First Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities in Science and Technology in the framework of CIDI/OAS, Lima, Peru, November 11-12, 2004.

Question of the FORUM:

How can your organization respond to the challenges presented in the Draft Declaration and Plan of Action of Lima?

To facilitate the dialogue we recommend that you read  the Declaration and Plan of Action of Lima, as well as other documents of the Ministerial, as follows:

Eight civil organizations of the civil society from Brazil, Ecuador, the United States, and Peru participated in the First Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities in Science and Technology in the framework of the CIDI of the OAS, held in Lima, Peru, on November 11-12, 2004, under the segment "Dialogue with Civil Society."  You are invited to visit their presentations:

  • Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS) - Regional
  • Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) - Peru
  • Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA) - Regional
  • Corporación para la Educación y Promoción Popular (CAUSAI)-Ecuador
  • Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) - Brazil
  • Asociación Brasileña de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) - Brazil
  • World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
  • Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP)

    Draft Agenda
    English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

    Annotated Agenda
    English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

    List of Documents

    English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

    Declaration of Lima
    English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

    Plan of Action
    English | Spanish | Portuguese | French


    Seminar on Financing and Priorities in Science and Technology
    English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

    Science Popularization and Education for School-Age Youth
    English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

    Vote of Thanks to the People and Government of Peru
    English | Spanish | Portuguese | French

    Documents of Reference

    �Science, Technology, Engineering and Innovation for Development: A Vision for the Americas in the Twenty First Century�
    English | Spanish

    Hemispheric Initiatives