Special Committee on Migration Issues
Special Forums and Seminars
Special Forum on Migration Issues - April 17, 2008,
Washington, D.C.
Documents (Working)
CE/AM-11/08 rev. 8
Opening Remarks Ambassador Albert R Ramdin
Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States
Opening Statement of Ambassador María del Luján
Flores, Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the Organization of American
States, Chairman of the Special Committee on Migration Issues
Comments and Recommendations of the Panelists
CE/AM-24/08 rev. 3
Documents (Informative)
Presentation by Elizabeth Ruddick Director
General Research and Evaluation Branch Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Migrant Workers: Elements for a policy agenda
and related recommendations International Labour Office (Presentation by Mr.
Armand Pereira, Representative, Director ILO Washington Office)
Seminar on care for
transmigrant communities February 10, 2009 Washington, D.C.
Seminar on Consular
Protection: Scope and Exchange of Best Practices March 10, 2009 Washington, D.C.
Forum on Sub-Regional
Integration Initiatives April 7, 2009 Washington, D.C.
Global Forum on Migration
and Development Final conclusions and recommendations of the Chair
Forum: Attention to Migratory Flows in the Americas
with a Human Rights Perspective
Proposal for a Workshop on -The Return of Migrants,
Challenges and Opportunities-
Agenda Workshop: "The return of Migrants: challenges
and opportunities”
Agenda for the forum on: “Extracontinental Migration
in the Americas”
CE/AM-129/10 rev. 2
Proposal for the Development of an
Inter-American Cooperation Network for Migration
Workshop “Learning from Experience: Bilateral
Cooperation in Migration Management” Washington D.C., April 12, 2011 (Presented
to the Special Committee on Migration Issues on February 16, 2011)
Workshop “Learning from Experience Bilateral
cooperation in Migration Management” Agenda
CE/AM-167/11 rev. 2
Proposal on the cooperation project: “Development of
the Inter-American Cooperation Network for Migration (RICOMI)” (Proposed by the
Delegation of Paraguay with changes proposed by the Delegation of Canada)
CE/AM-169/11 rev. 1
Forum: Thematic Meeting on Issues and Challenges in
the Consular Protection of Migrants
Proposed Methodology Thematic Meeting “Issues and
Challenges in the Consular Protection of Migrants” Date: April 17, 2012
CE/AM-179/11 rev. 1
Proposed Methodology Workshop: “New Challenges in Managing
Migration in the Americas from a Human Rights perspective” date: May 8, 2012
CE/AM-181/11 rev. 1
Forum: Thematic Meeting on Migration and Productive
Proposed Methodology Thematic Meeting “Migration and
Productive Remittances” Date: April 17, 2012
Annual Reports
Report of the Chair of the
Special Committee on Migration Issues 2007-2008
Report of the Chair of the
Special Committee on Migration Issues (2008 – 2009)
Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues July 2009 – May 2010
Report of the Chair of the Informal Working Group to
Evaluate the Special Committee on Migration Issues (CEAM) (Presented to the
Committee on April 20, 2010)
Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues 2010-2011
Report of the chair on the activities of the Special
committee on Migration Issues 2011-2012
Migration and Development
Migration and development: general considerations -
Main issues (Document presented by the Chair)
Migration and Development from the IOM perspective (Presentation
by Günther Müssig, International Organization for Migration IOM during the
meeting held on December 1,2008)
Presentation of the
Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (Presented at the meeting held on
October 7, 2008)
Migration and development: a new policy arena for the Americas
(Presented by Kathleen Newland, Migration Policy Institute, at the meeting of
December 1, 2008)
Skilled Migration and Brain Drain from Latin America
(Presentation by Dr. Caglar Ozden, Senior Economist, International Trade
Division, The World Bank, during the meeting held on January 13, 2009)
Inmigration, Brain Drain, and Remittance Flows in
the Caribbean (Presentation by Dr. Hunter Monroe, Western Hemisphere Department,
International Monetary Fund, during the meeting held on January 13, 2009)
Brain Drain and Impact on Development (Presentation
by Dr. Edward Greene, Assistant Secretary General of CARICOM, during the meeting
held on January 13, 2009)
Brain Drain- General considerations (Document
presented by the Chair)
Presentation on the Migration and Development
Program of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (Given to the CEAM
on October 8, 2009
On Migration and Development in the Global Era
(Manuel Orozco, Inter-American Dialogue -Meeting of December 1, 2008)
Tasting Identity: Trends in Migrant Demands for
Home-Country Goods Executive Summary Manuel Orozco, November 20, 2008 (CEAM
Meeting of December 1, 2008)
Making the most of family remittances - Second
Report of the Inter-American Dialogue Task Force on Remittances - May 2007 (CEAM
Meeting of December 1, 2008)
Brasilia declaration Towards the South American
Citizenship (XI South American Conference on Migration, Brasilia, 19th to 21st
October 2011)
Education of Migrant Children and
Education for Migrant Children and Youth
(Presentation by the Office of Education and Culture to CEAM, October 20, 2009)
Children and Adolescents: Risks and Issues Involved in Migration
(Document presented by the General Secretariat)
Children's Issues at Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC): an
Overview Canadian presentation to CEAM on October 20, 2009
Family Separation and the Educational Success of Immigrant
Children (Presentation by Prof. Sara Poggio to CEAM on October 20, 2009
Project: “Education for Migrant Children and Youth” (Project Background and
Education for Migrant Children and Youth
Presentation by the Office of Education and Culture of the General Secretariat
to the Special Committee on Migration Issues on March 23, 2011
Strategy for the Prevention and Attention of
Unaccompanied Migrant or Repatriated Children and Teenagers Presentation by Ms.
