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OWA Delivered Donations to Barbados, El Salvador, Guatemala, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago

  March 9, 2023

OWA Delivered Donations to Barbados, El Salvador, Guatemala, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago
Photo: OAS

The Organization of Women of the Americas (OWA) this year provided grants to Barbados, El Salvador, Guatemala, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago to assist women and children in those countries.

Throughout its 25 years of life, the OWA has focused its activities on collecting funds to donate to various non-governmental organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean. The OWA was created in 1997 as a non-profit entity and has been made up of Ambassadors and Observers to the OAS, the wives of Ambassadors and Observers and those of the Secretary General and the Assistant Secretary General.

Its last President, Deborah Stoute Lynch, made a presentation to the OAS member states on the latest contributions made. The Organization of Women of the Americas was dissolved this year due to lack of funds.

Reference: FNE-123180