Media Center

Press Release


  May 25, 2007

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS)(OAS), José Miguel Insulza, expressed his appreciation today for the Colombian government’s strong endorsement of the OAS Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia and, in particular, of its Chief of Mission, Sergio Caramagna.

In praising the OAS mission’s efforts in Colombia, Insulza noted the regional organization’s extremely difficult role in the peace process in that South American country and expressed his satisfaction over the work being done under Caramagna’s leadership.

In a letter to the Secretary General—which was read aloud during a meeting of the OAS Permanent Council by Colombian Ambassador Camilo Ospina—Colombia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fernando Araújo Perdomo, expressed his government’s “most energetic rejection” of a proposition approved by Colombia’s House of Representatives that called for Caramagna’s removal from his post. In his letter to the Secretary General, Araújo alluded to the many propositions that tend to be presented in Congress “for political reasons” and that do not carry the force of law.

The Foreign Minister noted that Caramagna has, on innumerable occasions, demonstrated “competence and discretion” in carrying out his duties during the more than three years he has led the OAS Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia (known as MAPP for its acronym in Spanish). Later on the letter says, “The Government of Colombia therefore reiterates its firmest support for Mr. Sergio Caramagna and for his entire OAS/MAPP team for the invaluable work they undertake in support of peace efforts underway in Colombia. Their ongoing willingness to collaborate, their commitment to the cause of peace in the country and the extraordinary dedication with which they carry out the tasks they have been assigned merit the sincerest gratitude of the National Government and the Colombian people.”

Secretary General Insulza again recognized the efforts undertaken by Caramagna and his team in accompanying the demobilization process in Colombia and reiterated the intention of the OAS to continue supporting this effort that is so important for the future of that country. Insulza said he will respond to the letter received today from the Colombian Foreign Minister.

Reference: E-138/07