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INTER-AMERICAN SPECIALIZED CONFERENCE ON PUBLIC SECURITY - Meeting of Experts to prepare for MISPA II  (Montevideo- Uruguay, August 4-5, 2009)

Working Documents

Lista de Documentos MISPA/RE/doc. 1/09 rev. 1 corr. 1

Agenda MISPA/RE/doc. 2/09 rev. 1

Schedule MISPA/RE/doc. 3/09 rev. 2

Feasibility study for Strengthening the Training of Public Security Personnel in the Region MISPA/RE/Doc. 4/09

Lista de Participantes MISPA/RE/doc. 5/09 rev. 2


Topics proposed by the Dominican Republic for Inclusion in the MISPA II agenda MISPA/RE/doc. 6/09 rev. 1


Rapporteur’s Report MISPA/RE/doc. 7/09 rev. 1 corr. 1


Informative Documents

Presentation by Lucía Dammert, consultant, Department of Public Security, Secretariat for Multidimensional Security, OAS MISPA/RE/INF. 1/09

Presentation of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay “Uruguay and Public Security Prevention Strategies” MISPA/RE/INF. 2/09

Presentation by Rodrigo Guerrero, Institute for Research and Development in Violence prevention and promotion of Social Interaction (CISALVA) MISPA/RE/INF. 3/09

Presentation of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay  -Plan Ceibal - One laptop per child and per teacher- MISPA/RE/INF. 4/09

Presentation by Juan Faroppa, consultant, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, OAS “Status of the study by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Citizen Security and Human Rights”  MISPA/RE/INF. 5/09

Presentación de Gustavo Beliz, Especialista en Modernización del Estado del BID - Una década, Generando conocimiento y apoyo para la gestión de la Seguridad Pública y Ciudadana- MISPA/RE/INF. 6/09

Presentación de la República del Ecuador MISPA/RE/INF. 7/09


Remarks of the Secretary General of the OAS, Mr. José Miguel Insulza, at the Inter-American Specialized Conference on Public Security: Meeting of Experts to Prepare for Mispa II MISPA/RE/INF. 8/09


Presentation by Julio Rosenblatt, Chief of the Public Security Policy Section, Department of Public Security, Secretariat for Multidimensional Security, OAS “Inter-American Security Observatory: Crime and Violence (OIS)” MISPA/RE/INF. 9/09


Presentation: Gustavo Palmieri, Consultant, Department of Public Security, Secretariat for Multidimensional Security, OAS “Public Security Model Legislation for the Americas: Basic Elements” MISPA/RE/INF. 10/09

Presentación de la República Dominicana -Plan de Seguridad Democrática- MISPA/RE/INF. 11/09


Presentation by Ambassador Alexandre Addor-Neto, Secretary for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States, during the closing session of the “Inter American Specialized Conference on Public Security: meeting of Experts to prepare MISPA II” MISPA/RE/INF. 12/09

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