Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD)

AICD/JD/doc-185/20: Payments of the Development Cooperation Fund Contributions (Updated on November 19, 2020)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-184/20: Development Cooperation Fund Balances and Payments of the OAS/DCF contributions as of September 16, 2020)

AICD/JD/doc-183/20: Eligibility and Budget for the OAS Development Cooperation Fund (OAS/DCF) Programming Cycle 2021-2024 (Approved by the Management Board of the IACD by decision AICD/JD/DE-127/20 on December 3, 2020)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-182/20: Update on the OAS CooperaNet Platform (Prepared by the Secretariat based on the information on the CooperaNet Platform as of September 10, 2020)

AICD/JD/doc-181/20: Proposals submitted by member states on the draft proposal area of action for the Programming Cycle 2021-2024 of the DCF-Document (AICD/JD/doc.180/20)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-180/20: Area of action and programs  for the Programming Cycle 2021-2024 of the DCF (Approved at the meeting of the Management Board of the IACD held on September 21, 2020)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-179/20: Proposals submitted by the delegations of member states on the approach for the definition of the of the area of action for the Programming Cycle 2021-2024 of the DCF
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-178/20: Mid-Term assessment report on the DCF program implementation - Programming Cycle 2017-2021 (Prepared by the Technical Cooperation Section, pursuant article 17 (t) of the DCF statutes)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-177/20: 2020-2021 IACD Work Plan (Approved at the meeting of the Management Board of the IACD held on June 16, 2020)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-176/20: Pledges and Payments of the 2019 DCF Contributions  (Updated as of March 2, 2020) (Prepared by the Technical Cooperation Section)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-175/20: Suggested 2020-2021 MB/IACD Work Plan Priorities (Prepared by the Secretariat, based on the actions proposed by member states and the comments received following the meeting of the Management Board, held on December 9, 2019)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-174/20: Executive Summary - Technical Meeting on Cooperation for Development: Follow-up to the Second Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Cooperation Authorities (Held on October 31 and November 1, 2019)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-173/20: Results of the Breakout Sessions - Technical Meeting on Cooperation for Development: Follow-up to the Second Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Cooperation Authorities (Held on October 31 and November 1, 2019)
                                English - Español