Subcommittees of CEPCIDI


CEPCIDI has two permanent subcommittees that are open to the participation of all member states: the Subcommittee on Partnership for Development Policies and the Subcommittee on Programs, Budget and Evaluation. Each subcommittee has a chair who is elected at the second regular CEPCIDI meeting following each Regular Meeting of CIDI. The chairs and vice chairs will remain in office until the election of their successors.

The Subcommittee on Partnership for Development Policies is a CEPCIDI organ established under Article 39 of the CEPCIDI Rules of Procedure. The Subcommittee has the following functions:

  • Prepare the Strategic Plan and draft the inter-American programs;
  • Monitor the implementation of the inter-American programs;
  • Prepare the draft annual schedule of meetings that take place within the framework of CIDI;
  • Analyze the annual work plan and semiannual progress reports of the pertinent dependencies of the General Secretariat and the reports of the IACD.

Chair (2011-2012): (Elected by CEPCIDI during its 171 regular meeting held July 19, 2011)
Roger Abboud, Alternate Representative from Brazil
Vice-Chair (2011-2012): (Elected by the Subcommittee during its meeting held December 2, 2011)
    Jose Luis Dominguez Brito, Alternate Representative from the Dominican Republic

Orders of Business









The Subcommittee on Programs, Budget and Evaluation* is a CEPCIDI organ established under Article 38 of the CEPCIDI Rules of Procedure. The Subcommittee has the following functions:

  • Analyze the budgetary execution of partnership for development activities;
  • Identify and propose to CEPCIDI, arrangements, procedure and sources of financing for programs approved by the member states;
  • Examine and make recommendations to CEPCIDI regarding the matters in the Organization's program-budget dealing with partnership for development

*The Subcommittee on Programs, Budget and Evaluation is currently inactive.