Mandates and directives

Mandates and directives of RISK-MACC emerge from the Summit of the Americas Process – declarations and initiatives for action, and the General Assembly’s resolutions. More particularly, the Summit on Sustainable Development of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, of 1996, and its follow-up process provides for specific directives to the SEDI’s Department of Sustainable Development. The Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) sets the strategic priorities of action, every five years. Its objectives are set in the mandates of the Summit of the Americas (Miami 1994, Santiago de Chile 1998, Quebec City 2001, Monterrey 2004, and Mar del Plata 2005), and especially in the Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development (Bolivia, 1996), as well as the General Assembly, the Permanent Council, and other OAS Councils and Committees. Consequently, the PIDS summarizes all the mandates that emerge from the highest policy-making bodies in the Americas, and defines the directives of RISK-MACC.







This page was last updated on Thursday July 26, 2012.