Documents related to the
Inter-American Defense Board (
IADB website )
Proposed documents for defining the
relationship between the Organization of American States and the
Inter-American Defense Board: Specialized organization option and entity
option CP/CSH-680/05
rev. 1
Draft statutes of the Inter-American
Defense Board (Approved by the Committee on Hemispheric Security at its meeting
held on February 10, 2006)
rev. 1 corr. 1
Draft resolution: The
Inter-American Defense Board as an entity of the Organization of American States
and approval of its Statutes (Approved by the Committee on Hemispheric Security,
at its meeting held on February 10, 2006)
Report of the Chair of the
Subcommittee on Style to review the draft statutes of the Inter-American Defense
Report of the Chair of the Committee
on Hemispheric Security on the legal and institutional relationship between the
Organization of American States and the Inter-American Defense Board
rev. 1 corr. 1
Progress Report of the Inter-American Defense Board
(IADB) on its modernization process
Draft Resolution Increasing the
Support of the Inter-American Defense Board for the Activities of the
organization of American States. (Presented by te Delegation of Trinidad and
Tobago and co-sposored by the Delegation of Suriname)CP/CSH-868/07
rev. 5
Summary of the Conclusions of the Working
Groups Participating in the First Workshop on “The Inter-American
Defense Board: Today and in the Future” (March 2007) (Presented by the
inter-American Defense Board)
Canadian request for a study - Feasibility of
an Inter-American Defence Board Role in Hemispheric Peacekeeping Training
Progress report of the Inter-American defense
board on its Modernization Process
Draft Resolution support for the activities of
the Inter-American Defense Board (Presented by the delegations of El
Salvador, Guatemala and Trinidad and Tobago)
CP/CSH-999/08 rev. 5
The IADB and its Contribution to the
Inter-American System (Presented by Lieutenant General José Roberto
Machado e Silva, Chair of the Inter-American Defense Board, at the
meeting of April 6, 2010)
Presentation of the Annual Report of the
Inter-American Defense Board to the General Assembly (Presented by Rear
Admiral Elis Treidler Öberg, Chair of the Inter-American Defense Board)
Draft Resolution Support for the Activities of the Inter-American Defense
Board (Presented by the delegations of Guatemala and the Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago, and approved at the meeting of May 18, 2009)
CP/CSH-1091/09 rev. 4
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine
Republic concerning the Annual Report of the Inter-American Defense Board
Draft Resolution Support for the Activities of
the Inter-American Defense Board (Presented by the delegation of
Trinidad and Tobago and approved at the meeting of May 20, 2010)
CP/CSH-1209/10 rev. 6 corr. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica
Forwarding the text of Footnotes to Draft resolutions “Support for the
Activities of the Inter-American Defense Board” and “Disarmament
and Nonproliferation in the Hemisphere”
Update of the Inventory of the Confidence- and Security-Building
measures Implemented in 2008 by the States of the American Hemisphere
and in other Regions of the World Presentation by the Inter-American
Defense Board
Proposed Template for the Basic Components in Preparing the White Papers
for Small States (Presented by the Inter-American Defense Board)
Inter-American Defense Board Annual Calendar
2010 - 2011
Recommendations for Further Strengthening of
the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) and its Capability To Whom It
May Concern: Advise OAS Member States and other Appropriate OAS Organs
and Entities in Accordance with its Statutes Operative paragraph 15:
AG/RES. 2573 (XL-O/10) -Support for the Activities of the Inter-American
Defense Board- (Barbados)
Analysis and proposal to promote interaction
between the Inter-American Defense Board and the Secretariat for
Multidimensional Security [Operative paragraph 16 of resolution AG/RES. 2573
(XL-O/10), "Support for the Activities of the Inter-American Defense Board”]
Institutional Assessment of the Services the
Inter-American Defense Board could offer to the Member States Under its
Statutes [Operative paragraph 17 of resolution AG/RES. 2573 (XL-O/10),
"Support for the Activities of the Inter- American Defense Board”]
Report of the Chair of the Informal group to reflect on the topic of the
Inter-American Defense Board
CP/CSH-1267/10 corr. 1
Institutional Assessment of support the IADB can
offer to OAS Member States (Presentation by the Inter-American Defense
Board, held on November 30, 2010
Proposal and Analysis to promote interaction of
the Inter-American Defense Board with the Secretariat of Multidimensional
Security (Presentation by the Inter-American Defense Board, held on November
30, 2010)
Recommendations for Further Strengthening of
the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) and its Capability to Advise OAS
Member States and other Appropriate OAS Organs and Entities in
Accordance with its Statutes Operative paragraph 15: AG/RES. 2573
(XL-O/10) -Support for the Activities of the Inter-American Defense
