About the Working Group


One of the principal purposes of establishing the Working Group, apart from the reasons adduced by the General Assembly in resolution AG/RES. 2774 (XLIII-O/13), is to create a homogeneous basis among the delegations for understanding the documentation submitted by the General Secretariat in both the program-budget and in its quarterly management performance reports, in the hope that facilitating understanding of them in this way will serve to enrich debate on the substantive issues involved.

AG/RES.2774 (XLIII-O/13) (no. 4, int. d & e - Literal extraction)
To request the CAAP to establish, on an annual basis, a working group to conduct the technical review of the program-budget. The CAAP shall form said working group no later than at its second meeting after the regular session of the General Assembly and shall appoint the chair and vice chairs of that working group.
The working group shall receive guidance and technical support from the General Secretariat in order to execute its mandates, which include:

  • Reviewing the budgetary implications of the Organization’s current mandates and submitting to the CAAP its technical recommendations for consideration in the preparation of the program-budget for the following budgetary period;
  • Reviewing the budgetary implementation of the mandates approved at the preceding General Assembly session;
  • Reviewing and submitting to the CAAP comments on the quarterly resource management reports and examining the expenditures and outcomes against budget appropriation; and
  • Addressing such other requests as the CAAP may make.

Information extracted from CAAP/GT/RTPP-2/13

Secretary of the Working Group

Currently the Secretary of this Working Group is Georgina Mayorga (link-perfil)