Media Center

Press Release


  October 20, 2009

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, recalled that the process of dialogue established among Hondurans last October 7 in the presence of the Secretary General and Foreign Ministers of the OAS, as well as of the Spanish Secretary of State for Ibero-America and of a representative of the United Nations, began with good prospects and a constructive spirit among the negotiating teams, who have achieved an important consensus in all points except that which refers to the restitution of President Zelaya.

“In the first few days,” Insulza said, “consensus was achieved in most topics, and even last week a possible agreement could be glimpsed around the most controversial subject, the return of President Zelaya, in a text that adhered to constitutional prerogatives.”

“That progress had an undoubtedly positive effect on Honduran public opinion, which longs for a prompt solution to the political problems that assail the country. Other positive events, such as the repeal of an emergency decree and the return to the air of Radio Globo, were part of this favorable climate.”

“Nevertheless, in recent days there have been some negative events that we hope will be overcome: during the process of dialogue, one of the parties involved offered a proposal that touches on a subject not part of the San Jose Accord, hoping to force a legitimization of what happened on June 28, 2009. This claim makes it unfeasible for the dialogue to produce a positive result,” Insulza declared.

Insulza also reiterated his concern for the growing harassment to which the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa has been submitted, and which has intensified in the last few days particularly during the night hours.

Notwithstanding, the Secretary General reaffirmed his full commitment to and continuing support of the process of dialogue that, he said, “is the only road to achieve peace and harmony among Hondurans,” and expressed his wishes for the removal of paragraphs from the dialogue that are unconducive and for the end of harassment to the Brazilian Embassy.

Reference: E-341/09