María Cecilia Landerreche Gómez Marín, Head of the National System for Integral
Family Development of Mexico, to the Special Committee on Migration Issues on
February 16, 2011
Youth on the Move
“Youth on the Move” program Youth
Americas Business Trust (Presented to the CEAM on October 20, 2009)
CE/AM-101/09 corr. 1
Migration of Youth in Latin America and the Caribbean (Paper presented by Dr.
Ana Isabel Roldán Rico to CEAM on October 20, 2009)
Youth on the Move Description of the Program - YABT “Executive Summary”
CE/AM/INF.75/09 add. 1
Youth Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean Study done by: Dr. Ana Isabel
Roldán Rico “Executive Summary”
CE/AM/INF.76/09 add. 1
Curriculum vitae Dr. Ana Isabel Roldan Rico
Curriculum vitae Professor Sara Poggio
Related to Women
Presentation by the Executive
Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women January 22, 2008
Gender Perspective on Migration:
General Considerations (Document presented by the Chair)
Proposal of Integral care Model for Women Victims of
Violence in the Tijuana area (Presentation by the Secretariat)
CE/AM/INF.84/10 rev. 1 corr. 1
Temporary Migrant Programs and Labor Issues
Rethinking Temporary Worker Programs Presentation by Dovelyn
Rannveig Agunias from the Migration Policy Institute (Presented at the meeting
of November 4, 2008)
Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (PTAT)
Mexico-Canada Presentation by Ms. Flor de Lis Vásquez Muñoz, Alternate
Representative of Mexico, to the Special Committee on Migration Issues on
January 25, 2011
Temporary Worker Programs -
Main Issues (Document presented by the Chair)
Contributions from OAS Member
States on temporary worker programs
Acciones implementadas por el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo (MTPE)
del Perú en materia de migración laboral Presentación del Dr. Javier Barreda
Jara, Vice Ministro de Promoción del Empleo y Capacitación Laboral el 17 de mayo
de 2011
Disaster Situations
Migrants in Disaster
Situations (Document presented by the Chair)
International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies: Cooperation on Needs and Contributions of Migrants in
Disaster Situations (Presented by the International Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies for the meeting of January 27, 2009)
Pan American Development Foundation.s (PADF) Programs for
Preparing for and Responding to Natural Disastres and Other Humanitarian Crises
(Presented by Amy Coughenour Betancourt, Deputy Director, Pan American
Development Foundation, during the meeting of January 27, 2009)
Migration Flows
Extra-Regional Migration in the
Americas (Background document prepared by the Secretariat)
CE/AM-117/10 rev. 2
Declaration 30th international
conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Geneva, Switzerland, 26-30
November 2007 (Presented by the International Federation of the Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies)
Presentation by Sonia Helmy-Dentzel, Office of
Population and International Migration (PIM), Bureau of Population Refugees, and
Migration (PRM), United States Department of State (as written ) (Presented at
the Meeting of April 1, 2009)
Mexico’s experience with statistics on International
Migration and the SICREMI [Presentation by Mr. Ernesto Rodríguez Chávez,
Director of the Center for Migration Studies, National Institute on Migration (INAMI)]
CE/AM/INF.83/10 corr. 1
Agenda for the workshop “Attention to migratory
flows in the Americas with a Human Rights perspective”
CE/AM-207/12 rev. 1
Migration Programs – OAS General Secretariat,
International, Regional, and Subregional Organizations
Summary of current programs
dealing with Migration in the Americas OAS General Secretariat and
International, Regional, and Sub-Regional Organizations
CE/AM-36/08 rev. 1
Activities carried out and/or
under way in the Organization in the area of Migration
Aide Memoire (Document prepared
by the Chair based on statements by the member states and agreed upon by the
delegations during the meeting of April 27, 2009)
CE/AM- 77/09 rev. 3
Legislation, Policies,
Migration Requirements, and National Programs of OAS member states
Catalogue National Migration
Legislation, Policies, and Requirements of OAS Member States presented in
compliance with the Work Plan of the Special Committee on Migration Issues
(Prepared by the Secretariat of the Permanent Council)
Note from the Permanent Mission
of Canada in response to the request for input regarding a migration mapping
CE/AM/INF.22/08 corr.
