CEPCIDI Working Group to Prepare the Inter-American Year of Culture

Established by CEPCIDI/Res.168/10, the Working Group to Prepare the Inter-American Year of Culture was created to prepare the year long celebration "which aims to celebrate the many cultures of the Hemisphere and to recognize the central role that culture plays in economic, social, and human development in all communities."

    Viviane Rios Balbino, Alternate Representative of Brazil
    Melissa Kopolow, Alternate Representative of the United States


Chair's report to the Permanente Executive Committee of CIDI (CEPCIDI) and documents agreed by CEPCIDI during its 164 regular meeting held October 25th, 2010

CEPCIDI/doc.957/10: Report of the Chair of the Working Group of CEPCIDI to prepare the Inter-American Year of Culture: 2011
                                    Español - English

CEPCIDI/doc.966/10: Presentation Document of the Inter-American Year of Culture (Agreed during the meeting held on October 25, 2010)
                                    Español (corr. 1)- English- Français - Português

CEPCIDI/doc.965/10: Strategy for 2011: Inter-American Year of Culture (Agreed during the meeting held on October 25, 2010)
                                    Español - English


Documents of the CEPCIDI Working Group to Prepare the Inter-American Year of Culture

CEPCIDI/GT/AIC-7/10: Draft Order of Business for the meeting held on October 15, 2010
                                    Español - English

CEPCIDI/GT/AIC-6/10 rev. 4:  Presentation Document of the Inter-American Year of Culture "Our cultures, our future" (Agreed during the meeting held on October 15, 2010)
                                    Español - English -Français - Português

CEPCIDI/GT/AIC-5/10 rev. 2: Draft Strategy for the 2011: Inter-American Year of Culture - Appendix C: List of possible donors for the 2011 Inter-American Year of Culture  (Includes proposals made by the Authorities of the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) during their meeting held September 29-30, 2010, reviewed at the informal meeting of the Working Group of October 13, 2010)
                                    Español - English

CEPCIDI/GT/AIC-4/10 rev. 2: Draft Strategy for the 2011: Inter-American Year of Culture - Appendix B:  Initial list of suggested activities and timeline for the 2011:  Inter-American Year of Culture (Includes proposals made by the Authorities of the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) during their meeting held September 29-30, 2010, reviewed at the informal meeting of the Working Group of October 13, 2010)
                                    Español - English

CEPCIDI/GT/AIC-3/10 rev. 2:  Draft Strategy for the 2011: Inter-American Year of Culture - Appendix A: Criteria for selection of activities (Includes proposals made by the Authorities of the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) during their meeting held September 29-30, 2010, reviewed at the informal meeting of the Working Group of October 13, 2010)
                                    Español - English

CEPCIDI/GT/AIC-2/10 rev. 2:  Draft Strategy for the 2011: Inter-American Year of Culture (Agreed during the meeting held October 15, 2010)
                                    Español - English

CEPCIDI/GT/AIC-1/10:  Draft Order of Business for the meeting held September 17, 2010
                                    Español - English