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Environmental action plan

Program 1: Strengthening national environmental management capability
Program 2: Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and genetic reserves
Program 3: Coastal zone management and reclamation.
Program 4: Management of critical watersheds
Program 5: Environmental sanitation
Program 6: Reclamation and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystems
Program 7: Energy for sustainable development
Program 8: Environmental education
Program 9: Support of economic policy and environmental management

The activities of the EAP have been grouped into nine priority programs (Figure 5). These programs summarize the guidelines recommended to government institutions and outline the short and medium term needs for technical cooperation, financial arrangements and institutional strengthening. The priority activities are presented in the form of project outlines that can serve as general terms of reference for subsequent preinvestment or investment studies.

Program 1: Strengthening national environmental management capability

This program will provide the institutional setting and support required to implement the EAP. The program will generate regulations, incentives, and specific instruments to help channel government and private efforts towards sustainable development and improve current and future quality of life. Its immediate objectives are:

- Establish the National Environmental Council which will help to introduce environmental concerns into national development policy.

- Strengthen MVOTMA, including a Programming and Projects Unit, to coordinate programming and project execution and, to monitor the EAP.

- Support public institutions and provide incentives to the executing agencies to design and implement environmental management activities.

- Strengthen the capacity of DINAMA to control and regulate environmental quality.

- Undertake the studies and activities required to execute the programs and projects of the EAP.

- Strengthen the capacity DINAMA to regulate waste recycling and control dissemination of non-biodegradable materials.

- Introduce the environmental dimension in economic and budgeting policies of the nation.

- Strengthen Uruguay's international level activities concerning environmental management.

The EAP is based on the participation of national organizations as well as of international technical cooperation agencies. Its structure rests on four specific projects.

1. Establishment of a Programming and Projects Unit. This project is to increase the capacity of MVOTMA for programming and coordinating execution of EAP activities as well as to follow-up and monitor the EAP. In addition, it will help ensure on-going study of priority projects and the identification of new projects.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA

Executing Agencies: Office of Planning and Budget; Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP); Ministry of Economy and Finances; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Council of Directors of the Public Education Administration; Ministry of Transportation and Public Works; Ministry of Industry and Energy; Ministry of Public Health; Municipal Governments; and, the University of the Republic.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation to strengthen national institutions.

Costs and Financing:

Total Cost: US$ 1,100,000
External financing: US$ 902,000
National counterpart funds: US$ 198,000

2. Strengthening DINAMA. This project will strengthen DINAMA (of MVOTMA) by increasing its capacity in environmental management through execution of five sub-projects:

- National Environmental Information System will create a network of institutions that generate information useful to environmental management. Its structure will be based on a program of key themes that will allow monitoring, use, management and public diffusion. The computerized network will function within DINAMA. Financing has already been secured from the European Community.

- Control of Toxic Chemicals and other Dangerous Products. This sub-project consists of a complete inventory of industries to detect their contributions to soil, water and atmospheric contamination. The project will also monitor water for toxic chemicals; develop toxic materials data base; install bioassay laboratory; develop a program to control toxic chemicals from industrial outfalls; formulate a program to control atmospheric contamination nation-wide; study alternatives for disposal of toxic solid wastes; establish a site for the deposit of radioactive wastes. Execution of this sub-project depends on DINAMA in coordination with the Uruguayan Chamber of Industries.

- Quality Control of Potable Water. This sub-project Is to independently analyze the quality of the nation's drinking water. The analysis will be done on water taken at the tap and will include both biological and chemical analyses. The executing agency is DINAMA.

- Control and Disposal of Urban Household Waste. This sub-project will create within DINAMA the capacity to advise and supervise the municipalities concerning the management and disposal of their urban solid wastes (household, industrial and hospital). Execution belongs to DINAMA and the 19 municipal intendencias.

- Assessment or water Quality in tne Santa Lucia River Basin. The Santa Lucia River Basin Is the source of the potable water for 60% of the population of the country. Since the quality of this water depends on the production activities and human settlements In two sub-basins these activities and settlements must be closely managed and controlled. According to the Uruguayan Water Code, these waters should be classified so that a legal framework, which will determine how these sub-basins will be used, can be created. This sub-project will arrive at agreements between the various users so that the potability of water from the basin will not be diminished. Execution of this project will depend on DINAMA in coordination with the State Sanitary Works (OSE), Municipalities, MGAP and MTOP.



