2014 Documents - Committee on Partnership for Development Policies

CIDI/CPD/Doc.76/14:  Background and rationale of the proposal for the construction of an Inter-American Education Agenda (Document presented by the Delegation of Panama, host country of the VIII Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education, and prepared with the support of the Department of Human Development and Education)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/Doc.75/14 Rev. 1:  Draft annotated agenda for the Fourth Meeting of Ministers and High-level Autorities on Science and Technology (Presented by the delegation of Guatemala and modified based on the agreements reached during the Preparatory Meeting for the Fourth Meeting of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Science and Technology, held at the OAS headquarters February 12-13, 2015)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.74/14 Rev. 2:  Draft agenda for the Fourth Meeting of Ministers and High-level Autorities on Science and Technology  (Approved ad referendum of CIDI on February 24, 2015)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.73/14 Rev. 2:  Draft annotated agenda for the Eighth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education within the framework of CIDI (Presented by the delegation of Panama; includes comments received from delegations as of December 9, 2014 and those presented during the meeting of December 11, 2014)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.72/14 Rev.1: Guidelines and methodology for reviewing draft resolutions to be negotiated in the Committee on Partnership-for-Development Policies (Agreed upon during the meeting held December 11, 2014)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/Doc.71/14:  Proposed texts for the section titled “Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism” of the draft omnibus resolution to be recommended to CIDI for submission to the General Assembly for consideration at its forty-fifth regular session (Presented by the delegation of Barbados) 
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.70/14:  Proposed texts for the section titled “Meeting of Ministers and Highest-level Authorities of Cultura” of the draft omnibus resolution to be recommended to CIDI for submission to the General Assembly for consideration at its forty-fifth regular session (Presented by the delegation of Haiti)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.69/14 Rev. 3:  List of Observers and Special Invitees to the Eighth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education within the framework of CIDI (Approved, ad referendum of CIDI, the 14th of November, 2014 and on January 29, 2015 as a result of the electronic consultation held on January 26, 2015)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/Doc.68/14 Rev. 2:  Draft agenda for the Eighth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education within the framework of CIDI (Approved ad referendum of CIDI on December 11, 2014)
                                                English  (corr) - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.67/14:  List of OAS reference documents to support the dialogues of the Committee on Partnership-for-Development Policies (List prepared by the Secretariat based on the inputs given during the meeting held September 15 and October 1st, 2014)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/Doc.66/15 Rev.1:  Proposed texts for the section titled “Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP)” of the draft omnibus resolution to be recommended to CIDI for submission to the General Assembly for consideration at its forty-fifth regular session (Presented by the delegation of Peru and adjusted based on the comments made during the meeting of November 7, 2104)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.65/14:  Draft annotated agenda for the Fourth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee for Sustainable Development (Presented by the delegation of Honduras, in its capacity as Chair of the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development. Includes Comments received by September 24, 2014)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.64/14:  Model texts forreporing on CIDI Ministerial processes (Document prepared by the Secretariat based on the agreements reached by the Committee on Partnership Policies and the texts adopted by resolution AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/Doc.63/14:  Preliminary draft agenda for the Fourth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee for Sustainable Development (Presented by the delegation of Honduras, in its capacity as Chair of the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development. Includes Comments received by September 24, 2014)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.62/14 Rev. 1:  Draft agenda for the Sixth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Education (Approved ad referendum of CIDI on September 15, 2014)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.61/14 Rev. 1:  List of Observers and Guests for the Sixth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Education ((Approved during the 39th regular CIDI Meeting held on June 30, 204. Approved, ad referendum of CIDI by the Committee on Partnership for Development Policies the 15th of September, 2014)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/Doc.60/14:  Options for the possible inclusion of teaching the four official languages of the OAS [Operative paragraph 18, AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14)] (Document prepared by the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/Doc.59/14:  (cancelled number)

CIDI/CPD/Doc.58/14 Rev. 3:  Draft resolution: “Follow-up on the implementation of the Declaration of Cochabamba on “Food Security with Sovereignty in the Americas” (Presented by the delegation of Bolivia. Includes the agreements reached during the meetings held May 7, 12 and 15, 2014)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.57/14 Rev. 2:  Draft resolution: “International Mother Earth Day” (Presented by the delegation of Bolivia. Agreed upon during the meeting held May 12, 2014) 
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/Doc.56/14 Rev. 3:  Draft resolution: “Sustainable and Equitable Cities and Communities in the Americas” (Presented by the delegation of Colombia. Agreed upon during the meeting held on May 15, 2014) 
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.55/14 Rev. 1:  Draft thematic omnibus resolution:  “Advancing Hemispheric initiatives on integral development” (Prepared by the Secretariat adjusting resolution AG/RES. 2779 (XLIII-O/13) with the texts submitted by the delegations of Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Includes texts from the draft resolution “Updating the Organization’s guidelines on sustainable development” CIDI/CPD/doc.53/14, presented by the delegation of Honduras, and the comments made during the meeting of April 22, 2014)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.54/14:  Draft resolution: “Reactivation of the Capital Fund for the OAS Scholarships and Training Programs” (Presented by the Delegation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.53/14:  Draft resolution: “Updated guidelines of the Organization regarding sustainable development” (Presented by the Delegation of Honduras) 
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.52/14:  Draft resolution: “Climate change in the framework of sustainable development in the Hemisphere” (Presented by the Delegation of Peru)
Español | English |  Français| Portuguese

CIDI/CPD/doc.51/14:  Preliminary draft agenda for the Sixth meeting of Ministers and Highest Appropriate Authorities of Culture in the framework of CIDI (Presented by the Delegation of Haiti)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.50/14 Rev. 3:  Draft omnibus resolution: “Strengthening the Inter-American Council for Integral Development: Policy Dialogue and Partnership for Development Cooperation” [Prepared by the Chairmanships of the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development and of the CIDI Working Group to Strengthen CIDI and its organs taking as a base resolution AG/RES. 2778 (XLIII-O/13). Incluye los acuerdos de las reuniones celebradas el 3 y 22 de abril de 2014 e incorpora textos del proyecto de resolución “Reactivación del Fondo de Capital de Becas y Capacitación de la OEA propuestos por la delegación de San Vicente y las Granadinas]
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.49/14 rev 1:  Guidelines and methodology for reviewing draft resolutions to be negotiated in the Committee on Partnership for Development Policies  (Agreed up on during the meeting held March 31st, 2014)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.48/14:  Preliminary draft agenda for the Twenty-second Meeting of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism (Presented by the Delegation of Barbados)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.47/14:  Preliminary draft agenda for the Ninth regular meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) (Presented by the Executive Board of the Inter-American Committee on Ports)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.46/14 rev. 1:  Recommendations to CIDI to prepared and implementation plan for the evaluation of the impact, relevance, sustainability, efficiency and cost effectiveness of the OAS scholarship and training programs (Agreed ad referendum of the Delegation of Jamaica, during the meeting held February 20, 2014)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.46/14 add.1:  Terms of Reference:  Evaluation of the OAS scholarships and training programs  (Document prepared by the Department of Planning and Evaluation in Collaboration with the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment based on the guidelines provided by member States during the informal meetings held January 17th and February 14, and sent to the Secretariat as of February 21, 2014)
                                                English  - Español