Electronic Bulletin / Number 37 - July, 2007

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  Upcoming events
FORUM OF CITEL “Convergence: Transition of traditional networks and services in the Americas ”

With the aim of providing a space for discussion where CITEL Members can have access to the ideas of the most important sector experts, a FORUM of CITEL will be held on “Convergence: Transition of traditional networks and services in the Americas” on August 21, 2007, in San José, Costa Rica.

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  Important issues
The first international digital radio forum in the Dominican Republic

By Javier Garcia, INDOTEL
On June 13 and 14, 2007, the first international digital radio forum was held in the Dominican Republic, sponsored by INDOTEL. As its main objective, the forum provided information on advances in digital radio, the current situation of analog radio, and the implementation of this new technology in different countries of the region.

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The impact of fraud on telecommunication users

By Arturo Quiñónez Quiñónez, Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios de Colombia
Fraud is one of the scourges most affecting telecommunication service users.  It can be classified under two basic types:  internal fraud, which is generally perpetrated by internal staff or persons working in telecommunication companies, and external fraud perpetrated by third parties or organizations outside companies.

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Views on user and market needs for the next decade

By Halina Uryga, Deputy Director Spectrum, Orange
Mobile communications are the major contributor to the growth of the telecommunications industry as a whole and one of the most dynamic sectors of the world’s economy. Mobiles have become one of the goods with the fastest diffusion in our societies improving everyday life and contributing to strengthen social links. During the last 15 years revolution of usages have occurred and mobile is now a unique communication device for all social categories. Mobile is also considered as an essential tool to improve the personal security.

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A Conformity Assessment Body Experience

By Michael Violette, American Telecommunications Certification Body, Inc.
Over the past 10 years, MRAs have opened the market to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Before the existence of the U.S.-EU MRA, it was nearly impossible for a U.S. test laboratory to operate across the Atlantic Ocean, providing local testing to the manufacturers of products destined for Europe.

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Implementation of aggregate Ethernet/MPLS network for rendering of multi-service (Part 1)

By Gustavo Sandler and Javier Emicuri, Catholic University of Uruguay
The Access node is the first device of the network of the provider that is adding accesses. So, to that node connect several accesses of the clients, to send its traffic to the remaining part of the network of the provider.

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Quality of Service (Part 2)

By Jaime Rubio, Centro de Investigación de las Telecomunicaciones CINTEL Colombia
Today, most of mankind is part of the Internet network. IP is the protocol that carries information datagrams through this network.  Nevertheless, because Internet was born before QoS, IP is not doing a good job of guaranteeing service quality.  When IP manages a field under the heading “Type of Service” it tries to give information a special treatment, but it does not fully meet QoS requirements.  Because of this, new protocols such as IPv6, SIP, and H.323, which are aimed at resolving this situation, have to be invented.

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  What's happening in the region?
Colombia: President Uribe Announces the Creation of the National Information and Communication Technologies Plan

On July 25, at a discussion held at Nariño Palace, President Álvaro Uribe officially launched the procedure to develop the National Information and Communication Technologies Plan.  Over next six months, the government will focus its efforts on developing said plan, with the aim of launching its implementation in January 2008, with a 10-year target completion date.  (Ministry of Communications, 25 July 2007)

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Venezuela: Administrative Directive Containing the Conditions for Provision by Mobile Telephony Operators of the Text Messaging Facility is Published in the Official Gazette  

On Friday, July 20, 2007, Administrative Directive N° 1039, containing the Conditions  for Provision by Operators of the Text Message Facility, was published in Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela N° 38.730, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Telecommunication Act and other applicable provisions. (CONATEL, 25 July 2007)

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Brazil: Anatel Answers Questions via the Internet regarding the Minute-Based Tariff

The Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações [National Telecommunication Agency] (Anatel) has made available a space devoted exclusively to the minute-based tariff to inform the public of the reasons for the change, mandatory plans, tariffs, tax, basic subscription plan, detailed bills, terms, districts, and documents, as well as a booklet containing this information, organized in a simple, instructional format. This virtual environment may be accessed via banners found on the portal’s pages (see sides and bottom).  It should be noted that, in accessing the portal, it is important to disable the pop-up blocking option some browsers provide. (ANATEL, 20 July 2007)