· Strengthening DINAMA
· Establishment of a Programming acid Projects Unit (PPU)
· Strengthening Uruguay's foreign policy on environmental matters
· Introduction of environmental management issues Into economic policy and budgetary programming


· Creation of a national system of protected areas
· Ecotourism development
· Conservation of the "venado de campo"
· Production of native fauna


· Coastal zone management
· Beach conservation and restoration
· Coastal zone cadastre and legislation for coastal conservation
· Zoning of tourist settlements


· Management of the Santa Lucia river basin
· Management of the Arroyo Miguelete watershed
· Management of the Arroyo Pando watershed
· Management of the Laguna del Sauce watershed
· Management of the Laguna Merín basin;
· Management of the Arroyo Panianoso watershed
· Management of the Arroyo Carrasco basin


· Development of ten treatment plants for urban liquid wastes
· The introduction of a system of control standards for air contamination
· Sanitation project for the Interior of the country
· Sanitation of Montevideo
· Development of appropriate technologies for the disposal and/or treatment of effluent
· Management of the solid wastes of Montevideo
· Environmental sanitation of Canelonas


· Afforestation
· Valuation of the natural services provided by forests
· Sustained livestock production on natural pastures
· Land-use zoning


· Wind-power farm
· Household energy conservation


· Environmental education projects of the National Administration of Public Education (NAPE)
· Informal environmental education
· Environmental Sciences Institute


· Establishment of a national system of environmental accounts
· System of natural resource accounts

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA acting through DINAMA.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation for institutional strengthening.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 1,304,500
External Funding: US$ 1,046,000
National Counterpart: US$ 258,000

3. Strengthening Uruguay's Foreign Policy on Environmental Matters. This project will support the Ministry of Foreign Relations in formulating Uruguay's foreign policy on environmental matters.

Coordinating Institution: Environmental Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

US$ 14,800 financed by the National Program of Technical Cooperation of the OAS.

4. Introduction of Environmental Management Issues into Economic Policy and Budgetary Programming. This project will outline the specific actions of the Planning and Budget Office of the Presidency of the Republic with respect to the implementation of economic measures proposed in the Environmental Action Plan (EAP).

Executing Institution: Office of Planning and Budget together with the participation of the Ministry of Economy and Finances.

Nature of the Project:. Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

US$ 14.000 financed by the National Program of Technical Cooperation of the OAS.

Program 2: Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and genetic reserves

This program is to analyze the information contained in the national physical and biological database, and propose how the information should be incorporated in the formulation of development policies. It also supports the establishment and management of conservation areas. These areas constitute scientific, technological, scenic, and cultural reserves which can support medium- and long-term development.

1. Creation of a National System of Protected Areas. Thirty-six areas have been identified as potential sites for conservation. These include marshlands, unusual woodland formations, areas containing species of special interest, coastal ecosystems, extraordinary landscapes, and areas of historical and cultural value. Three such areas have been selected that include coastal and wetland ecosystems, native forests and native pastures that will be classified according to IUCN guidelines. The project will mark the boundaries of each and define their land ownership status according to thier management plans. Private participation will be sought throughout the process of defining the system. Appropriate legislation will be recommended to support the decisions and institutions involved in the system's management.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA.

Executing Agencies: MGAP through the Directorate of Renewable Natural Resources (DNRNR) and OPP.

Nature of the Project: Investment and Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 386,000
Technical cooperation: US$ 276,000
National Counterpart: US$ 110,000
US$ 150,000 of financing has been approved by the National Preinvestment Fund.

2. Ecotourism Development. This project will create and finance an effective mechanism for the conservation of Uruguay's natural and cultural heritage and to provide the means to support regional socioeconomic development. Preinvestment studies will look into the investment alternatives to increase ecotourism potential and will include studies of infrastructure, equipment and services as well as an analysis of demand and a description of the market. Priority will be given to areas on sea coast, wetlands and, native forests in the north and central parts of the country.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA.

Executing Agencies: Ministry of Tourism, Private land-owners.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation, Financing.

Costs and Financing: Not yet defined.

3. Conservation of the "Venado de Campo". Uruguay has the largest remaining population of this almost extinct species of deer. This project will support private conservation activities and create research centers to gather data and other information necessary to sustainably manage endangered species. Existing and on-going studies as well as management efforts by private landowners will be examined in order to define a concrete strategy for the conservation of this species.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA.

