CP/RES. 869 (1436/04)
26 August 2004
Original: Spanish |
CP/RES. 869 (1436/04)
(Adopted at its session
held on August 26, 2004)
HAVING HEARD the oral reports by
Ambassador Valter Pecly Moreira, Permanent Representative of the
Federative Republic of Brazil and Head of the Electoral Observation
Mission of the OAS and the Secretary General of the OAS, Dr. César
Gaviria; and the statements of the Permanent Representative of
Venezuela, Ambassador Jorge Valero, on the presidential recall
referendum held in Venezuela on August 15, 2004;
RECOGNIZING the wide-scale and peaceful
participation of the Venezuelan people in the presidential recall
referendum, held in accordance with Article 72 of the National
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela;
CONSIDERING that one of the essential
elements of representative democracy is access to and the exercise of
power in accordance with the rule of law, the holding of periodic, free,
and fair elections based on secret balloting and universal suffrage as
an expression of the sovereignty of the people, in accordance with the
provisions of the Inter-American Democratic Charter;
CONSIDERING ALSO that the Constitutional
Government of President Hugo Chávez Frías has complied with the
constitutional norms of its country and its commitments to the
hemispheric community, by cooperating in the holding the aforementioned
referendum, thereby strengthening democracy in the Americas; and
BEARING IN MIND that resolution CP/RES.
833 (1348/02) urged all political and social sectors in Venezuela to
promote a constitutional, democratic, peaceful, and electoral solution,
1. To give recognition to the people of
Venezuela and its democratic political institutions for the public
spirit they demonstrated in the referendum process and to President Hugo
Chávez Frías for having achieved a successful ratification of his term
of office.
2. To acknowledge the contribution made
by the Secretary General of the OAS, Dr. César Gaviria, and by the
Secretary General’s Group of Friends for Venezuela, in facilitating the
process leading up to the referendum.
3. To acknowledge, in particular, the
responsible and effective manner in which the OAS Electoral Observation
Mission chaired by Ambassador Valter Pecly Moreira, Permanent
Representative of the Federative Republic of Brazil, fulfilled its
4. To express its satisfaction with the
holding of the presidential recall referendum in accordance with Article
72 of the Constitution of Venezuela as well as the fulfillment of the
mandate of resolution CP/RES. 833 (1348/02) of December 22, 2002, which
urged the attainment in Venezuela of a constitutional, democratic,
peaceful, and electoral solution.
5. To call upon all players to respect
the results of the presidential recall referendum, issued by the
National Electoral Council and endorsed by the OAS Electoral Observation
Mission, the Carter Center, and other international observers.
Furthermore, to urge all sectors of society to refrain from promoting
violence and intolerance, in order to facilitate the necessary quest for
national reconciliation.
6. To urge all sectors in Venezuela to
respect human rights, the rule of law, and full enjoyment of freedom of
expression and of the press as established in the Constitution of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Inter-American Democratic
7. To welcome the offer made by President
Hugo Chávez Frías to foster national dialogue. In this regard, to call
for a process of reconciliation, in adherence to the principles of the
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and of the
Inter-American Democratic Charter, with the participation of all sectors
of Venezuelan public life, in which differences are settled in the
framework of the democratic system and in a spirit of transparency,
pluralism, and tolerance.