Confidence and
security-building measures
Inventory on the application of confidence- and security-building
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The General Assembly, through resolutions
AG/RES. 1409
(XXVI-O/96), AG/RES. 1494 (XXVII-O/97), AG/RES. 1566 (XXVIII-O/98), and AG/RES. 1623 (XXIX-O/99),
has called upon and urged all member states to provide to the Permanent Council, through
its Committee on Hemispheric Security, prior to April 15 of each year, information on the
application of confidence- and security-building measures, so as to facilitate the
preparation of the complete and systematic inventory of these measures, in light of the
provisions of the Declaration of Santiago and resolutions AG/RES. 1284 (XXIV-O/94) and
AG/RES. 1288 (XXIV-O/94). These resolutions also request the Secretary General to maintain
and facilitate access to the inventory.
It has also invited the Inter-American Defense Board to provide, pursuant to
resolution AG/RES. 1240 (XXIII-O/93), advisory and consultative services on confidence-
and security-building measures of a military nature, when the Permanent Council so
requests, and has asked it to keep an updated inventory of these measures and to prepare
draft guidelines for the standardized presentation of the information provided by member
states pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 1409 (XXVI-O/96).
further information on the Inter-American Defense Boards inventory of measures,
please consult its Web page.