Executing Agencies: MGAP/DNRNR, Private Landowners.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation, International Workshop, Financial Support.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 140,000
Technical cooperation: US$ 125,000
National Counterpart: US$ 15,000

4. Production of Native Fauna. This project seeks to help conserve species of native fauna that already possess certain economic value and whose commercial production could benefit socioeconomic development. Nutria, capybara, cayman, and heron are proposed as the first species to be used.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA.

Executing Agencies: MGAP/DNRNR, Private Landowners.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing: Not yet defined.

Program 3: Coastal zone management and reclamation.

This program will provide incentives and other instruments to regulate management of the country's coastal areas. It includes reclamation and conservation of those beaches and landscapes under greatest pressure from tourism and other uses. Reclamation efforts are to include beach conservation and renewal; beach cleanups; user education; development of alternatives for recreation; and, gearing legislation to coordinate objectives of national and departmental authorities. Other areas, such as those that are being overtaken by uncontrolled tourist settlements, also require specific actions and solutions.

This program complements the Program for the Management of Critical Watersheds (including the coastal basins such as Laguna del Sauce, Laguna Merín, and the Atlantic Coast), and also with the Program of Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and Genetic Reserves, which includes lightly used areas of the Atlantic Coast.

1. Coastal Zone Management. This project will use zoning as an instrument of environmental regulation of coastal resources in an effort to develop tourism while not harming the natural resources. It will include projects that contain both general and/or local activities that are compatible with one another.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA.

Executing Agencies: Prefectura Nacional Naval.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing: Not yet defined.

2. Beach Conservation and Restoration. This project will address the problem of further sand loss through erosion and use in the most deteriorated beaches. It will ensure cleanliness and conservation of beach areas through education programs for both tourists and the general population. The project will build protective fencing on eroded or erosionable areas to trap the sand and, encourage vegetation growth. It will eliminate fixed structures in areas where active beach building is underway and select points where overland runoff should be collected as well as to provide the appropriate equipment and services for beach cleanup.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Prefectura Nacional Naval. CODICEN, through the "Universidad del Trabajo" of Uruguay, Municipalities of Canelones, Maldonado and Rocha, and Community Organizations.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 585,100
Technical cooperation: US$ 486,600
National Counterpart: US$ 98,500

3. Coastal zone cadastre and legislation for coastal conservation. This project will classify ownership and coordinate a cadastral database as well as integrate the norms to regulate conservation activities for scenic areas and coastal ecosystems. It will seek to reconcile the carrying capacity of the resources with preservation of their fundamental values through coordination of national and departmental legislation.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Municipalities of Canelones, Maldonado and Rocha; the National Directorate of Cadastre of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 38,000
External Funding: US$ 31,000
National Counterpart: US$ 7,000

4. Zoning of Tourist Settlements. This project will consist of basic studies to determine the most appropriate disposition of existing spontaneous settlements, tourist subdivisions and urbanization which degrade or threaten coastal resources (beaches, rocky areas, fishing grounds, outstanding landscapes, and other ecosystems). Regulatory plans for the reclamation of Piriápolis and the bathing resort and service area of La Paloma are to be included. Also of importance because of its fauna and because of its scenic value, is the Laguna de Rocha. Actions will be taken to settle the issues of the illegal tourist settlements that have invaded Aguas Dulces, Punta del Diablo and Valizas. Financing will allow the development of site specific regulatory plans.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/ DINAMA/ DINAOT.

Executing Agencies: Municipalities and Private Organizations.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation, Financing.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 122,000
External Funding: US$ 110,000
National Counterpart: US$ 12,000

Program 4: Management of critical watersheds

This program's intent is to restore the productive capacities of watersheds, decrease the level of controversy over their use, and strengthen local and national capabilities to guide sustainable development. Because each watershed suffers specific problems, separate actions that tit within the overall national framework of the project as well as within the policies of regional integration are justified.

1. Management of the Santa Lucia River Basin. This is a sustainable development project involving participation of the social and productive sectors of the Santa Lucia River Basin. It will provide the instruments and mechanisms necessary to control water quality in the Santa Lucia River and to foster development for a better quality of life for the local population. Activities will be made up of the following components: zoning of the basin and the selection of pilot watersheds where management will take place; construction of urban and industrial sanitary services and control of point sources of chemical and organic water contamination; development of integrated and sustainable systems of horticulture and horticulture based industries; watershed protection; reforestation for both protective and productive purposes; monitoring; and, institutional management of the project.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: OSE, MGAP, and five municipalities, and private organizations.

