Newsletter - January 2010
Upcoming Events
Department of International Law is helping to
organize the Second Course on International
Refugee Law, to be carried out within the
Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs of the
Permanent Council of the OAS. This event is also
receiving the technical and financial collaboration
of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR), with which the Department of International
law has a cooperation agreement. The course will
be held on 17 February 2010, in the Padilha
Vidal Room at OAS General Secretariat
headquarters in Washington, D.C. The course is being
offered in compliance with resolution
AG/RES. 2511 (XXXIX-O/09).
The course is open to staff of the Permanent Missions
of OAS member states, General Secretariat personnel,
and other interested persons. The classes will be
given by specialists of the UNHCR, as well as experts
in the problems faced by refugees and related issues
who will be coming from Argentina, Brazil, and the
International Committee of the Red Cross.
The protection of persons applying for refugee
status, and the protection of refugees of the
Americas is another subject that has received
consistent attention from the OAS for decades. In
recent years, within the Committee on Juridical and
Political Affairs, a special session was held on
international refugee law, and an earlier course was
also offered on the subject.
Those interested in participating in this course are
kindly asked to check the
website of the Department of International Law
for the purposes of registration..
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