General Assembly

Satellite Transmissions

Telepuerto Internacional del Peru (TIPE] will be the satellite provider for the General Assembly.

Satellite: IS 805 tp 17 slot 1 ( 6 MHz )
Download Frequency: 4120.00 V
Symbol Rate: 4.44
FEC : 2/3
Encoder: NOS DVB MPEG 2, 4:2:0

Saturday, June 5th, Initial Press Conference (Live)

Test & Calibration : 17:45 (GMT] 12:45 (Local Time]
Starting : 18:15 (GMT] 13:00 (Local Time]
Ending : 19:00 (GMT] 14:00 (Local Time]
Time of transmission: 60 min.

Sunday, June 6th, Opening Ceremony of the OAS General Assembly in Peru (Live)

Test & Calibration : 23:15 (GMT] 18:15 (Local Time]
Starting : 23:30 (GMT] 18:30 (Local Time]
Ending : 01 :00 (GMT] 20:00 (Local Time]
Time of Transmission : 90 min.

Monday, June 7th, Press Summary and B- Roll

Test & Calibrat ion : 17:45 (GMT] 12:45 (Local Time]
Sta rting : 18:00 (GMT] 13:00 (Local Time]
Endin g: 18:15 (GMT] 13: 15 (Local Time]
Time of Transm ission : 15 min.

Tuesday, June 8th, Press Summary and B-Roll

Test & Calib rat ion : 17:45 (GMT] 12:45 (Local Time]
Starting : 18:00 (GMT] 13:00 (Local Time]
Ending : 18:15 (GMT] 13:15 (Local Time]
Time of Transmission: 15 min.

Tuesday June 8th, Closing Ceremony and final Press Conference (Live) (Time To Be Determined)

Test & Calibration : 23:45 (GMT] 18:45 (Local Time]
Starting : 00:00 (GMT] 19:00 (Local Time]
Ending: 01 :30 (GMT] 20:30 (Local time]
Time of Transmission: 90 min.

TIPE will offer the following services for this event :

  • Playout in DVCam NTSC format or multiformat camera or VTR, service includes uplink and satellite space in IS-805, band C.
  • Live, service includes camera and cameraman, lights, microphone, IFB, uplink and satellite space in 15-805, band C.


  • Playout includes Uplink and satellite space: First ten minutes [USD] $450
    Five additional minutes [USD] $140
  • Live, includes satellite space: First ten minutes [USD] $650
    Five additional minutes [USD] $200

TIPE contact information
[email protected]

Booking +511-265-7207, Fax +511-419-4085
Orlando Ospi nal +511-99813-1405
Jonny Mayandia +511-99816-4027

OAS contact info :
Luis Batlle, [email protected]