Risk Management Events

April 14-16, 2010 The II Hemispheric Encounter on National Mechanisms and Networks for Disaster Risk Reduction: “Encounter of Santa Marta: From Theory to Practice” More...

March 10, 2010 Experts Round Table: Community-centered Flood Early Warning Systems (EWS): The Central American Experience More...

February 18, 2010 Meeting of the Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on Existing Mechanisms for Disaster Prevention and Response and Humanitarian Assistance More...

February 1, 2010 Meeting of the Group of Friends of Haiti More..

January 19, 2010 Meeting of the Group of Friends of Haiti More...

December 14, 2009 Meeting of the Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on Existing Mechanisms for Disaster Prevention and Response and Humanitarian Assistance More...

November 30, 2009 Presentation at the Inter-American Defense College

November 23-24, 2009 Mission to Guatemala to participate in the Regional Workshop on Flood EWS and the second meeting of the Project’s Steering Committee in representation of SEDI/DSD

November 2009 Mission to El Salvador following Hurricane Ida

March 17, 2009 International Experts and Authorities met in Panama to discuss Disaster Risk Reduction and Development More...

February 18-19, 2009 First Regional Workshop for the Validation of a Preliminary “online” Inventory of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) applied to Natural Disaster Mitigation in Managua, Nicaragua More...

January 28, 2009 Experts from inter-governmental organizations of the Inter-American and UN Systems meet to discuss preparations for the 1st Session of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) Regional Platform of the Americas More...

January 27, 2009 The DSD participated in the panel of the event “Migration and Disasters Situations” organized by the Committee on Migration Issues of the OAS Permanent Council More...

April 23-24, 2007 OAS-IFRC Americas Forum on International Disaster Response, Laws, Rules and Principles held in Panama More...



This page was last updated on Thursday April 29, 2010.