Nature of the Project: Pre-feasibility level study, Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 448,500
External Funding: US$ 324,500
National Counterpart: US$ 124,000

2. Management of the Arroyo Miguelete Watershed. This project is to rehabilitate the Arroyo Miguelete watercourse for public use and to improve the quality of life of those who live within the basin. This implies environmental sanitation of the waterway and the surrounding area as well as guidelines for management of its resources and services, the generation of jobs, and the improvement of basic services. The various components of the project are: urban zoning and development of local services; classification of local water bodies according to the National Water Code; basic sanitation following the Montevideo Sanitary Plan; management and recycling of waste; social organization and training; and, monitoring of project execution.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Municipality of Montevideo, local private organizations.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation for pre-feasibility studies.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 342,800
External Funding: US$ 267,300
National Counterpart: US$ 75,500

3. Management of the Arroyo Pando Watershed. The project is intended to resolve the Arroyo Pando water-use controversies through watershed management planning. Controversies over water-use result in local and national health problems and damage the quality and productivity of farm crops as well as conflict with recreation, tourism, and industrial-development activities.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Municipality of Canelones, OSE and MGAP.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation to design pre-feasibility level studies.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 10,000
External Funding: US$ 10,000

4. Management of the Laguna del Sauce Watershed. This project consists of a feasibility study of alternative solutions for the problems of this watershed given its pressures of current and future use. Two major aspects are involved: the watershed as a source of potable water; and, the reclamation of the Portezuelo (Punta Ballena) beach for tourism. This project is of particular economic and environmental interest for the country because of its coverage of the area of Punta del Este.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Municipality of Maldonado, OSE, Ministry of National Defense, National Navy, MTOP, and MGAP.

Nature of the Project: Technical cooperation for pre-feasibility level studies.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 60,000
External Funding: US$ 50,000
National Counterpart: US$ 10,000

5. Management of the Laguna Merín Basin. The project will prepare the terms of reference for a feasibility study for the integrated and sustainable development of the Laguna Merín basin. The effort is to be accomplished together with the Uruguay/Brazil Laguna Merín Commission (LMC).

6. Management of the Arroyo Pantanoso Watershed. This project is similar to that for the Arroyo Miguelete watershed, although, here, the emphasis is on industrial reconversion and on the installation of treatment plants for urban and industrial wastes.

7. Management of the Arroyo Carrasco Basin. This project is also similar to that of the Arroyo Miguelete and Pantanoso watersheds.

Program 5: Environmental sanitation

This program will generate and support solutions to eliminate current soil and water contamination problems caused by deficient or insufficient handling of urban effluent and solid wastes. It may also help to generate air quality information on a national basis. Some of the more important projects of this program are:

1. Development of Ten Treatment Plants For Urban Liquid Wastes. Financial studies by the National Preinvestment Fund (FONADEP), under a OPP/IDB Agreement are being executed for the cities of Rivera (defined project); Fray Bentos (draft project);

Tacuarembó (study of options); Melo (draft project); Florida (defined project); and Artigas (draft project). Studies are yet to be initiated for the treatment plants of Rocha, Trinidad, Santa Lucia, and San Carlos.

2. The Implementation of a System of Control Standards for Air Contamination. This project will finance actions to monitor air quality on a national level. Particular consideration should be given to the recommendations of the "Acta de Yaguarón" between Brazil and Uruguay for the area of impact from the coal-fired energy complex at Candiota.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agency: National Directorate of Meteorology of the Ministry of National Defense, Municipalities.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation and investment.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 40,000
External Funding: US$ 32,000
National Counterpart: US$ 8,000

3. Sanitation Project for the Interior of the Country. On a basis of established priorities, the project is to identify the environmental problems of interior cities having populations over 5.000 and of the urbanized resorts of the Plata River and Atlantic Ocean.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: OSE, eighteen municipalities from the interior of the country.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation to elaborate pre-feasibility studies.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 500,000
External Funding: US$ 450,000
National Counterpart: US$ 50,000

4. Sanitation of Montevideo. The master plan for this project is being completed by the national government in cooperation with the municipal government of Montevideo, and the IDB. It is to analyze the status of the sanitary infrastructure and services for the city of Montevideo; prepare an overall strategy of environmental sanitation for the city; and, prepare an application for financing the recommended activities.

