a).

Schedule of the Dominican Republic

1. Article 9.3 (make publicly available judicial decisions and administrative rulings of
general application governing procurement)1
1. Article 9.3: The Dominican Republic shall provide to the other Parties any judicial decision and administrative ruling of general application governing procurement.
2. Article 9.4.2 (inclusion of an indication that the procurement is covered by this Chapter
in the notice of intended procurement)
3. Article 9.5.1 (40-days time limit for the tendering process)2
2. Article 9.5.1: The Dominican Republic shall provide at least 30 days for the tendering process set out in Article 9.5.1.
4. Article 9.9.3 (only for preparation of written reports for the awarding of contracts using
direct purchasing)
5. Article 9.11.2 (publication of a notice regarding the contract award)
6. Article 9.13 (establishment and maintenance of procedures that declare a supplier
ineligible for participation)

Schedule of Guatemala
1. Article 9.4.2 (inclusion of an indication that the procurement is covered by this Chapter in the notice of intended procurement)

2. Article 9.5.1 (40 days time limit for the tendering process)1

1. Article 9.5.1: For the tendering process set out in Article 9.5.1,Guatemala shall provide at least eight days for suppliers to submit tenders following the publication of the notice of intended procurement.

3. Article 9.6.3 (written communication of modification to tender documentation)

4. Article 9.11.2 (publication of a notice regarding the contract award)

5. Article 9.13 (establishment and maintenance of systems that declare a supplier ineligible for participants)2

2. Article 9.13: Guatemala shall not adopt any measure that weakens its current practice with respect to Article 9.13.
6. Article 9.15.6(a) (period provided to suppliers to prepare and submit written challenges)

Schedule of Honduras
1. Article 9.4.2 (inclusion of an indication that the procurement is covered by this Chapter in the notice of intended procurement)

2. Article 9.5.1 (40 days time limit for the tendering process)1
1. Article 9.5.1: Honduras shall provide at least 15 days for the tendering process set out in Article 9.5.1, except for build-operate-transfer or public works concession contracts, in which case Honduras shall provide at least 30 days for the tendering process.

3. Article 9.6.3 (written communication of modification to tender documentation)

4. Article 9.11.2 (publication of a notice regarding the contract award)

5. Article 9.15.6(a) (period provided to suppliers to prepare and submit written challenges)2
2. Article 9.15.6(a): Honduras shall provide at least five days for the period provided to suppliers to prepare and submit written challenges set out in Article 9.15.6(a).

Schedule of Nicaragua
1. Article 9.4.2 (inclusion of an indication that the procurement is covered by this Chapter in the notice of intended procurement)

2. Article 9.5.1 (40 days time limit for the tendering process)1

3. Article 9.6.3 (written communication of modification to tender documentation)

4. Article 9.11.2 (publication of a notice regarding the contract award)

5. Article 9.13 (establishment and maintenance of systems that declare a supplier ineligible for participants)2


Section J
Transition Mechanisms for Coverage of
 Construction Services � the Dominican Republic


1. Notwithstanding Article 9.2.4, the Dominican Republic may, subject to paragraphs 2 through 5, maintain the following offsets, as provided for in Law No. 322 of 2 June 1981, and its Regulation No. 578-86 with respect to procurement covered by Section F of this Chapter:

(a) a requirement that a foreign supplier seeking to participate in a procurement covered by this Chapter must be associated with an enterprise established under the laws of the Dominican Republic, that is capitalized with Dominican or mixed Dominican and foreign capital, and where the share held by the foreign supplier in the association is limited to no more than 50 percent, which may be increased to 70 percent depending on the availability of Dominican capital; and

(b) a requirement that 50 percent of the management of a procurement covered by this Chapter be comprised of Dominican nationals.

2. Where a procuring entity seeks, takes account of, or imposes an offset under paragraph 1, the entity:

(a) shall clearly describe the offset in the notice of intended procurement or notice inviting suppliers to participate in the procurement and in relevant tender documentation;

(b) shall conduct the procurement in accordance with the procedures in this Chapter;

(c) shall apply the offset in a non-discriminatory manner that does not provide U.S. suppliers with treatment that is less favorable than the treatment given to suppliers of any other foreign country; and

(d) may not require suppliers to purchase goods or services on non-competitive terms or of substandard quality, or to take any action that is not justified from a commercial standpoint.

3. The limitations permitted under paragraph 1 shall be reduced over a period of 15 years as follows:

(a) 40 percent for any procurement initiated after the beginning of the sixth year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement and until the end of the tenth year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement;

(b) 30 percent for any procurement initiated after the beginning of the 11th year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement and until the end of 12th year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement; and Annex 9.1.2(b)(i)-56

(c) 20 percent for any procurement initiated after the beginning of 13th year after the entry into force of this Agreement.

4. During the 13th year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Dominican Republic and the United States shall enter into consultations with regard to the treatment of the offsets described in paragraph 1, following the end of the 15-year period referred to in paragraph 3, with a view to the elimination of the offsets. The consultations shall take into consideration, inter alia, the general and economic developments in the Dominican Republic, its implementation of this Chapter, and the need to maintain the offsets. If, by the end of the 15th year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Dominican Republic and the United States are unable to reach agreement on the treatment of the offsets from the end of the 15th year, the United States may reduce the access that it accords to the Dominican Republic, as set out in the Schedules of the United States to this Annex.

5. At the end of each period specified in paragraph 3, the Dominican Republic shall provide written reports to the United States on the implementation of the transitional mechanism provided for in this Section.

Chapter 9 Chapter 10

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