The Andes Amazon Protected Areas Database (AAPAD)

Organization of American States

Quito Workshop






The network organizes international workshops and conferences  to integrate the participants and consolidate the processes of exchange of information between countries.The idea is to keep a continuous communication between the members. It  is important  to be able to rely on updated information  about the processes that countries are  developing  to conserve and  elevate the level of efficiency of the protected areas. These meetings are maintained with the support of organizations such as  the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (OTCA), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Embassy of Holland in Colombia.


The main objectives of this meeting are:

  • Give continuity to the capacity building of the information system and the Andean-Amazonic Protected Areas Data Base. with indicators on the status of the protected areas of this region.

  • Diagnose needs and recommendations of action for the Amazonic Region regarding information and trainings as support for the binational projects and superregionals ones.

  • Defined transboundary projects that allow the implementation of interoperability tools. this to use them as a pilot project for potential integration and regional cooperation.

The network AAPAD has been working in the development of horizontal and international cooperation to establish a common framework of information. A main focus is the data interoperability, based on a lingua franca or standard way to report basic elements for description, diagnosis and prognosis of the areas in the Amazon basin.



Hildebrando Arangú

 Sistema Nacional de Parques de Venezuela

R.Ribeiro - Ministerio do Meio Ambiente Brasil

 Cadastro Nacional de Unidades de conservacao - CNUC

Richard Huber

 IABIN - Sistemas de Informacion sobre Biodiversidad

Helena Pavese

 Un mundo donde la biodiversidad cuenta

Eduardo Couto

Protected Areas Thematic Network

Minnie Wong

Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)



Estrategia areas protegidas de frontera y posicionamiento regional


Trabajo en zonas de conservacion fronteriza


Reserva de Produccion Faunistica Cuyabeno

 Peru Propuesta de Manejo Integrado de Areas Naturales Protegidas Fronterizas de Peru y Brasil


 Sistema Nacional de Parques de Venezuela

Workshop Final Documents:

Recommendations for Border Areas


Information Systems




This page was last updated on Friday May 14, 2010.