Documents 2017 - Committee on Migration Issues

CIDI/CAM/doc.46/17: Media Campaign: "Migrants Count in the Americas -Timeline for the campaign's main events (Prepared by the  Chair of CAM )
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.45/17 rev.1: Media Campaign: "Migrants Count in the Americas - Message to disseminate during the campaign (Approved at the CAM meeting held on December 1, 2017)
                                   English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.44/17 rev.1:  Media Campaign - Communication Plan of the CAM to Dignify the Image of Migrants  (Approved at the CAM meeting held on October  31, 2017).
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.43/17 rev.1 corr.1:  Work Plan of the Committee on Migration Issues - 2017-2018 Period (Agreed at the CAM meeting held on September 22, 2017).
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.42/17:  "High-Level Forum on Irregular Migration Flows in the Americas", September 12 and 13, San José Costa Rica - Consideration and summary of background information (Prepared by the Department of Social Inclusion, in its capacity of Technical Secretariat of the CAM, for the meeting on August 17, 2017, in conjuction with the presentation by Costa Rica's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alejandro Solano.
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.41/17 rev.5:  Texts on Migration and Development to included in the Draft Omnibus Resolution "Advancing Hemispheric Initiatives on Integral Development"  (Agreed at the meeting held on June 8. Operative paragraphs 6,9 and 13 are ad referendum of the delegation of the United States)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.40/17 rev.6:   Draft Resolution "Migration in the Americas "  (Presented by the delegation of Mexico and cosponsored by the delegations of Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama) (Agreed at the meeting held on June 8. Operative paragraphs 6,9 and 13 are ad referendum of the delegation of the United States)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.39/17:   Migration and Gender in the Americas - Executive Summary (Prepared by the Chair of the CAM, with the support of the Department of Social Inclusion of the Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity in its capacity of Technical Secretariat of the CAM, on the occasion of the discussion on "Migration and Gender, to be held on April 20,2017)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.38/17 rev.1:    Migration and Gender - Concept Note (Prepared by the Chair of the CAM for the panel discussion on Migration and Gender, to be held on April 20,2017)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.37/17:    List of Participants -  Political Dialogue of the Regional Consultative Processes
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.36/17 rev.2:  Political Dialogue of the Regional Consultative Processes - Draft Agenda
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CAM/doc.35/17:  Climate Change, Food Security and Migration in the Americas - Concept Document (Prepared by the Chair of the CAM)
                                                English  - Español*

CIDI/CAM/doc.34/17:  Climate Change, Food Security and Migration in the Americas - Executive Summary (Prepared by the Chair of the CAM)
                                                English  - Español

*Available only in that language