Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity (SARE)

Protocol of San Salvador: 1st Period of Sessions                                                                                                                 Back-Buttom

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For more information about the first session of the WG visit:

» Press release about the Roundtable
» Press release about the conclusion of the sessions
» Article in SEDI news
» Roundtable video
» Video news about the roundtable
» Photos of the Roundtable and the Meeting with the Secretary General
» Photos of the Sessions

Washington, DC, February 24-26, 2015

The Working Group for the analysis of the National Reports of the Protocol of San Salvador (PSS) held its first periodic session on February 24-26, 2015, at the Organization of American States’ (OAS ) headquarters. This event was very significant for the advancement of the ESCRs agenda in the region, as it marks the beginning of the implementation of the follow-up mechanism of the Inter-American human rights system.

During the sessions the experts reviewed the reports submitted by the State Parties and defined strategies to increase the implementation of the Economic, Social and Cultural rights (DESC) in the Americas. They also made a presentation to the CAJP and participated in a roundtable discussion entitled "Regional Agenda for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A look into the Future." . This event consisted in a dialogue to analyze the implications of public policy, the progress in implementing the Protocol of San Salvador and its insertion in the discussion of the post-2015 agenda for development.