5. Development of Appropriate Technologies for the Disposal and/or Treatment of Effluent. This project will continue two studies already in progress for adapting low-cost technologies for disposal and/or treatment of household and industrial wastes.

Coordinating Institution: The Hydraulic Engineering School, The Technical Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU), and DINAMA in coordination with the Chamber of Industries.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation for pre-feasibility level studies.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 200,000
External Funding: US$ 180,000
National Counterpart: US$ 20,000

6. Management of the Solid Wastes of Montevideo. This project is to provide technical support to the municipal government's policy for handling and recycling urban, hospital and solid wastes. It will design investment projects to reinforce the cities sanitary services. The project will classify wastes at their point of origin and develop industrial recycling methods that assure their sanitary handling. The project has two complimentary components: a global restructuring of the system of solid waste collection in Montevideo including institutional/organizational aspects; education and training; the establishment of technical standards; provision of equipment; and, the organization of collection services, collectors and recycling services. The second component is centered in the secure management of the wastes generated from hospitals and health clinics. Emphasis will be given to training, establishment of technical standards for waste management in the interior of the country, collection and secure disposition of wastes; and, in providing the necessary equipment.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Municipality of Montevideo through the Directorate of Services and Works of the Ministry of Public Health and, the State Health Services Administration.

Nature of Study: Pre-investment study.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 80,000
External Funding: US$ 65,000
National Counterpart: US$ 15,000

7. Environmental Sanitation of Canelones. This is a pilot project to use appropriate technologies for the disposal of urban solid wastes and liquid effluent. The production of compost from this project will be used to rehabilitate deteriorated ecosystems of the department of Canelones. A feasibility study is considered necessary.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Execution Agency: Municipality of Canelones.

Nature of Project: Investment study.

Costs and Financing:

Total US$ 120,000
External Funding: US$ 100,000
National Counterpart: US$ 20,000

Program 6: Reclamation and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystems

This program will demonstrate the economic value of good management by redirecting the use of natural systems and resources so that their conservation and continued use are assured. There are four components.

1. Afforestation. This project will generate information for sustainable forest production that can be processed to the advantage of both the producer and the country. The project has been financed by National Pre-investment Fund which is supported by the Inter-American Development Bank and is being executed by the Forestry Directorate of Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries with the technical cooperation of the Department of Regional Development and Environment of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States.

2. Valuation of the Natural Services Provided by Forests. The project will investigate the genetic, productive, and protective properties of native forest ecosystems and evaluate their potential uses. The gallery and mountain forest ecosystems of the country are to be studied in terms of their capacity for protecting soils, retaining water, providing habitat for fauna, and sheltering livestock.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Forestry Directorate and the Directorate of Renewable Natural Resources of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries; the National Institute of Agricultural Research and the Agronomy and Science Faculties of the University.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation to design the research program.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 50,000
External Funding: US$ 40,000
National Counterpart: US$ 10,000

3. Sustained Livestock Production on Natural Pastures. This project will restore and improve conditions of the natural pastures, increase their natural vegetative cover and capacity to retain soil and water, as well as to increase livestock production. Supporting research on natural ecosystems and on technologies for sustainable production are required. The project has two components. The first deals with the generation and transfer of technology and the second is to define the pilot level production systems for implementation and monitoring in representative natural pastures.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, INIA and its field stations as well as the Agronomy Faculty of the University.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation to investigate and implement projects for sustainable livestock development.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 127,000
External Funding: US$ 105,000
National Counterpart: US$ 22,000

4. Land-use Zoning. This project provide technical assistance for land-use zoning in order to make the best economic use of available lands and technology. This will constitute the basis for directing sustainable development on a national scale. Information will be gathered which describes natural formations, resources and actual land-use. Terms of reference will be written to cover the project activities, its implementation and financing.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA/ National Land-use Zoning Directorate (DINAOT).

Executing Agencies: Same.

Nature of Project: Technical Cooperation for Institutional Strengthening.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 50,000
External Funding: US$ 40,000
National Counterpart: US$ 10,000

Program 7: Energy for sustainable development

The program seeks to support use of environmentally benign energy resources (i.e. wind), and greater energy saving through new technologies for home heating including low-cost housing projects.

