Confidence- and security-building measures
Link to the Conference of
Defense Ministers of The Americas Web Site
Meetings of Ministers of Defense of the
First Meeting
Defense Ministerial of the
Americas, Williamsburg, 1995
Second Meeting
Meeting of Ministers of Defense,
Argentina, 1996 - Declaration of Bariloche
Third Meeting
III Meeting of Ministers of Defense, Colombia, 1998
- Declaration of Cartagena
- Statements delivered by the Ministers (In
their original language)
Fourth Meeting
IV Meeting of Ministers of Defense, Brazil, 2000 - Declaration
of Manaus
Fifth Meeting
V Meeting of Ministers of Defense, Chile, 2002
Declaration of Santiago
conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas report of the
outgoing chair - Michelle Bachelet Jeria, Minister of National Defense
of Chile (Presented to the Committee at its meeting of January 28, 2003)
CP/CSH/INF.19/03 add.1
Sixth Meeting
VI Meeting of Ministers
of Defense, Ecuador, 2004 -
Declaration of Quito
Seventh Meeting
Eight Meeting
VIII Meeting of
Ministers of Defense, Banff, Canada 2008
Declaration of
Ninth Meeting
IX Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas minutes of
Closing Event and Declaration of Santa Cruz de la Sierra Santa Cruz
de la Sierra, Bolivia, 22 – 25 November 2010
Tenth Meeting
Proposed methodology for
consideration of the issue of the future of the mission and functions of
the instruments and components of the Inter-American Defense System
(Presented by the Chair and approved at the meeting held on November 16,
CP/CSH-1440/12 rev. 1 corr. 1
X Conference of Ministers
of Defense of the Americas Declaration of Punta del Este Punta del Este,
Republic of Uruguay October 8-10, 2012
CP/CSH/INF. 329/12
Speech by the Minister of
National Defense of the Republic of Uruguay, Eleuterio Fernández
Huidobro, on Monday, October 8, 2012, at the opening ceremony of the X
Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas – Conrad Hotel, Punta
del Este
CP/CSH/INF. 330/12
Speech by the Secretary
General of the OAS, Jose Miguel Insulza at the X Conference of Ministers
of Defense of the Americas
CP/CSH/INF. 331/12
Chairman IADB update
Committee on Hemispheric Security IADB Work plan 2012/13 implications
from CDMA X Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas 8 November
Reference documents
Discussion on the future of the mission and functions of the instruments
and components of the Inter-American Defense System (Prepared by the
Secretariat at the request of the Committee on Hemispheric Security)
CP/CSH/INF-333/12 rev. 1
Inputs for the
questionnaire referred to in point “C” of the methodology for
consideration of the future of the mission and functions of the
instruments and components of the Inter-American Defense System
(CP/CSH-1440/12) (Mexico)