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Confidence and security-building measures

I Forum on Confidence- and Security-building Measures - 25-26 April 2005

Draft agenda CP/CSH-658/04 rev. 1

List of invitees CP/CSH-659/04 rev. 1

Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina transmitting suggestions on preparations for the Forum on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures CP/CSH-665/05

Draft rules of procedure CP/CSH-683/05 rev. 1

Convocation CSH/FORO-I/doc.1/05

Agenda CSH/FORO-I/doc.2/05 rev. 1

Draft Rules of Procedure CSH/FORO-I/doc.3/05

Calendar CSH/FORO-I/doc.4/05 rev. 1

Roster of experts in confidence- and security-building measures CSH/FORO-I/doc.5/05 

Summary table of member states’ reports on the application of confidence- and security-building measures for the period 1995 to 2005 CSH/FORO-I/doc.6/05

List of participants CSH/FORO-I/doc.7/05 rev. 1

List of documents CSH/FORO-I/doc.8/05

Rapporteur's rapport CSH/FORO-I/doc..10/05

Chairman's conclusion of the First Meeting of the Forum on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures CSH/FORO-I/doc.11/05

Presentation by Nazir Kamal, Polital Affairs Officer, Secretary of the Group of Experts on the United Nations Register of Conventional Weapons, United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs on "The United Nations Register of Conventional Arms and the United Nations Instrument for Standardized reporting of Military Expenditures" CSH/FORO-I/INF.6/05

Presentation by Ambassador Paul Durand, Permanent Representative of Canada to the OAS on "Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions" CSH/FORO-I/INF.8/05

Presentation by Ambassador Samuel Zbogar, Representative of Slovenia to the United States, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on "The European Experience in Confidence- and Security-Building Measures" CSH/FORO-I/INF.9/05

Presentation by Lieutenant Kelley Spellman, U.S. Southern Command on "Contributions to OAS Confidence- and Security-Building Measures" CSH/FORO-I/INF.12/05

Presentation by Ambassador Hugo Palma, Advisor, United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-LIREC) on "Confidence- and security-building measures in Latin America" CSH/FORO-I/INF.17/05

Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on "Trinidad and Tobago's experience with the implementation of confidence and security building measures relating to social and economic development" CSH/FORO-I/INF.18/05

Presentation by the Delegation of Canada on the application of confidence- and security-building measures in North America:  The Bi-national Planning Group CSH/FORO-I/INF.19/05


II Forum on Confidence- and Security-building Measures - 29 November 2006

Draft agenda CP/CSH-792/06 rev. 2

Summary Table of Member States’ Reports on the Application of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures for the period 1995 to 2006 CSH/FORO-II/doc.1/06 corr. 2

Rules of Procedure CSH/FORO-II/doc.2/06 corr. 1

United Nations Register of Conventional Arms Participation by OAS Member States Calendar years 1992 - 2005 (as of 17 November 2006) CSH/FORO-II/doc.4/06

United Nations Verbal Note to Member States for submitting returns for Calendar year 2005 CSH/FORO-II/doc.5/06

Draft Agenda CSH/FORO-II/doc.6/06

Roster of Experts in Confidence and Security-Building Measures CSH/FORO-II/doc.7/06

Draft Calendar CSH/FORO-II/doc.8/06

Rapporteur's Report Presented by Ms. Ingrid Knutson, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Canada to the Organization of American States, during the II Forum on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures (CSBM) November 29, 2006 CSH/FORO-II/doc.11/06 corr. 1

Oral presentation by Christopher Hernández Roy, Director, Department of Public Security CSH/FORO-II/INF.1/06

Presentation by Ambassador Javier Sancho Bonilla Permanent Representative of Costa Rica and Chair of the Committee on Hemispheric Security during the Second Forum on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures CSH/FORO-II/INF.4/06

List of participants  (November 29, 30 and  December 1, 2006) CP/CSH-814/06 corr. 2

III Forum on Confidence- and Security-building Measures - March 14, 2008

Draft Calendar CSH/FORO-III/doc.1/07 rev. 3

Rules of Procedure CSH/FORO-III/doc.2/08

Roster of Experts in Confidence- and Security-Building Measures (In fulfillment of operative paragraph 8 of resolution AG/RES. 2270 (XXXVII-O/07) - Confidence and Security Building in the Americas-)  CSH/FORO-III/doc.3/08 rev. 2

Draft Agenda CSH/FORO-III/doc.4/08

Summary table of Member States' reports on the application of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures for the period 1995 to 2007 CSH/FORO-III/doc.5/08

Statement by the head of the Delegation of Chile at the Third Meeting of the Forum on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures CSH/FORO-III/INF. 3/08

Oral Presentation by Ambassador Alexandre Addor-Netto, Secretary of Multidimensional Security, at the Third Forum on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures CSH/FORO-III/INF. 4/08

