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OAS and El Salvador to Collaborate in the Training of Vulnerable Populations

  June 28, 2019

OAS and El Salvador to Collaborate in the Training of Vulnerable Populations
Photo: OAS

The Organization of American States (OAS) and the government of El Salvador today signed a bilateral agreement on social inclusion for the formation of skills and enterprises in vulnerable populations such as people living in poverty, Afro-Salvadorans, indigenous people, LGBTIQ people and people with disabilities, within the framework of the 49th OAS General Assembly held in Medellin.

The OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro, celebrated the agreement with the new government of El Salvador and added that the issue of human rights must be present in all the policies carried out by the State. "If we achieve that in every public office, in every ministry and in every state agency we act with responsibility on the issue of human rights, then we will be taking very important steps towards development," said Secretary General Almagro.

The Foreign Minister of El Salvador, Alexandra Hill, said that for the administration of the President Nayib Bukele, the defense of the rights of the most vulnerable people is a priority. "Our mandate and vision is to work for the rights of migrants, refugees and people whose rights are constantly violated," said Foreign Minister Hill.

The agreement includes the design of social inclusion projects in El Salvador, work on national policies and processes to prevent forced displacement, coordination with neighboring countries to seek appropriate solutions, and strengthening the capacity of the Salvadoran state to implement the contents of the Protocol of San Salvador on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the human rights initiatives contained in the Inter-American legal instruments.

Reference: FNE-96950