Analysis of supporting laws and public policies

The DSD is analyzing existing legal and regulatory frameworks at the national level in the Andean and Central American Region, in areas such as forest management, water resources management, biodiversity, fiscal incentives, natural resource valuation, recognition of ecological services, public utilities, agricultural easements, property rights, funding for conservation and guarantees among others to determine which provisions facilitate or inhibit this type of mechanisms. 

Existing transactions from the PES inventory developed by the OAS among other sources will also be analyzed to identify instrumental elements in institutional infrastructure and public policies that allow PES and other transactions to work.  Common elements from the analysis at the national level will be highlighted regarding gaps that need to be addressed and most suitable legal conditions. These gaps and elements, together with best practices, will be considered in the development of a hemispheric approach to PES.
















This page was last updated on Wednesday September 29, 2010.