1. Wind-power Farm Project. The project is a pilot feasibility study for the first electric energy producing wind-power farm in Uruguay. Information based on research and existing technology developed in national institutions will be used.

Coordinating Institution: National Energy Directorate.

Executing Agencies: State Telephone and Energy, Engineering Faculty, National Directorate of Meteorology.

Nature of Project: Pre-feasibility study.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 60,000
External Funding: US$ 50,000
National Counterpart: US$ 10,000

2. Household Energy Conservation. This project will: a) study the savings from incorporating new technologies for cooking and heating; and b) design a research project to investigate heating for low-cost housing. The home energy savings component requires a consultant to design an financing and investment project to substitute high energy use equipment in homes. The second component will use consultants to undertake integrated research of the "comfort zone" in low-income housing and will require expertise in the use of solar energy, construction materials, residual heating and project evaluation on an economic level.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA/ National Directorate of Housing.

Executing Agencies: National Energy Directorate, Institute of Building Construction of the Architecture Faculty.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 55,000
External Funding: US$ 43,000
National Counterpart: US$ 12,000

Program 8: Environmental education

The proposed program is based on two complementary projects geared to: i) inspire mature, responsible attitudes regarding sustainable development and the carrying capacity of ecosystems and natural resources; and, ii) provide incentives for responsible, ethical, and impartial behavior. The projects will address the formal education sector and the development of non-formal mechanisms of education and organized social participation.

1. Environmental Education Projects of the National Administration of Public Education (NAPE). This project is strategic in nature, and aims to update teacher training and curriculum design to give new generations the capacity to act in a responsible manner vis-a-vis the natural surroundings. It consists of five sub-projects:

- Training, curricula integration, and application of methods for teachers and professors of intermediate and technical

- Curricula integration and training of normal school teachers;

- Design training and informational materials;

- Design and strengthen experimental microprograms; and,

- Adding the environmental dimension to the curricula of agricultural schools.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: CODICEN, through the specialized organizations of the National Public Education Administration and the Vocational University of Uruguay.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation and Institution Building.

Costs and Financing:

Total: US$ 292,000
External Funding: US$ 234,000
National Counterpart: US$ 58,000

2. Informal Environmental Education. Through use of mass media; organized promotion; and informed, and responsible, social participation, the informal environmental educational project will supplement the formal environmental education project and compliment all other projects of the EAP. The project is to instill new social values in the citizens of Uruguay for the conservation of nature. Citizen participation will assume roles that the state cannot take on. Personnel will be trained to carry out informal education for the conservation of nature and improvement of environmental quality; promotion of scientific research; and, social promotion for the management of protected wild areas. The project has been designed at the level of pre-feasibility. It is estimated that the project would be completed in a period of 15 months.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Ministry of Education and Culture and Environmental and Developmental NGOs.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

Total US$ 102,000
External Funding: US$ 80,000
National Counterpart: US$ 22,000

3. Environmental Sciences Institute. Technical cooperation Is being sought through a proposal prepared by the School of Sciences of the University of the Republic. It is to be applied to the Santa Lucia River Basin and is to provide academic training in the environmental sciences.

Program 9: Support of economic policy and environmental management

This program will generate a System of Environmental Accounts that will supplement the current system of National Accounts and the Natural Resources Accounting System.

1. Establishment of a National System of Environmental Accounts. A Uruguayan system of environmental accounting would be an important asset for understanding the country's environmental problems and policies. The purpose of this project is to delineate the main components of a Uruguayan system of environmental accounting. The components were suggested according to their importance to both economics and environmental management and because the requisite information was available. Technical cooperation will be required to design the study.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Economy and Finances, Office of Planning and Budget, Central Bank of Uruguay.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

Total US$ 40,000
External Funding: US$ 30,000
National Counterpart: US$ 10,000

2. System of Natural Resource Accounts. The objective of this project is to create instruments for the analysis of information on soil, water, and natural vegetation that will allow development of sustainable development policies for Uruguay. It will also supplement the current National Accounts System with real data on how the Nation's renewable natural resources are used. In earlier work undertaken by EAN in cooperation with the National Soils and Water Directorate of Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, a pre-feasibility level study was designed which is considered to be the first step toward creating a national system of environmental accounts. It is estimated that six months will be required to fully execute the project once it is initiated.

Coordinating Institution: MVOTMA/DINAMA.

Executing Agencies: Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries/National Soils and Water Directorate.

Nature of Project: Technical cooperation.

