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An undertaking that attempts to provide renewable energy policy guidance to policy strategists who operate across a spectrum of national energy systems inherently contains both the flaws and the strengths of “universal” or general concepts. Readers are asked to apply broad conceptual ideas in a specific national context. The authors have used operative or normative words with the objective of describing concepts neutrally - without implying conceptual bias. This objective is difficult to achieve - especially for multi-language translations. When possible, normative words are defined the first time they are used in the text.

... be consistently mindful of the difference between means and ends.

The authors have articulated the thesis that policy strategists must consistently be mindful of the difference between means and ends.

· The term “goal” is used in the sense of the end toward which effort is directed - the terminal point.

· The term “objective” is used in the sense of steps toward the goal - i.e., sub-goals.

· The term “ policy” is used in the sense of a government statement of the goals (or ends) selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions. Within context the term “policy may be used to mean the definite course of action or method of action to guide decisions. Policy issues meriting special consideration by decision makers are highlighted by a check (“ “).

· The term “strategy” is used in the sense of the science and art of employing political, economic, scientific and psychological forces to afford maximum support to adopted policies.

· The term “mechanism” is used in the sense the process or the technique elected from among alternatives to achieve objectives.

· The term “program” is used in the sense of a specific application of a mechanism.

Communicating ideas to policy strategists with a diverse range of national issues and backgrounds requires equal care on the part of the writer as well as the reader not to superimpose unintentional layers of meaning or to allow ambiguous meanings. Readers are invited to contact US/ECRE with suggestions which may avoid such flaws.

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