Project  Execution

Projects are designed to address pressing issues in critical areas, while developing lessons learned and experience that can be translated into “good” practices for future up-scaling and replication. Coherent with the RISK-MACC strategic and overarching objectives, projects are executed in close coordination and cooperation with national agencies in multiple sectors –from emergency preparedness and prevention agencies, to agriculture, health, environment, and education ministries, to finance and planning. Coordination and co-execution arrangements are sought, whenever possible, with sub regional intergovernmental organizations, such as CDERA, CEPREDENAC and CAPRADE, and other sub regional organizations with specific sector-specific competences. Examples are the Central American Regional Committee on Hydraulic Resources (CRRH, in its Spanish acronym) or the Central American Council for Agriculture and Livestock (CORECA, in its Spanish acronym).

    (a) Central America School Retrofitting Program (PRECA)


   (b) Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Programme



   (c)  Grenada Hurricane Resilent Home Reconstruction Program 



    (d) Haiti Building Standards Development Project (HBS)





This page was last updated on Wednesday September 29, 2010.