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Press Release

OAS Signs Agreement with Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to Promote Civil Registration

  February 15, 2013

The Organization of American States (OAS) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the civil registration organizations of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras in the town of Esquipulas, Guatemala, in order to promote the registration of individuals for the purpose of including them in society and enabling them to exercise their rights as citizens.

The agreement was signed by the Latin American and Caribbean Council for Civil Registration, Identity and Vital Statistics (CLARCIEV), whose Executive Secretariat is headed by the OAS through the Universal Civil Identity Program in the Americas (PUICA), the National Civil Registry of El Salvador (RNPN), the National Civil Registry of Guatemala (RENAP) and the National Civil Registry of Honduras (RNP).

Among the objectives of the memorandum signed are removing barriers to civil registration; promoting inclusive registration laws; the promotion of universal, timely and free registration; the exchange of successful experiences; the development of reliable statistics; and guaranteeing the training of the staff at registration centers.

For the implementation and execution of the proposed policies a technical coordinating panel will be created, to be chaired alternately by the civil registry organizations of the three Central American signatory countries. The signing of the letter represents the continuation of the resolutions proposed by the OAS and established in the annual CLARCIEV meeting, which was held in October 2012 in Ecuador.

It is estimated that about nine percent of the children in Latin America and the Caribbean are not registered, which is equivalent to more than six million children. PUICA arose from a mandate of the OAS General Assembly in 2008, which entrused the Secretariat General of the hemispheric organization, through the Department for Effective Public Management to support Member States in their efforts to achieve universal access to civil registration.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-050/13