Press Release
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IACHR Press Office
Washington, D.C.-
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) publishes
Admissibility and Merits Report 83/23, regarding Case 14.196. This case
concerns the responsibility of the State of Cuba for the deaths of Oswaldo Payá
and Harold Cepero and the torture and violations of judicial guarantees
subsequently suffered by Ángel Carromero.
Human rights defender and political leader Oswaldo Payá and fellow human rights
defender and dissident Harold Cepero were subjected to various acts of violence,
harassment, threats, and attempted murder when a car crash finally cost them
their lives on June 22, 2012. Later, Ángel Carromero, who had been driving the
car at the time of the crash and survived, was prosecuted, and convicted in
connection with these events.
In its report, the IACHR stresses that what happened to the victims had to be
considered in the context of the persecution and State repression against
political dissidents and rights defenders in Cuba, which seek to discourage or
prevent efforts to advocate or promote human rights.
The IACHR identified sufficient serious evidence to conclude that State agents
had been involved in the deaths of Payá and Cepero. In particular, the
Commission took into consideration Carromero’s testimony—confirmed by an
eyewitness—noting that the vehicle had been hit by an official car. The State
did not submit allegations or otherwise refute these arguments. The IACHR
therefore established that the State of Cuba had violated the rights to life,
honor, and freedom of expression of the two men.
The Commission found many irregularities and omissions in the investigation of
these events, including poor investigative capacity and a failure to get
survivors to testify, as well as the fact that the authorities immediately
adopted an official position, before having conducted the necessary
Concerning the right to access to justice, the IACHR found that Oswaldo Payá’s
family had never been granted access to the autopsy reports or to the results of
other relevant procedures. In proceedings against Ángel Carromero for his
alleged responsibility in the accident, the authorities did not allow them to be
involved, request evidence, or appeal the conviction. The Commission concluded
that this investigation failed to comply with State obligations concerning due
diligence, the exhaustion of logical lines of investigation, the need to
publicize proceedings, and the need to grant access to information.
The IACHR therefore concluded that Cuba had violated the rights to justice and
to file petitions held in the American Declaration, to the detriment of the
families of Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero.
The IACHR also found that Carromero’s right to judicial guarantees had been
violated, given that he did not have legal counsel since the beginning of the
investigation, he was not allowed to submit evidence or conduct procedures in
his own defense, and the whole trial, up until his conviction, was shrouded in
secrecy and not adequately publicized.
Ángel Carromero was subjected to an unlawful, arbitrary arrest, threatened by
State authorities to get him to confess his alleged responsibility in the crash,
and subjected to torture and other forms of inhuman treatment, including
beatings and lack of access to open air, sunlight, and adequate nutrition. The
IACHR therefore found that the State had violated Carromero’s right to personal
In its report, the Commission also found that the State had violated the rights
to residence and freedom of movement of Oswaldo Payá and his family, because he
was often prevented from moving freely around the country for being a rights
defender. Payá’s family was denied the chance to travel to collect his remains,
and they were later forced to leave the country after receiving threats and
harassment from the State.
The IACHR calls on the State of Cuba to comprehensively implement all
recommendations made in this report, including the following: providing material
and immaterial reparations to victims and their families; launching a diligent
and effective investigation within a reasonable timeframe to establish what
happened and to identify and punish the people responsible for it; taking
measures to prevent similar events from happening again; and enabling the
voluntary return of individuals who were forced to rebuild their lives elsewhere
in the wake of these events.
A principal, autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS), the IACHR derives its mandate from the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human Rights. The Inter-American Commission has a mandate to promote respect for and to defend human rights in the region and acts as a consultative body to the OAS in this area. The Commission is composed of seven independent members who are elected in an individual capacity by the OAS General Assembly and who do not represent their countries of origin or residence.
No. 116/23
4:30 PM