Corporación Taller La Era


Project Agreement    | Proposal  


Thematic Network:




1.    Summary

The vegetation belts classification of Chile, developed between the years 2003 and 2006, yielded a textbook (Luebert & Pliscoff 2006) and a digital version of the results. The classificaction has been used in research as well as in territorial planning. This project has three goals: generating a geo-referenced database of vegetation records, clearing up the cartography of vegetation belts currently existing in Chile and standardizing this classification to the IABIN metadata and the Ecological Systems classification of NatureServe.

In order to generate a database the vegetation records of ca. 1024 references will be revised and digitalized. The clearing up of the current cartography will be performed by means of the correction of the altitudinal limits of the vegetation belts using a 90 m resolution DEM and the actualization of the administrative boundaries of the country according to the new official cartography of Chile. To standardize the cartography of vegetation belts, the current database associated to the cartography will be adapted to the IABIN standards and the equivalences with the NatureServe Ecological Systems will be incorporated.

2.    Period

May 23, 2008 - January 23, 2009

3.    Contribution (GS/OAS)

$ 10.000

4.    State


5.    Principal researcher

Patricio Andrés Pliscoff Varas  , Federico José Luebert Bruron 


Progress report

Final report


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