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Venezuela: Phase II of Digital Television Trials Begins

CONATEL has begun to measure the field performance of the digital terrestrial television standards to determine which system will be adopted in Venezuela, as was explained at an exhibition held at CONATEL headquarters on Wednesday, July 18. (CONATEL, 20 July 2007)

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Brazil: Anatel Seeks to Ensure Cell Phone Coverage throughout Brazil

The proposed public consultation on the call for bids for third generation (3G) mobile telephony, approved yesterday by the Governing Council of the Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações ]National Telecommunication Agency] (Anatel), creates mechanisms that may make possible coverage of all Brazilian municipalities.  Today, of the country’s 5,500 municipalities, 3,300 have access to the service, corresponding to 89.81% of Brazil’s population. (ANATEL, 13 July 2007)

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Colombia: Sound Broadcasting Study

Taking account of the needs for sector development vis-à-vis the new technological advances, the Ministry of Communications will promote a sound broadcasting study in order to update the National AM and FM Sound Broadcasting Technical Plan. (Ministry of Communications, 10 July 2007)

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Colombia: CAN Has Issued the Conditions in a Call for Bids for the Use and Exploitation of the Andean Satellite System

The General Secretariat of the Andean Community, with support from CAATEL, has opened the call for bids to select an international satellite operator to exploit orbital position 67° West.  (Ministry of Communications, 9 July 2007)

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Brazil: Anatel Opens New Internet Portal

As of Monday, July 2, the new portal of the Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações [National Telecommunication Agency] (Anatel) became available at the following address:  www.anatel.gov.br.  Content is organized as four tabs: Citizen Space, created to present the information most relevant to society; Technical Information, with content on the Agency’s technical areas, organized by service; Press Room, created for press relations, and making possible communication with the public; and Know Anatel, containing corporate information on what the Agency is and does.   (ANATEL, 2 July 2007)

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  New Associate Members of CITEL
Canada: Rogers Communications Inc.

On July 4, 2007 Rogers Communications Inc. of Canada became an associate member of PCC.I and PCC.II.

Rogers Communications Inc. (TSX: RCI; NYSE: RCI) is a diversified Canadian communications and media company engaged in three primary lines of business. Rogers Wireless is Canada's largest wireless voice and data communications services provider and the country's only carrier operating on the world standard GSM technology platform. Rogers Cable and Telecom is Canada's largest cable television provider offering cable television, high-speed Internet access, residential telephony services, and video retailing, while its Rogers Business Solutions division is a national provider of voice communications services, data networking, and broadband Internet connectivity to small, medium and large businesses. Rogers Media is Canada's premier collection of category leading media assets with businesses in radio and television broadcasting, televised shopping, publishing and sports entertainment.

Canada: Boeing Canada Technologies

On July 18, 2007 Boeing Canada Technologies of Canada became an associate member of PCC.II.

Boeing Canada Technologies is a subsidiary of The Boeing Company, Boeing Canada Technology began operations in Winnipeg in 1971 and has grown to become the largest aerospace composite manufacturing centre in Canada, employing over 1400 people who produce composite parts and assemblies for Boeing 737NG, 747, 767, 777 aircraft and the newest of the Boeing fleet -- the 787 Dreamliner. 

CITEL invites Administrations and associate members to send us news or notices to include in this section.

Unless otherwise indicated, the materials published on this web site, including opinions expressed therein, are the responsibility of the individual authors/compilers and not those of the Organization of American States (“OAS”), GS/OAS, CITEL and the OAS Member States or its member countries.


FORUM OF CITEL “Convergence: Transition of traditional networks and services in the Americas ”
The first international digital radio forum in the Dominican Republic
The impact of fraud on telecommunication users
Views on user and market needs for the next decade
A Conformity Assessment Body Experience
Implementation of aggregate Ethernet/MPLS network for rendering of multi-service (Part 1)
Quality of Service (Part 2)

  What is CITEL? 

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  Schedule of events

Forum of CITEL "Convergence:  Transition of Traditional Networks and Services in the Americas"
San José, Costa Rica, August 21, 2007
XII meeting of the Steering Committee
San José, Costa Rica, August 22 to 23, 2007


Electronic Forum
Connectivity Agenda


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