Newsletter - January 2010
Family Law
Department of International Law held a meeting, on 3-
4 November in Washington, D.C., of the
Spanish-speaking pilot group that is working to
implement an inter-American network of legal
cooperation and mutual assistance in family and child
law, in compliance with a mandate issued at the
Seventh Meeting of Ministers of Justice or Other
Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas.
Representatives of Argentina, Colombia, Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, and Spain participated in the
meeting, after which the group recommended that the
three components of the network be implemented.
The first is the public component, a public website
containing legal information on the member states as
well as contact information of the authorities in
charge of legal cooperation and family and child
protection in the given countries.
The second is the private component, and includes
drafts of documents, discussion forums, copies of
presentations made at the group’s meetings, schedule
of activities, and other information related to
implementation of the network.
The third and last component is the Secure Electronic
Communication System, which is software that allows
for the exchange of authentic and confidential
information among authorities appointed for the
Currently, the Spanish-speaking pilot group is
implementing the three components of the network, and
an English-speaking pilot group is being created. The
second group will begin to implement the three
components of the network, based on the experience of
the Spanish-speaking group; the English-speaking
group will meet in April 2010. As soon as the work of
the two pilot groups is completed, a consolidated
meeting will be held in the second half of 2010 in
order to extend the network to all the member states.
With special emphasis on children’s rights, this
network aims to facilitate access to the
inter-American system for family and child
protection, and will foster legal cooperation in the
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