Board- (Trinidad and Tobago)
Presentation by the Inter-American Defense
Board by Ancil W. Antoine, Brigadier General, Army, Trinidad and Tobago,
Director General of the Inter-American Defense Board March 31, 2011
Draft resolution Strengthening of the Inter-American Defense Board
(Presented by the Chair and studied at the meetings of April 7, 13, and
28, and May 10, 2011)
CP/CSH-1297/11 rev. 4
Draft resolution Inter-American Defense Board
(Presented by the delegation of Argentina and considered at the meeting
of May 10, 2011)
CP/CSH-1309/11 rev. 1 corr. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina
concerning the order of business for the meeting of the Committee on
Hemispheric Security on may 3, 2011
Report of the Inter-American Defense Board on the
Seventh Sub-Regional Conference, "New Security Environment, New Defense
Alternatives: responding to the challenges from the Ninth CDMA", of the
Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS) (Held July 19-22, 2011, in
Santiago, Chile)
Work Plan of the Inter-American Defense Board
(Presented at the meeting held on September 8, 2011)
Report of the IADB's Chaiman participation at the
Third Annual South American Defense Conference (SOUTH DEC III) held in
Santiago, Chile (30 August - 1 September 2011)
Analysis and Review of the Technical and
Consultative Assistance Services of the IADB (Presented by the
Inter-American Defense Board)
Compliance analysis for resolution AG/RES 2631
(XLI-0/11), from June 07, 2011 (Presented by the Inter-American Defense
Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) Services
(Presentation to the Committee on Hemispheric Security (CHS) - 12 January
Report on the Caribbean Nations Security
Conference (CANSEC) 2011 (December 12 to 14, 2011 - Eastern Caribbean Island
of St. Christopher, St. Kitts and Nevis) (Presented by the Inter-American
Defense Board)
IADB chairman council of delegate’s trip report:
OAS Assistant Secretary General visit to Haiti (January 18-19, 2012)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina on the position regarding
resolution AG/RES. 2632 (XLI-O/11), “Future of the Mission and Functions of
the Instruments and Components of the Inter-American Defense System”
Plan for Improving Advice and Guidance Provided by
the Inter-American Defense Board to the Inter-American Defense System
(Presented by the Inter-American Defense Board)
CP/CSH-1392/12 corr. 1
Presentación del Informe Anual de la Junta
Interamericana de Defensa durante la sesión de la Comisión de Seguridad
Hemisférica celebrada el 26 deabril de 2012
Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina
requesting that the the Inter-American Defense Board expand on the request
for advisory services made by the delegation of Canada on May 2, 2012
Trip report: visit Jamaica Defence Force (JDF)
17 July 2012 (Presented by the Inter-American Defense Board)
Trip report: Paramaribo Suriname 23 July 2012
(Presented by the Inter-American Defense Board)
Trip report: IV South American Defense
Conference (Bogota, Colombia – 24 -26 July 2012) (Presented by the
Inter-American Defense Board)
Chairman’s update (Presented by the
Inter-American Defense Board at the meeting held on September 13, 2012)
Work plan of the Inter-American Defense Board 2012 – 2013
IADB Secretariat Work Plan (2012 – 2013)
(Presented by the Inter-American Defense Board at the session held on
September 27, 2012)
Chairman IADB update Committee on Hemispheric
Security IADB Work plan 2012/13 implications from CDMA X Conference of
Defense Ministers of the Americas 8 November 2012
The role of Armed Forces in Hemispheric
Security 50th Anniversary Symposium 10-12 OCTOBER 2012 (Presented by the
Inter- American Defense College)
Seminar on Human Rights and International
Humanitarian Law December 11 – 13, 2012 (Presented by the Inter-American
Defense College)
Presentation by the Inter-American Defense College (December 6, 2012)
Presentación de la Junta Interamericana de
Defensa durante la sesión celebrada el 6 de diciembre de 2012
Remarks made by Lt General Guy Thibault, Chairman of the Inter-American
Defense Board (January 21, 2013)
Presentation of the IADB Plan of Work (2013-2014) (Presented by the Inter-American Defense College
at the Committee meeting held on September 12, 2013)
Work Plan of the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) 2013 – 2014
(Adopted at the 1,344th regular meeting of the Council of Delegates of
the IADB, held on August 14, 2013)
Presentación de la Junta Interamericana de Defensa sobre los puntos 1, 2 y 3
del orden del día de la reunión de la CSH celebrada el 6 de diciembre de
2013 (Orden del día CP/CSH-1531/13)
Presentación del Informe anual 2013 de la Junta Interamericana de Defensa (Presentado
durante la sesión de la Comisión celebrada el 9 de mayo de 2014)
Observations and Recommendations by Member States on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) to the General Assembly at its Forty-Fifth Regular Session (CP/doc.5212/15) - The Inter American Defense Board submitted its annual report to the CSH on May 21, 2015 CP/CSH-1666/15
Informe Anual 2014 de la Junta Interamericana de Defensa (JID) al Cuadragésimo Quinto Período Ordinario de Sesiones de la Asamblea General CP/doc-5121/15