Costs and Financing:

Total US$ 234,000
External Funding: US$ 167,000
National Counterpart: US$ 67,000


Institutional Arrangements: Execution of the EAP will depend on the structure and mandate of each executing agency. For example, the MVOTMA is responsible for EAP coordination, management, and follow-up.

The creation of a political authority for the execution of the EAP within MVOTMA will permit national policy to reflect environmental concerns. This authority takes the form of a commission or upper-echelon, inter-institutional group of national institutions that participate in the EAP.

The implementing agencies (see Figure 6) are government institutions that have been assigned responsibility for the various projects. Because of their responsibilities and scope of participation, the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries; the National Administration of Public Education; the National Administration of Sanitation Works, and the interested municipal governments will play major roles. Likewise, the participation of the Office of Planning and Budget, the Ministry of Economy and Finances, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be important. According to the EAP, the following institutions have specific responsibilities: Ministry of Transportation and Public Works, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Mines, University of the Republic, National Institute of Agricultural Research, and the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay.

Costs and Financing: The EAP contains programs and projects that require outside technical and financial cooperation. Therefore, acquisition of international funding to support these efforts at environmental management is a priority.

Costs of the EAP for studies, research and institutional reform amount to approximately US$ 4,100,000, to be covered from international sources of financing and technical cooperation. A national counterpart contribution of nearly US$ 970,000 is expected.

A further US$ 1,200,000 in external funds are required for financing pre-investment studies. Nearly US$ 280,000 will be supplied by Uruguay for these purposes.

Approximately US$ 20,000,000 will be needed to execute the investment projects that are to be formulated. Nearly US$ 2,000,000 of this amount will come from national funding.

Several stages of implementation of the EAP have been contemplated. To reach the final goal of sustainable development that this plan offers will require three years for start up, project studies, and project execution.

Figure 6. Institutional proposal for a national environmental management system


The Organization of American States (OAS) is the world's oldest regional organization, dating back to the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington, D.C., on April 14, 1890. This meeting approved the establishment of the International Union of American Republics. The Charter of the OAS was signed in Bogota in 1948 and entered into force on December 13, 1951. The Charter was subsequently amended by the Protocol of Buenos Aires signed in 1967, which entered into force on February 27, 1970, and by the Protocol of Cartagena de Indias, signed in 1985, which entered into force on November 16, 1988, The OAS currently has 35 Member States. In addition, the Organization has granted Permanent Observer status to 27 States in Europe, Africa and Asia, as well as to the Holy See and the European Economic Community.

The basic purposes of the OAS are as follows: to strengthen the peace and security of the continent; to promote and consolidate representative democracy, with due respect for the principle of nonintervention; to prevent possible causes of difficulties and to ensure the pacific settlement of disputes that may arise among the Member States; to provide for common action on the part of those States in the event of aggression; to seek the solution of political, juridical and economic problems that may arise among them; to promote, by cooperative action, their economic, social and cultural development, and to achieve an effective limitation of conventional weapons that will make it possible to devote the largest amount of resources to the economic and social development of the Member States,

The OAS accomplishes its purposes through the following organs: the General Assembly; the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs; the Councils (the Permanent Council, the Inter-American Economic and Social Council and the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture); the Inter-American Juridical Committee, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; the General Secretariat; the Specialized Conferences; the Specialized Organizations and other entities established by the General Assembly.

The General Assembly holds regular sessions once a year. Under special circumstances it meets in special session. The Meeting of Consultation is convened to consider urgent matters of common interest and to serve as Organ of Consultation under the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty), the main instrument for joint action in the event of aggression. The Permanent Council takes cognizance of such matters as are entrusted by the General Assembly or the Meeting of Consultation and Implements the decisions of both organs when their implementation has not been assigned to any other body, it monitors the maintenance of friendly relations among the Member States and the observance of the standards governing General Secretariat operations and also acts provisionally as Organ of Consultation under the Rio Treaty. The purpose of the other two Councils is to promote cooperation among the Member States in their respective areas of competence. These Councils hold one annual meeting and meet in special sessions when convoked in accordance with the procedures provided for in the Charter. The General Secretariat is the central and permanent organ of the OAS. The headquarters of both the Permanent Council and the General Secretariat is in Washington, D.C.

MEMBER STATES: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, The Bahamas (Commonwealth of), Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica (Commonwealth of), Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.

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