CIDI Resolutions - 2022


CIDI/RES.356/22: Convocation of the Eleventh Inter-American  Meeting of  Ministers of Education (Adopted during CIDI regular meeting, held on May 31, 2022)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.355/22: Convocation of the Ninth Inter-American  Meeting of  Ministers of Culture and Highest Authorities (Adopted during CIDI regular meeting, held on May 31, 2022)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português

CIDI/RES.354/22: Convening of the Fifth  Meeting of  Ministers and High-Level Authorities of Social Development (V REMDES) and of the Fifth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Social Development (CIDES) (Adopted during CIDI regular meeting, held on February 22, 2022)
                                    Español  - English - Français - Português