Rapporteur’s report (Presented by Second Secretary Gonzalo Talavera Alvarez, Alternate Representative of Peru to the OAS) CSH/FORO-III-6/08 rev. 1

IV Forum on Confidence- and Security-building Measures - November 15 - 16 2010

Photo of the participants IV Foro

Information Bulletin

Draft Agenda CP/CSH-1249/10 rev. 1

Draft Guest List (Approved at the meetings of the Committee on Hemispheric Security held on October 7 and 19, 2010)  CP/CSH-1250/10 rev. 2

Draft Rules of Procedure
CP/CSH-1253/10 rev. 1

Lista de Documentos CSH/FORO-IV-1/10

Agenda CSH/FORO-IV-2/10 rev. 1

Schedule CSH/FORO-IV-3/10 rev. 1

Rules of Procedure CSH/FORO-IV-4/10 rev. 1

Guest List CSH/FORO-IV-5/10 rev. 1

Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions (Update on the status of signatures and/or accessions presented by the Department of International Law of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs) CSH/FORO-IV-6/10

Format for Reporting on the Application of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures (Presented by the Inter-American Defense Board) CSH/FORO-IV-7/10

Report of the activities of the OAS General Secretariat, through its Secretariat for Multidimensional Security and its Executive Secretariat for Integral Development and in Support of the Member States, in connection with the “Consolidated list of Confidence and Security Building Measures (CSBMS) that are to be reported pursuant to OAS resolutions” (approved at the meeting of January 15, 2009) CP/CSH-1043/08 rev. 1 CSH/FORO-IV-8/10

Registro de Expertos en Medidas de Fomento de la Confianza y de la Seguridad [En cumplimiento del párrafo resolutivo 4 de la resolución AG/RES. 2447 (XXXIX-O/09) -Fomento de la Confianza y la Seguridad en las Américas-] Roster of Experts in Confidence- and Security-Building Measures [In fulfillment of operative paragraph 4 of resolution AG/RES. 2447 (XXXIX-O/09) -Confidence and Security Building in the Americas-] CSH/FORO-IV-9/10 rev. 1

Summary table of Member States’ Reports on the Application of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures for the period 1995-2010 Explanatory Note CSH/FORO-IV-10/10

Informes Anuales y Notificaciones de la Convención Interamericana sobre Transparenciaen las Adquisiciones de las Armas Convencionales (2000-2010) Annual Reports and notifications of the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions (2000-2010) CSH/FORO-IV-11/10 corr. 1

Directorio de Puntos de Contacto Nacional de la Convención Interamericana sobre Transparencia en las Adquisiciones de Armas Convencionales Directory of National Points of Contact of the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions CSH/FORO-IV-12/10

Chairman’s conclusions Fourth Forum on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures CSH/FORO-IV-13/10 rev. 1

Lista de Participantes CSH/FORO-IV-14/10

Rapporteur’s report (Presented by Carlos A. Rodríguez Torrealba, Alternate Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OAS) CSH/FORO-IV-15/10 rev. 1

Presentación de la Junta Inteamericana de Defensa (JID) Coronel Alvaro Carrasco, Fuerza Area de Chile, Asesor de la Junta Interamericana de Defensa CSH/FORO-IV/INF.1/10

Presentación de la Secretaría de Seguridad Multidimensional de los Informes sobre las medidas de fomento de la confianza y la seguridad CSH/FORO-IV/INF.2/10

Presentación del Colegio Interamericano de Defensa Capitan David Lemek, Jefe de Gabinete del Colegio Interamericano de Defensa CSH/FORO-IV/INF.3/10

Presentación de José Fernando Rocabado Sánchez, Coordinador Temático Secretaría Pro Témpore, IX Conferencia de Ministros de Defensa de las Américas CSH/FORO-IV/INF.4/10

Avances en el tema de adquisiciones de armas convencionales y gastos militares Presentación de Renata Gianini, Red de Seguridad y Defensa de América Latina (RESDAL) CSH/FORO-IV/INF.5/10

Presentation of Carina Solmirano, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) CSH/FORO-IV/INF.6/10

Presentación de William Bermúdez Castañeda, Secretario General, Conferencia de Fuerzas Armadas de Centroamérica (CFAC) CSH/FORO-IV/INF.7/10

Presentación del Gobierno de Perú, Capitán de Navío, Santiago Llop, Ministerio de Defensa del Perú CSH/FORO-IV/INF.8/10

Presentación de Adolfo López Bustillo, Coordinador de Asuntos Políticos, Comunidad Andina CSH/FORO-IV/INF.10/10

Palabras de la Embajadora Luzmila Zanabria, Subsecretaria de Asuntos Multilaterales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Peru CSH/FORO-IV/INF.11/10

Palabras del Embajador (r) Hugo Palma, experto peruano en Medidas de Fomento de la Confianza y la Seguridad CSH/FORO-IV/INF.12/10

