


VII IABIN Council Meeting


Organization of American States

September 28-30, 2011

Washington DC



Agenda Press Release

This meeting served as a capstone to the broader IABIN program and examined the progress, challenges, lessons learned and current status of the network. Participants briefly reviewed completed activities, including Component 1: Interoperability and Access to Data, Component 2: Data Content Creation and Component 3: Tools for Decision Making. IABIN Council Members and Coordinating Institutions strategized how to best utilize and plan future development of the tools and products of the project, underwent demonstrations on the use of Component 3 tools, continued the ongoing discussion on IABIN’s sustainability and future, and worked on a vision statement for the period 2012-2015.

Specific Goals for the meeting:

·         Participants shown examples of Value-added Tools for Decision Making, able to promote them as needed in their countries, international meetings, etc.

·         Ensuring linkages with global, national level conservation strategies

·         Coordination on fundraising and production of a vision statement 2012-2015


IABIN Focal Point get together for the picture!






Vincent Abreu / Carmen Josse

Ecosystems Thematic Network / NatureServe

IABIN’s Ecosystem Thematic Network: A regional initiative to advance the use and integration of ecosystem information

George Raber

University of Southern Mississippi / The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Ecosystem Assessment & Reporting (EAR) Tool

Erick Mata

Encyclopedia of Life (EoL)

Biodiversity Informatics in the Americas: Current Challenges and Opportunities

Denny Grossman

Conservation Biology Institute (CBI)



Christine Fournier

United States Geological Survey (USGS)

Status Update on the IABIN Invasives Information Network (I3N)

Jose Vicente Rodriguez

Conservation International (CI) Colombia

Ara-Colombia: La información sobre  diversidad biológica y cultural al servicio la  conservación en el país

Laurie Adams

Pollinator Partnership

The Pollinator Data Resource for the Americas

María Mora

National Biodiversity Institute of Costa Rica (INBIO)

IABIN Species and Specimens Thematic Network (SSTN), Report 2006-2011.


Next Steps:

On day 2, the following questions were discussed in the breakout groups. The summary can be found in the following document :

Group Questions

1.       What are our objectives for IABIN Phase II -- what difference do we want to make?

1.       What are the key questions that IABIN can help answer by providing data and tools to decision-makers?

2.       Who are the most important audiences – users of the data – that we should be working closely with?

3.       What are the best opportunities, environmental decision-making processes, and existing initiatives that we should become involved with to meet our objectives?

4.       How should IABIN be structured and governed to be successful in Phase II?






This page was last updated on Wednesday March 14, 2012.