Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD)

AICD/JD/doc-118/09: Presentation of the proposed Work Plan 2009-2010 of the Management Board  (Given at the Management Board meeting of September 24, 2009)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-117/09 rev. 1: Status of the FEMCIDI 2009 Programming Cycle as of September 28, 2009 (Document prepared by the Secretariat and includes the pledges made during the Management Board Meeting held on September 24, 2009)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-116/09: Draft Work Plan 2009-2010 (Presented by the Chair)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-115/09: Preliminary draft Agenda
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-114/09: Proposal to revitalize FEMCIDI  (Prepared by the Secretariat)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-113/09 rev. 2 corr. 1: FEMCIDI 2008 Partnership for Development Activities Programming (Approved at the meeting held on March 19 and 20, 2009)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-112/09 corr. 1: Request to extend the 2007 FEMCIDI projects for a month (Prepared by the Secretariat)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-111/09 rev. 1: Requests to extend the execution period the 2007 FEMCIDI projects (Summary of the requests received by the Secretariat)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-110/09: Preliminary draft Agenda
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/doc-109/09 rev. 1: Proposed structure for the Work Plan (Document redrafted by the Chair on the basis of comments received from member states)
                                English - Español



AICD/JD/CN-3/09: Consultation of the Chair of the Management Board on the extension of the Venezuela project “Tecnologías Apropiadas y Apropiables en Construcción, Saneamiento Básico Ambiental y Energías Alternas” (ME-042/07)
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/CN-2/09: Consultation of the Management Board on the consultations carried out with the CENPE in application of the Management Board's Decision No. 5 of March 19 and 20, 2009, AICD/JD/doc.66/09
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/CN-1/09: Consultation of the Management Board on the recommendation of the CENPE of social development concerning the Antigua and Barbuda project "Supporting Caribbean Enterprises (SOURCE)" (AE-263/07)
                                English - Español