2013 Documents - Committee on Partnership for Development Policies

CIDI/CPD/doc.45/13:  Preliminary input of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development to the Committee on Policies, in consideration of the General Assembly mandate to prepare the implementation plan for carrying out the comprehensive evaluation of the OAS Scholarships and Training Programs referred to in operative paragraph  III.A.10(b) of resolution  AG/RES. 1 (XLV-E/13)  (Presentation of Ms. V Sherry Tross, Executive Secretary for Integral Development, during the meeting held December 6, 2013)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.44/13: Guidelines to prepare the implementation plan for carrying out the comprehensive evaluation of the OAS Scholarships and Training Programs referred to in operative paragraph  III.A.10(b) of resolution  AG/RES. 1 (XLV-E/13) (Document prepared by the Human Development, Education and Employment)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.43/13: Summary of the resolutions that CIDI has forwarded for the consideration of the OAS General Assembly (2009-2013) (Document prepared by the Secretariat at the request of the Chair)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.42/13 rev. 1: Draft Work Plan (Includes comments made by delegations at the meeting held on December 6, 2013)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.41/13 rev. 1: List of Observers and Special Guests to the   XVIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (Agreed upon at the twenty-sixth regular CIDI meeting held on April 30, 2013 (CIDI/doc.34/13 rev. 1) and ad referendum of CIDI through electronic consultation held between October 30 and November 1st, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.40/13 rev. 3: List of Observers and Special Guests to the Eighth regular meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology (Approved by CIDI at the meeting held May 21, 2013 (CIDI/doc.45/13 rev. 1) and ad referendum of CIDI through electronic consultation held between October 30 and November 1st, and November 5 and 8, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.39/13: 2013 Programming Cycle of the Hemispheric Fund for Tourism  (Agreed ad referendum of CIDI on August 30, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.38/13: Summary of the Evaluations by the members of the Non-Permanent Specialized Committee (CENPE) on Tourism of the projects presented in the framework of the first programming cycle of the Hemispheric Fund for Tourism (Compiled by the Secretariat)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.37/13: Project in the framework of the Hemispheric Tourism Fund: "Fortaleciendo las capacidades emprendedoras de las comunidades indígenas del Departamento de Sonsonate, El Salvador, por medio del Ecoturismo"  (Presented by the Delegation of El Salvador in the framework of the first programming cycle of the Hemispheric Tourism Fund)

CIDI/CPD/doc.37/13 add. 1: Evaluations by the members of the CENPE: Project titled: "Fortaleciendo las capacidades emprendedoras de las comunidades indígenas del Departamento de Sonsonate, El Salvador, por medio del Ecoturismo,”  presented by the Delegation of El Salvador in the framework of the first programming cycle of the Hemispheric Tourism Fund

CIDI/CPD/doc.36/13: Project in the framework of the Hemispheric Tourism Fund: “Fomentando la equidad de género en el turismo comunitario sobre la base del Turismo Consciente en Ecuador” (Presented by the Delegation of Ecuador in the framework of the first programming cycle of the Hemispheric Tourism Fund)

CIDI/CPD/doc.36/13 add. 1: Evaluations by the members of the CENPE: Project titled: “Fomentando la equidad de género en el turismo comunitario sobre la base del Turismo Consciente en Ecuador,”  presented by the Delegation of Ecuador in the framework of the first programming cycle of the Hemispheric Tourism Fund

CIDI/CPD/doc.35/13: Project in the framework of the Hemispheric Tourism Fund: “Tour Guide Training Project for Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison” (Presented by the Delegation of Barbados in the framework of the first programming cycle of the Hemispheric Tourism Fund)

CIDI/CPD/doc.35/13 add. 1: Evaluations by the members of the CENPE: Project titled:  “Tour Guide Training Project for Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison,” presented by the Delegation of Barbados in the framework of the first programming cycle of the Hemispheric Tourism Fund

