Corporación Ornitológica del Ecuador


Project Agreement   |  Proposal  


Thematic Network:





Aves & Conservacion (A&C) . BirdLife Ecuador, is in the process of providing through its IABIN portal more than 90,000 bird records (300,000 individuals), which will be freely accessible from June 2009 onwards. Due to the fact that A&C has much more bird records that are not yet digitalized, we are applying for a second phase of the project in which we pretend to provide a minimum of 35,000 bird records (70,000 individuals). Altogether, these data represent 1.200 species, 75 % of the country’s avifauna. They were collected in almost all provinces, biogeographical regions, habitats, and altitudinal ranges of Ecuador. The availability of this information is fundamental for optimizing natural resources management. Users will be conservation organizations, development agencies, and governmental institutions. Furthermore, A&C is leading the formation of the Ecuadorian Vertebrate Monitoring Network (MOVE-EC) that will collect thousands of records from several vertebrate groups each year. A&C will incorporate its data in the IABIN database and will actively promote that other users of the MOVE-EC database will also share their data. This will guarantee the long-term increase of records and the updating of the information.


June 30, 2009 - June 30, 2010

         Contribution (GS/OAS)

$ 10.000



         Principal researcher

Dr. Olaf Jahn  , Sandra Loor-Vela  


Progress report 

Final report: click here







This page was last updated on Wednesday March 02, 2011.