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This document is based on the Phase I report of the project "A Case Study of Environmental Management: Integrated Area Development in the Humid Tropics, the Central Selva of Peru" which was funded by the OAS, UNEP and the Government of Peru. Chapters 1,2 and 16 were written by Richard Saunier who also acted as general editor. Chapters 3 to 15, in large part, are edited sectoral reports from several specialists who comprised the study team; many of the ideas in Chapter 16 also belong to them.

The study team consisted of Carlos Ponce who prepared the legal and intitutional discussions; Marc Dourojeanni who described the ecosystems of the humid tropics and Central Selva, discussed their conservation and wrote the major portion of the wildlife chapter; Hugo Lumbreras prepared the report on health in the humid tropics and provided information on the native wildlife species used in medical research.

Hector Martínez's participation covered the history of human settlements in the Central Selva. Jorge Malleux, Douglas Pool, and Manuel Ruiz respectively discussed tropical forestry, agriculture, and ranching. Gonzalo de las Salas contributed to the chapter on tropical forestry, and Fernando Carbajal helped with the chapter on human settlements.

Christian Berger wrote the report on tropical fisheries resources; Pedro Lavi, with help from Marta Bittner prepared the report on petroleum and mining resources; Rolando Flores developed the chapter on transportation infrastructure and Javier Verastegui produced the section on energy resources. Antonio Tatit Holtz wrote the portion on water resources and Joshua Dickinson prepared the Appendix on regional conceptual modelling as well as the national and regional conceptual models in Figures 16-1 and 16-2. Janice Delaney wrote the Executive Summary and her editorial work on the rest of the document made it much more readible.

As in any effort of this nature, a large number of individuals were involved throughout - logistics, editing, typing, reviewing, proof-reading, translating, and in providing support in numerous other ways. Teresa Angulo, Salvador Archondo, Stephen Bender, Marta Bittner, Jorge Blanco, Janice Bramson, Patricio Chellew, Newton Cordeiro, Rafael Diaz, Ed Farnworth, Gabriel Gross, Arthur Heyman, Gloria Martinez, Richard Meganck, Elba Molina, Monica Muller, Lilian Renique, Julio Reyes, Richard Sims, Boris Utria, and David Wood figure prominently among these. The Institute Nacional de Planificación of Peru and the Oficina Nacional de Evaluación de Recursos Naturales of Peru helped in the original proposal and field logistics. UNEP staff members in Nairobi, Mexico City, and Washington D.C., though unnamed, are appreciated for their work as well.

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