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In response to a request presented by the Government of Argentina to the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States, the Program of Regional Development in cooperation with the "Instituto de Ciencia y Técnica Hídricas" of the Under-Secretariat of Water Resources of Argentina carried out a study to determine the best use of the water resources in the Lower Basin of the Bermejo River.

This work was undertaken by a Technical Unit, located In the city of Buenos Aires, which was comprised of specialists from Argentina and a Technical Cooperation Mission from the OAS. The Direction of the Technical Unit was shared by an OAS Mission Chief and a National Project Director. This work was carried out from October 1973 to December 1975, In May 1976 the Government of Argentina approved the report.

The area of the study is located in the northern part of Argentina, known as the Chaco and covers part of the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Chaco and Formosa. The area has less population and lower relative development than the country as a whole and its natural resources have not yet been exploited to any great extent.

In order to plan the development alternatives, a zonification based on Its natural resources potential was made. Seeking to give both the national and provincial authorities the information required for decision making for the future development, three large groups of alternatives and projects were studied at a reconnaissance level. They are: 1. water utilization, 2. dry farming and forestry, and 3. Industrial development.

Because previously (1971-73) the Technical Mission had studied the water resources of the Upper Basin of the Rio Bermejo in Argentina and Bolivia, the current study has lead to a better knowledge of the Bermejo River Basin as a whole, which will allow the planning of the development of the basin as a single entity.

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