SADyE line


» Ceritifcate in Human Rights, Disability and Inclusive Education
Dates: August 1 - December 16, 2016
Course modality: Long distance
Announcement (PDF - 895 KB) (in Spanish only)
About the Program(PDF - 359 KB)(in Spanish only)
How to apply?(PDF - 488 KB)(in Spanish only)
Fiscal policy as a mechanism to combat inequality. Analysis in Brazil and Guatemala
     (PDF - 1.98 MB)(only in Spanish) | 12 Abril, 2016

Gender, Equity and Social Inclusion Agenda
     (PDF - 1.01 MB)(only in Spanish) | 4 Marzo, 2016

What is the unique register for social programs in Brazil and how it works?
     (PDF - 1.01 MB)(only in Spanish) | 3 Septiembre, 2014

Social pacts for a more inclusive social protection
     (PDF - 798 KB)(only in Spanish) | 23 Mayo, 2014

Challenges and lessons learned about financial inclusion, poverty and Equity in Latin America
     (PDF - 774 MB) | 23 Abril, 2014

Challenges and lessons learned about financial inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean
     (PDF - 821 KB)(only in Spanish) | 21 Abril, 2014

The current discussion on social protection in Latin America and its political relevance
     (PDF - 1.03 MB)(only in Spanish) | 2 Abril, 2014

Challenges of social protection in urban areas
     (PDF - 410 KB)(only in Spanish) | 20 Marzo, 2014

What is the Brasil sem Miseria plan and how does Bolsa Familia fit in it?
     (PDF - 552 KB) | 22 Octubre, 2013

The social dimension of MERCOSUR
     (PDF - 470 KB)(only in Spanish) | 31 Julio, 2013

Social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: he challenge of inclusion
     (PDF - 1.43 MB)(only in Spanish) | 17 Mayo, 2013

Protección social desde la visión de la Carta Social de las Américas
     (PDF - 327 KB) | 18 Abril, 2013

Social protection from the perspective of the Social Charter of the Americas
     (PDF - 172 KB)(only in Spanish) | 28 Febrero, 2013

Social protection and intersectoriality: looking for comprehensive solutions
     (PDF - 861 KB)(only in Spanish) | 15 Octubre, 2012