Palabras del Embajador Adam Blackwell, Secretario de Seguridad Multidimensional de la OEA CSH/FORO-IV/INF.13/10

V Forum on Confidence- and Security-building Measures - 28 February, 2013

Draft agenda (Agreed on at the meeting held on February 7, 2013) CP/CSH-1461/13 rev. 2

Criteria, Guidelines, and Required profile for selection of Experts on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures (Agreed on at the meeting held on February 7, 2013) 
CP/CSH-1385/12 rev. 3

Lista de documentos CSH/FORO-V/doc.1/13

Agenda (Approved at the first plenary session, held on February 28, 2013) CSH/FORO-V/doc.2/13 rev. 1

Schedule (Approved at the first plenary session, held on February 28, 2013) CSH/FORO-V/doc.3/13 rev. 1

Rules of Procedure (Approved at the first plenary session, held on February 28, 2013) CSH/FORO-V/doc.4/13 rev. 1

Criteria, guidelines, and required profile for selection of experts on confidence- and security-building measures (Approved at the meeting held on February 7, 2013) CSH/FORO-V/doc.5/13

Registro de expertos en medidas de fomento de la confianza y de la seguridad [En cumplimiento del párrafo resolutivo 9 de la resolución AG/RES. 2625 (XLI-O/11) “Fomento de la confianza y la seguridad en las Américas”, y el párrafo resolutivo 1 de la resolución AG/RES. 2735 (XLII-O/12) “Promoción de la Seguridad Hemisférica: Un Enfoque Multidimensional”] / Roster of experts in confidence- and security-building measures [In fulfillment of operative paragraph 9 of resolution AG/RES. 2625 (XLI-O/11) “Confidence and Security Building in the Americas” and operative paragraph 1 of resolution AG/RES. 2735 (XLII-O/12) “Advancing Hemispheric Security: A Multidimensional Approach”] CSH/FORO-V/doc.6/13

Summary table of Member States’ Reports on the Application of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures for the period 1995-2013 Explanatory Note CSH/FORO-V/doc.7/13

Report of the Secretariat of Multidimensional Security to the Fifth Forum on Confidence-and Security-Building Measures February 28, 2013 Presentation by Ambassador Adam Blackwell, Secretary for Multidimensional Security CSH/FORO-V/doc.8/13

Chairman's Conclusions V Forum on Confidence-and Security-Building Measures CSH/FORO-V/doc.9/13 corr. 1

Lista de participantes CSH/FORO-V/doc.10/13 rev. 1

Rapporteur's Report (Presented by Vitaliano Gallardo, Alternate Representative of Peru to the OAS) CSH/FORO-V/doc.11/13

Transparency in Armaments / Military confidence-building measures Presentation by Daniël Prins, Chief, Conventional Arms Branch, UN Office for Disarmament Affairs CSH/FORO-V/INF.1/13

CSBM and the OSCE - An Overview Presentation by Fabian Grass, Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) Support Officer, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) CSH/FORO-V/INF.2/13

“Libros blancos” de políticas de defensa nacional en la región y actualización del inventario de medidas fomento de la confianza y de la seguridad (Presentado por la Junta Interamericana de Defensa) CSH/FORO-V/INF.3/13


VI Forum on Confidence- and Security-building Measures - March 12th, 2015

Agenda (Approved at the first plenary session, held on March 12, 2015) CSH/FORO-VI/doc.2/15

Time schedule for Invited participants CP/CSH-1606/14 rev.3 add.1

Rules of Procedure (Approved at the first plenary session, held on March 12, 2015) CSH/FORO-VI/doc.3/15

Guest List (Approved by the Committee on Hemispheric Security
at its meetings of January 26 and February 12, 2015)

List of Participants CSH/FORO-VI/doc.5/15

Guide for Participants CSH/FORO-VI/doc.6/15

Compendium of Background Papers (Submitted by the Chair of the Sixth Forum, supplemented by the delegations of member states of the Central American Integration System “SICA” and subject to further contributions from delegations) CSH/FORO-VI/doc.7/15

Participation by Members of the Organization of American States to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms (2001-2014) (Data presented by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs) CSH/FORO-VI/doc.8/15

Participation by Members of the Organization of American States to the United Nations Report on Military Expenditures (2001-2014) (Data presented by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs) CSH/FORO-VI/doc.9/15

Electronic Template for Annual Reporting on CSBMS by Member States (Proposal prepared by the General Secretariat) CSH/FORO-VI/doc.10/15

Compendium of guest speaker presentations (in the order they were delivered) CSH/FORO-VI/doc.11/15

Proposed inclusion of a new confidence and security-building measure conceptual framework (Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador)  CSH/FORO-VI/doc.12/15

Recommendations by the Chairman of the VI Forum CSH/FORO-VI/doc.13/15

Rapporteur's Report (Presented by Counselor César Edgardo Martínez Flores,
Alternate Representative of El Salvador to the OAS) S) CSH/FORO-VI/doc.14/15




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