February 16, 2005 - Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Mr. Chairman
Senator the Honourable Dr. Lenny Saith, Acting Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago
Dr. Elias Bluth, the Under-Secretary for National Defence of Uruguay and the current Chair of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)
Ambassador Luigi Einaudi, Acting Secretary General of the Organisation of American States (OAS)
Honourable Ministers and Vice-Ministers
Her Excellency Ms. Marina Valere, Trinidad and Tobago’s Ambassador to the United States of America, and Permanent Representative to the Organisation of American States
Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Mr. Steven Monblatt, Executive Secretary of CICTE
Distinguished Guest
Members of the Media
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Let me begin by extending to all delegates, a warm welcome to Trinidad and Tobago.
I feel the need to echo the sentiments of our Prime Minister and other speakers in saying how privileged Trinidad and Tobago feels to assume the role of host, for the Fifth Regular Session of the Inter- American Committee against Terrorism or CICTE V.
The action of this Government are indicative of its resolve and commitment to ensuring the security of its peoples and territory, and that of the Hemisphere.
As this country looks forward to its deepening role in CICTE, it is against the backdrop of the growing threat of terrorism and its implications for the social, economic and political development of countries, regional and international.
Experience has taught us all that collaboration and cooperation are critical to any effort aimed at successfully combating this challenge; and underscores the need for groups and organisations such as CICTE.
Through continuous development and sharing among Member-States of best practice methods and efficient utilization of limited resources, our ultimate victory over terrorists and terrorism seems unavoidable.
I must commend the pervious speakers on the informative, positive and inspiring contributions that I have heard this afternoon. I anticipate that there will be intense discussions and valuable recommendations over the three-day period, which would ultimately redound to the benefit of all member-states.
It would be amiss of me therefore, were I not to extend deep felt gratitude to all those persons who were instrumental in bringing this Meeting to Fruition:
Our Honourable Prime Minister, whose unwavering support to this initiative was a welcome incentive;
The Honourable Minister of National Security and Chairman of this evening’s proceedings, my colleague, Senator Martin Joseph, under whose leadership, planning and managing of CICTE V was placed;
Dr. Elias Bluth, the Under-Secretary for National Defence of Uruguay and current Chair of the Inter- American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)
Ambassador Luigi Einaudi, Acting Secretary General of the Organisation of American States (OAS); and the CICTE Secretariat
Her Excellency Ms. Marina Valere, Trinidad and Tobago’s Ambassador to the United States of America, and Permanent Representative to the Organisation of the United States of America.
Ms. Lynne Anne Williams, Trinidad and Tobago’s Principal Representative to CICTE
The local CICTE Secretariat headed by Mr. Overand Padmore, National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister; and
All other persons whose contributions were in invaluable to the success of this undertaking.
In closing, let me extend best wishes for a successful meeting and I look forward to the prompt implementation of the strategies contained in the Declaration of Port-of-Spain which will emanate from these deliberations.
Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen.