Documents 2018 - Committee on Migration Issues

CIDI/CAM/doc.56/18: Concept Note - Second Thematic Session: International Normative Instruments on Labor Migration and Migrant Workers 'rights that promote Inclusion of a Migratory Perspective in National Employment and Social Protection policies in order to, inter alia, prevent Xenophobia and Discrimination (Prepared by the Chair of CAM with the support of the Technical Secretariat)
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.55/18: Message from the Chair of CAM - Commemoration of International Migrants Day - December 18, 2018
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.54/18 rev.1: Concept note - First Thematic Session: "Migration and Health in the Americas" to be held on December 14, 2018 (Prepared by the Chair of the CAM with the support of the Technical Secretariat)
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.53/18: Draft work plan of the Committee on Migration Issues for the 2018-2019 period (Approved through the electronic consultation conducted on November 12, 2018)
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.52/18: Concept Note - III Thematic Session: "Migrants' Contributions to their Countries of Origin" to be held on May 14, 2018 (Prepared  by the Chair of the CAM with the support of the Technical Secretariat)
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.51/18: Proposed Paragraphs from the Committee on Migration Issues for the Draft Omnibus Resolution: "Advancing Hemispheric Initiatives on Integral Development (Proposed by the Chair of the CAM)
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.50/18: Concept Note - Second Thematic Session: SocioEconomic Reintegration of Returned Migrants, held on April 3, 2018 (Prepared by the Chair of the CAM)
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.49/18: Political Dialogue of the Regional Consultative Processes - Summary prepared by the Migration Section, Department of Social Inclusion, Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity)
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.48/18: Media Campaign: "Migrants Count in the Americas" - Messages to be disseminated during the second phase of the campaign: Migrants' Contributions to their Countries of Origin (Agreed upon at the meeting held on March 15, 2018)
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.47/18: Calendar of CAM activities for the January - June, 2018 Period
                                   English  - Español