IACHR Reports on other subjects which make reference to the rights of LGBTI persons:
Criminalization of Human Rights Defenders (2016)
- Chapter 3. Main forms of Criminalization of the Work of Human Rights Defenders.
- E. The criminalization of human rights defenders for the causes they promote.
- 1. Misuse of criminal offenses to stigmatize defenders and criminalize he promotion and protection of the rights of LGBT persons (paras. 161 – 168)
Legal Standards: Gender Equality and Women's Rights (2015)
- Chapter II. Discrimination against Women
- A. Introduction
- 2. Decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
- Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (paras. 34 - 36)
- B. Analysis of judgements that apply the standars of the inter-American human rights system
- Sexual Rights (paras. 178 – 183)
Access to Information, Violence against Women, and the Administration of Justice (2015)
- Chapter 3. Access to State-controlled information in cases of discrimination and violence against women: Principal challenges.
- B. National Implementation of International Standards on Access to Information managed by the State in relation to Discrimination and Violence against Women
- Case study on access to information in relation to sexual and reproductive health (para. 107)
Violence, Children and Organized Crime (2015)
- Chapter 3. Children and Adolescents in Insecure and Violent Environments
- E. Risk Factors and on Protection Factors against Violence (para. 206)
- Chapter 5. The States’ response to Lack of Security, Violence and Organized Crime
- B. Drug Policies from a Children’s Perspective (para. 471)
Annual Report of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (2015)
- Chapter IV. Hate Speech and Incitement to Violence against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Persons in the Americas
- Chapter V. Conclusions and Recommendations
- K. Hate speech and incitement to violence against LGBTI persons (paras. 29 – 31)
Impact of the Friendly Settlement Procedure (2014)
- Chapter III. Impacts of the Friendly Settlements Published by the IACHR
- E. Non-Repetition Measures
- 1. Legislative and Regulatory Reform
- a. Women’s Rights (para. 171)
The Right of Boys and Girls to a Family. Alternative Care. Ending Institutionalization in the Americas (2014)
- Chapter 3. The rights of Boys and Girls to a Family
- C. The right of the child to a family (para. 51)
Annual Report of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (2014)
- Chapter II
- B. Evaluation of the state of freedom of expression in the Member States.
- 20. Jamaica
- A. Freedom of expression and hate speech (paras. 656 – 661)
Annual Report of the Special Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression (2013)
- Chapter II. Evaluation of the State of Freedom of Expression in the Hemisphere
- Brazil (para. 133)
- Jamaica (paras. 559-563)
Annual Report of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of
Expression 2012
- Chapter II. Evaluation of the State of Freedom of Expression in the
- Colombia (paras. 154-155)
- Jamaica (paras. 350-351)
Second Report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in the Americas (2011)
- III. Especially Exposed Groups of Human Rights Defenders
- F. Defenders of Lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex (LGTBI) persons
(pp. 148., para. 325 and ff.)
Legal Standards Related to Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in the Inter-American Human Rights System: Development and Application (2011)
- II. Discrimination against Women
- A. Introduction
1. Decisions on the Merits of the IACHR
Discrimination on the Basis of Gender: the Content of State Obligations (para. 134 and ff.)
- B. Analysis of judgments that apply the legal standards of the Inter-American human rights system
Sexual Rights (para. 177 and ff. Reference to decisions by domestic courts in Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay related to the recognition of the right not to be discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity)
Juvenile Justice and Human Rights in the Americas (2011)
- II. The Juvenile Justice System
- E. General Principles of the Juvenile Justice System
4. The Principle of Equality and Non-Discrimination (para. 121)
Annual Report of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression 2010
- Chapter II. Evaluation of the State of Freedom of Expression in the Hemisphere
- B. Evaluation of the state of freedom of expression in the Member States
10. Cuba
4. Criminalization of Protest (para. 194)
The Inter-American Legal Framework regarding the Right to Freedom of Expression (2009)
- Inter-American Legal Framework Regarding the Right to Freedom of Expression
- C. Types of speech protected by freedom of expression
2. Types of speech protected according to content
b. Specially protected speech
iii. Speech that expresses essential elements of personal identity or dignity (para. 56)
Report on Citizen Security and Human Rights (2009)
- IV. Citizen Security and Human Rights
- B. The characteristics of public policy on citizen security
- 4. Professionalization and modernization of the police forces
Access to Justice for Women Victims of Violence in the Americas (2007)
- III. Public Efforts to Comply with the Due Diligence Obligation in Response to Acts OF Violence against Women
- B. The adoption of criminal and civil laws about violence and discrimination against women(para. 271).
Report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in the Americas (2006)
VII. Precautionary Measures
- B. Precautionary measures decreed from January 2002 to December 2005 to protect persons involved in activities of human rights defense (para. 252)
Annual Report of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (2004)