Ongoing Projects and Initiatives


1. The Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN)

IABIN is a consolidated internet-based forum for technical and scientific cooperation, which improves the accessibility, completeness and interoperability of biodiversity databases, and promote standards for data exchange and shared vocabularies. The 34 member countries of the OAS have a IABIN Focal Points who serve as a national liaison on all IABIN issues. Also promotes databases in the thematic networks of species, specimens, ecosystems, invasive species, and pollinators.

IABIN progress reports:

August 2002 - February 2003  

February - July 2003

July 2003 - February 2004

February - August 2004

December 2004 - June 2005

July - December 2005

January - June 2006

July - December 2006

January  - June 2007

January - June 2008

July - December 2008

January - June 2009 (Spanish version)

July - December 2009

January - June 2010  (Spanish version)

July - December 2010 (Spanish version)

IABIN Mind Newsletter Issue 1

May 2010


Contact Information:


Component 1: Interoperability and Access to Data

Enhance the information system infrastructure to search, evaluate, and access biological data and information from a distributed network of cooperating data and information sources from across the Americas. More information...


Component 2: Data Content Creation

Provide technical leadership to IABIN participating Countries as they develop data for access within the IABIN network to improve the availability of critical biodiversity data and metadata. More information ...


Component 3: Value-Added Tools

Contribute to improve connectivity between biological and non-biological data, includes tools that will allow the user to ask questions from biodiversity and socio-economic databases in an integrated manner. More information ...


Component 4:  Sustainability of IABIN

Orient IABIN as a self-sustaining distributed network which provides open access to high quality, relevant information on biodiversity in the Americas, providing that information in a timely manner to users throughout the public and private sector in the Americas and to other interested parties worldwide. More information...


Latest IABIN News


2. Sustainable Cities

The OAS Sustainable Cities approach is driven with a set of actions in the fields of Economic Development, Housing, Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection and Sustainable Transport. A plan of action was released as one of the main outputs of this Ministerial Meeting; it refers to urgent need to advance toward sustainable development by strengthening social awareness, with a broad vision that promotes public participation, integration, hemispheric cooperation, equity, and social justice, with special emphasis on women, children, and vulnerable groups. More information ...


3. Western Hemispheric Migratory Species Initiative (WHMSI)

Wildlife directors responsible for the management of flora and fauna and other senior officials have developed the Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative (WHMSI). WHMSI is hemispheric project encompassing 35 nations that addresses the 1940 Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere (Western Hemisphere  Convention, also known as the Washington Convention) which calls on governments of the Americas “to protect and preserve in their natural habitat representatives of all species and genera of their native flora and fauna, including migratory birds, in sufficient numbers and over areas extensive enough to assure them from becoming extinct through any agency within man's control.” More information...


4. Regional Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of High Andean Wetlands

This strategy is a guiding framework for regional cooperation among the countries involved, within a ten year projection period (2005-2015). Its purpose is the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands and wetland complexes in páramos, jalca, puna, and other High Andean ecosystems that include glaciers, lakes, lagoons, wet meadows, bofedales, mallines, highland vegas, salt pans and peatlands, rivers, water streams and other water bodies, defined as wetlands within the Ramsar Convention classification, including catchments, located at the Andean Range and other mountain systems in Latin America. More information ...



5. ReefFix: An ICZM Coral Reef Restoration, Watershed Management and Capacity Building Demonstration Project for the Caribbean

Supported by the government of Chile, is an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Coral Reef and Mangrove Restoration and Watershed Management Demonstration program that works with Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to restore and effectively manage coastal resources. More information...



6. The Andes Amazon Protected Areas Database (AAPAD)

The Andes Amazon Protected Areas Database is a project financed by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF) and executed by the Department of Sustainable Development at the Organization of American States (OAS-DSD).  The main goal of this project is to develop an online database with information about the status of the protected areas in the Andes – Amazon region.  The database is one of many tools to gauge management effectiveness, to facilitate decision makers, and better target investments in biodiversity conservation and management. More information ...






This page was last updated on Wednesday October 12, 2011.