Communication Center

Constitutes the internal press corps of the MOAS, charged with producing a daily “Newsletter” to inform all participants about the activities and discussions being conducted during the committee sessions, as well as information about MOAS official events.  The information issued by the Communications Center must follow the basic principles of objectivity, impartiality, veracity, clarity and accuracy.  It is preferable that the members of this group be journalism or communications students, or individuals with experience in publishing press bulletins or similar documents. The staff of the Communications Center must have a thorough knowledge of the MOAS documents and processes, including:  code of conduct, agenda of topics, schedule of events, rules of procedure, instructions for debate, as well as the job descriptions of all members of this delegation.


 a. Issue a daily Newsletter with information about the Model and other articles on specific issues, including:  coverage of meetings and official MOAS activities; interviews with MOAS authorities, delegates, faculty advisors, special guests and OAS staff participating in this exercise; photographs of the MOAS sessions, special guests and participants; reports on important news happening in the Americas during the MOAS.

 b. In consultations with the counterpart staff assigned to the coordination of the MOAS, publish articles related to tourism of cultural activities that may be of interest of the participants in the Model.

 c. Organize and coordinate press conferences on the request of the MOAS Secretary General or President, or both, and function as the point of coordination for any other press conference to be requested by another MOAS authority, head of delegation, or Public Information Officer from any of the attending delegations.