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Sec. for Legal Affairs


Organization of American States

Department of International Law
Bilateral Agreements

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Bilateral Agreements - Letter D
Classified as of the second party in the agreements

To facilitate the search process, bilateral agreements are classified in alphabetical order, by the name of the party contracting with the General Secretariat. The texts of these agreements are deposited with the Secretariat for Legal Affairs (SLA).



04/1995                       DE Department of Energy



DAI Departamento de Asuntos Internacionales

116/2011 Acuerdo Interno entre el Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Cultura a través del Portal Educativo de las Américas (DDHEC/PEA) y el Departamento de Asuntos Internacionales (DAI)

DC Determan Communications LCC

formato PDF 28/2013 Review of agreement for the provision of online Interactive space

DDECT Departamento de Desarrollo Económico, Comercio y Turismo

72/2011 Acuerdo Interno entre el Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Cultura (DDHEC) y el Departamento de Desarrollo Económico, Comercio y Turismo (DDECT)

DDHEC Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Cultura

30/2011 Carta de intención el Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Cultura (DDHEC) y La Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (CIM) de la SG/OEAF

72/2011 Acuerdo Interno entre el Departamento de Desarrollo Humano, Educación y Cultura (DDHEC) y el Departamento de Desarrollo Económico, Comercio y Turismo (DDECT)

DE Department of Energy

04/1995 Agreement for Technical Cooperation in Disaster Mitigacion

07/1995 Agreement for Technical Cooperation in Disaster Mitigation

15/1997 Modification of the Agreement for Technical Cooperation in Disaster Mitigation

DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Canadá)

56/2001 Contribution Agreement

17/2003 Contribution Agreement for the Specific Fund to Support the Elaboration of the American Declaration on the Rights of Indegenous Peoples

DGIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

82/2012 Grant agreement between the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH for the project OAS strengthening of and support to victims and their organizations in Colombia.

 DGTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH

06/2006 Contract for Consulting Services Between The General Secretariat of the Organization of Amarican States (“GS/OAS”) through its Department of Sustainable Development (“OAS/DSD”)   and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Disaster Risk Management in Develop Cooperation, Phase One.


10/1968 Acuerdo de Cooperación Científica y Técnica respecto a la Realización del Proyecto Integrado OEA No 22/1967

21/1996 Carta de Entendimiento relativa al programa “Cultura de Diálogo: Desarrollo de Recursos para la Construcción de la Paz” en Guatemala

10/1998 Agreement

208/2008 Acuerdo entre el Gobierno del Reino de Dinamarca y la Secretaría General de la OEA para el apoyo a la Observación Internacional de la Primera fase del proceso electoral para las elecciones en Nicaragua 2001

DMGEL Distrito Multiple G Ecuador de Leones

99/2009 Memorando de entendimiento y asistencia técnica entre la Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos, el Gobierno de Ecuador y el Distrito Múltiple G Ecuador de Leones del Ecuador para la ejecución del programa habilidades para la vida “Leones Educando” prevención escolar del consumo de drogas

DMMPCL Distrito Múltiple M Paraguay de Clubes de Leones

236/2008 Memorando de Entendimiento entre la Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos, por medio de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Comisión Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas de la Secretaría de Seguridad Multidimensional y el Gobierno de Paraguay a través de la Secretaría Nacional Antidrogas y el Ministerio de Educación y Cultura y el Distrito Múltiple M. Paraguay de Clubes de Leones para la ejecución del Programa habilidades para la vida “Leones Educando” prevención escolar del consumo de drogas


05/1986 Agreement on the Functioning of the Office of the GS/OAS and Recognition of its Privileges and Inmunities

03/1989 Sub-Agreement for Providing Sub-Contributions of Project Funds in Accordance with Amendment 10 of the OAS/USAID Regional Non-Formal Skills Training Project

50/1997 Agreement

83/2005 Cooperation Agreement & Memorandum of Understanding (Number One) between the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States through its Office for the Promotion of Democracy of its Department of Democratic and Political Affairs and the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica

219/2008 Memorandum of Understanding between the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States and the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Tourism and Legal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Dominica to participate in the Hemispheric Information Exchange Network for Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition

01/2010 Agreement between the Government of Dominica and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States regarding the privileges and immunities of the OAS Observer Mission for the General Elections in Dominica

05/2010 Agreement between the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States and the Electoral Commission of Dominica on the Electoral Observation Process of the 2009 General Elections in Dominica

formato PDF 61/2021 Agreement between the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States and the Electoral Commission of Dominica on the Electoral Observation Process of the 2019 General Elections of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Access to facilities to fulfill the OAS Electoral Observation Process for the General Elections in Dominica to be held on December 6, 2019.

formato PDF 62/2021 Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States regarding the privileges and immunities of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission for the 2019 General Elections. Privileges and immunities of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission for the General Elections in Dominica to be held on December 6, 2019.

formato PDF 63/2022 Agreement between the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States and the Electoral Commission of Dominica on the Electoral Observation Process of the 2022 General Elections of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Access to facilities to fulfill the OAS Electoral Observation Process for the General Elections in Dominica to be held on December 6, 2022.

formato PDF 64/2022 Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States regarding the privileges and immunities of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission for the 2022 General Elections. Access to facilities to fulfill the OAS Electoral Observation Process for the General Elections in Dominica to be held on December 6, 2022.

formato PDF 54/2023 On behalf of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (GS/OAS), I am pleased to inform the Ministry of Labour, Public Service Reform, Social Partnership, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Developmen regarding the execution of the project titled, "Economically Empowered Women for Equitable and Resilient Societies" (hereinafter, "the WEE Project") in six countries of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). The purpose of this Letter-Agreement (Agreement) is to propose the following terms and conditions that will regulate the execution of the Project supervision by the GS/OAS, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Public Service Reform, Social Partnership, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development.

DPSEPC Department of Public Safety and Emergency preparedness Canada

03/2008 Letter of Understanding between the General Secretariat of the Organization of American Status, through the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, and the department of public safety and emergency preparedness Canada regarding the payment of costs incurred for CICAD’S Inter Governmental working group meeting of the Multilateral evaluation mechanism

DPU Defensoría Pública Da Uniao

127/2016 Memorando de Entendimiento entre la Secretaria General de la OEA a través de su Secretaría de Asuntos Jurídicos y la Defensoría Pública Da Uniao (DPU). Asesoría, Intercambio de Informaciones, Participación en Actividades y Conferencias.

DS Department of State

17/2000 Memorandum of Agreement

46/2001 Cooperation Agreement

DSC Dominica State College

formato PDF 103/2019 Memorandum of understanding for the execution of the project Chile-OAS scholarships for CARICOM countries. To set forth the general terms and conditions of the cooperation between the Parties in the execution of the Electrical Installation, Basic Title Installation, Sales and Marketing courses.

DTCCI Distrito Turístico y Cultural de Cartagena de Indias

formato PDF 09/2014 Acuerdo entre la Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos y el Distrito Turístico y Cultural de Cartagena de Indias

DUCID Duke University Center for International Development

58/2003 Cooperation Agreement

DU Duke University

278/2008 Agreement between the General Secretariat of American States through the Department of Human Development and Duke University for the OAS Human Development Programs

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