

  • Remarks by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro (Speech at the opening session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 13/16 - Español
  • Remarks by Minister Hector Cardenas, Executive Secretary, Secretariat for Social Action and Paraguay (Speech at the opening session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 13/16 - Español | English
  • Reducing poverty and vulnerability as a means for social inclusion (Presented by Laís Abramo, Director, ECLAC Social Development Division, in the Second Plenary Session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 2/16 - Español
  • Inclusion and Equity in social programs: Women and Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala (Presented by José Guillermo Moreno Cordón, Minister of Social Development of Guatemala, in the Second Plenary Session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 3/16 - Español | English
  • Reducing poverty in Colombia (Presented by Tatyana Orozco, Director of Social Prosperity in Colombia, in the Second Plenary Session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 4/16 - Español | English
  • Index of Social Progress (Presented by Roberto Artavía Loría, Social Progress Initiative, in the Third Plenary Session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 5/16 - | English
  • Español
  • US Innovations in Social Development Policies (Presented by Charles J. Homer, MD, MPH, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Human Services Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services of the USA, in the Fourth Plenary Session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 6/16 - Español | English
  • Innovations in Social Development Policy (Presented by Rosa María Suárez, Directora Técnica del Gabinete de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales de la República Dominicana, in the Fourth Plenary Session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 7/16 - Español | English
  • Experience of the Republic of Chile (Presented by Juan Eduardo Faundez, Subsecretary of Social Development, Social Development of Chile, in the Fifth Plenary Session, held on July 14, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 8/16 - Español
  • Experience of the Republic of Argentine (Presented by Carolina Stanley, Minister of Social Development of Argentine, in the Fifth Plenary Session, held on July 14, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 9/16 - Español | English
  • From Social Assistance to Productive Inclusion (Presented by Margaret Grosh, Chief Economist, Human Development Section, The World Bank, in the Fifth plenary session, held on July 14, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 10/16 - Español | English
  • Social Policies for Equality (Presented by Marlon Aguilar George, Head of the Unit of Planning and International Relations of the Ministry of Social Development of Mexico, in the Second Plenary Session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 11/16 - Español
  • Inequality and Poverty in Latin America, Fiscal Policy and Income Redistribution (Presented by Estuardo Morán, CEQ Institute, Tulane Universitiy, in the Second Plenary Session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 12/16 - Español | English
  • Remarks by Minister Hector Cardenas, Executive Secretary, Secretariat for Social Action and Paraguay (Speech at the opening session, held on July 13, 2016) - CIDI/REMDES/inf. 13/16 - Español | English



  • Inter-american Social Protection Network: Progress in recent years (Prepared by the Department of Social Inclusion of the Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity)- CIDI/REMDES/inf.1/16 - Español | English
  • Information Bulletin III REMDES - Español | English
  • Call for presentations on experiences of the countries of the Americas with Social Development Policies, for the III REMDES - Español | English
  • Publication on the Inter-American Social Protection Network (RIPSO) - Español | English