CIDI/CPD/doc.34/13: Draft agenda for the Eighth regular meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology (Agreed ad referendum of CIDI on July 10, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.33/13: Draft agenda for the XVIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (Agreed ad referendum of CIDI on July 10, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.32/13: Pending paragraphs of the Draft Declaration of San Pedro Sula on Geoturism in the Americas (Considered during the meeting held on July 10, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.31/13 rev. 1: List of Observers and Special Guests to the XXI Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism  (Agreed ad referendum of CIDI on July 10, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.30/13 rev. 1:  Draft annotated agenda for the Eighth regular meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology (Agreed ad referendum of CIDI on July 10, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.29/13 rev.1: - Integration of additional members to the Non-Permanent Specialized Committee (CENPE) on Culture for the unified 2010-2011 FEMCIDI Programming Cycle and the criteria used to prepare it (Agreed ad referendum of CIDI on July 10, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.28/13 rev 1: Draft agenda for the Eighth regular meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (Agreed ad referendum of CIDI on August 22, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.27/13: Report to CIDI on the negotiation of draft resolutions referred through CIDI to the General Assembly for its consideration (Agreed upon during the meeting held May 17, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.26/13 rev 2:  Draft resolution:  "Advancing the Hemispheric Agenda on Integral Development"  (Considered during the meetings held May 3, 16 and 17, 2013)
                                                English  (corr.1) - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.26/13 add 1:  Draft resolution:  "Advancing the Hemispheric Agenda on Integral Development"  (Proposal of preamble paragraph  20 presented by the Delegation of Ecuador after the informal consultations held May 20, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.26/13 add 2: Draft resolution:  "Advancing the Hemispheric Agenda on Integral Development"  (Additional proposals to operative paragraph 13 (a) presented during the informal meeting held May 20, 2013 and distributed at the request of the Chair)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.26/13 add 3:  Draft resolution:  "Advancing the Hemispheric Agenda on Integral Development"  (Proposal of operative paragraph 12 (a) presented by the Delegation of Panama during the informal meeting held May 20, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.25/13:  Draft resolution:  "Strengthening Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises"  (Presented by the Delegation of Belize)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.24/13:  Draft resolution:  "Inter-American Competitiveness Network"  (Presented by the Delegation of Panama)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.23/13: Draft resolution:  "Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere"  (Presented by the Delegation of Canada)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.22/13:  Draft resolution:  "Report of the XX Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism and Holding the XXI Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism"  (Presented by the Delegations of Ecuador and Honduras) 
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.21/13:  Draft resolution:  "Convocation of the Eighth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports"  (Presented by the Delegation of Colombia) 
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.20/13:  Draft resolution:  "Promoting Integrated Water Resource Management"  (Presented by the Delegation of Colombia) 
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.19/13:  Draft resolution:  "Investing in Human Capital for Development"  (Presented by the Delegation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.18/13:  Draft resolution:  "Support for the Caribbean Sea Commission"  (Presented by the Delegation of Barbados)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.17/13: Draft resolution:  "Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices"  (Presented by the Delegation of Colombia)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.16/13: Plan for negotiation of omnibus draft resolutions within the framework of CIDI (Points made by the Chair during the meeting of April 12, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.15/13 rev. 5:  Draft resolution:  "Strengthening the Inter-American Council for Integral Development: Political dialogue and partnership for development cooperation (Agreed upon during the meetings held May 16 and 17, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.14/13: Draft resolution:  "Celebration of the 50 Anniversary of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor and celebration of its eighteenth meeting" (Presented by the Delegation of Colombia)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.13/13: (cancelled number)

CIDI/CPD/doc.12/13: Resolution: "Change of date of the Eighteenth Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor and celebration of its 50th Anniversary” (Agreed on February 8, 2013 ad referendum of the XXIII regular CIDI meeting)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.11/13: Resolution: "Convocation of a Special Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Tourism through a virtual forum to review the project profiles presented by member States to the Special Multilateral Fund of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development” (Agreed on February 8, 2013 ad referendum of the XXIII regular CIDI meeting)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.10/13: Schedule for the first programming cycle of the Tourism Hemispheric Fund (Agreed on February 8, 2013 ad referendum of the XXIII regular CIDI meeting)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.9/13: List of Observers and Special Guests to the Fifth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Culture (Agreed on February 8, 2013 ad referendum of the XXIII regular CIDI meeting)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.8/13: Resolution: “Convocation of the XXI Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism” (Agreed on February 8, 2013 ad referendum of the XXIII regular CIDI meeting)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.7/13 rev. 2: - Proposal for drafting mandates assigned to the General Secretariat in draft resolutions referred by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) to the General Assembly for consideration and in declarations and resolutions adopted within the framework of CIDI (Agreed upon at the meeting held on March 25, 2013)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.6/13 rev 2: - Guidelines and methodology for consideration of draft resolutions to be negotiated within the framework of the Committee on Partnership for Development Policies (Agreed upon at the meeting held on March 25, 2013)
                                                English  - Español