Report from the Department
of Education and Culture of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development
of the OAS in response to the request for information on the Programs and
Initiatives Carried out on Migration
Presentation by Kendall Belisle, Alternate
Representative of Belize to the OAS made before the Special Committee on
Migration Issues on January 25, 2011
Database of legal frameworks, regulations, policies,
and programs relating to migration in the Americas (Presentation of the
Migration and Development Program)
The Cross-Cutting Nature of Migration Issues in the
OAS Presentation by the Secretariat of the Migration and Development Program
Mexico's perspective on the work of the Special
Committee on Migration Issues and Management of the issue of Migration in the
Chile’s reply to the questionnaire set forth in the
guidelines for Reflection, Analysis, and Evaluation of the objectives, Work,
and Lines of action of the Special Committee on Migration Issues
Reply from the delegation of the United States to
the questionnaire presented in the guide for reflection on and analysis and
evaluation of the objectives, work, and lines of action of the Special Committee
on Migration Issues
Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues on the Process of Evaluation, Rationalization, and Unification
of the approach to the Topic of Migration in the OAS (Considered by the
Committee at its meeting of March 15, 2012)
CE/AM-195/12 rev. 2
Working agenda for the Thematic Meeting "Migration
and Productive Remittances"
CE/AM-198/12 rev. 1
Working agenda for the Thematic Meeting "Consular
Protection: Goals and Challenges"
CE/AM-199/12 rev. 1
Financial information on existing funds for programs
and/or projects addressing Migration Issues in the Organization (Prepared by the
Department of Planning and Evaluation at the request of the Chair)
Presentation by Mr. Laurent de Boeck, director of
the African, Caribeean and Pacific (ACP) Observatory on Migration (Delivered
during the workshop, “Attention to migration flows in the Americas with a
human rights perspective,” held on May 8, 2012)
Presentation by Ms. Diana Trimiño, Legal officer of
the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees - ACNUR
(Presented at the workshop “Attention to migration flows in the Americas with a
human rights perspective,” held on May 8, 2012)
Other Documents
XVIII Interamerican Conference,
& VULNERABILITY (Presented by the International Federation of the Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies)
Considerations regarding a proposal for evaluating
the special Committee on Migration Issues (CEAM) of the Organization of American
States (OAS) (Presented by Ambassador Duly Brutus, Permanent Representative of
Haiti and Chair of the Special Committee on Migration Issues)
Opening Remarks Ambassador Nestor Mendez, Permanent
Representative of Belize to the OAS and Chair of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues
Structure of the Special Committee on Migration
Issues (CEAM) Information Systems
CE/AM/INF.81/09 rev. 1
Discurso del Embajador Jorge Ramón Hernández
Alcerro Representante Permanente de Honduras, Presidente de la Comisión Especial
de Asuntos Migratorios de la OEA (CEAM), en ocasión de la presentación del Plan
de Trabajo de la CEAM 2011-2012
Newsletter on
Migration in the Americas (Presentation by the Migration and Development
Guidelines for Reflection,
Analysis, and Evaluation of the Objectives, work, and lines of action of the
Special Committee on Migration Issues (CEAM) (Presented by the Chair)
Meetings 2007
December 2007
Special Forum on
Migration Issue April 17, 2008
Order of Business Summaries
22 November 2010
22 September 2010
25 May 2010
20 April 2010
20 April 2010
17 March 2010
17 March 2010
26 January 2010
26 January 2010
Special Forum on
Migration Issues - April 17, 2008, Washington, D.C.
Documents (Working)
rev. 8
Opening Remarks Ambassador Albert R Ramdin Assistant
Secretary General of the Organization of American States
Opening Statement of
Ambassador María del Luján Flores, Permanent Representative of Uruguay to
the Organization of American States, Chairman of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues
Comments and Recommendations of the Panelists
rev. 3
Documents (Informative)
Presentation by Elizabeth Ruddick Director
General Research and Evaluation Branch Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Migrant Workers: Elements for a policy agenda and
related recommendations International Labour Office (Presentation by Mr. Armand
Pereira, Representative, Director ILO Washington Office)
Seminar on care for
transmigrant communities February 10, 2009 Washington, D.C.
Meeting to identify
ways to link the efforts of the OAS to the regional migration consultative
processes February 13, 2009 Washington, D.C.
Draft Agenda
rev. 1
Order of Business
CE/AM-75/09 rev. 2
Aide Memoire (Document prepared by the Chair based
on statements by the member states and agreed upon by the delegations during the
meeting of April 27, 2009)
CE/AM- 77/09 rev. 3
Summary of the meeting held on February 13, 2009
CE/AM- 78/09 rev. 1
Seminar on Consular
Protection: Scope and Exchange of Best Practices March 10, 2009 Washington, D.C.
Forum on
Sub-Regional Integration Initiatives April 7, 2009 Washington, D.C.
Migration Programs – OAS
General Secretariat, International, Regional, and Subregional Organizations
Summary of current programs dealing with Migration
in the Americas OAS General Secretariat and International, Regional, and
Sub-Regional Organizations
rev. 1
XVIII Interamerican Conference, Guayaquil, Ecuador,
(Presented by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
Legislation, Policies,
Migration Requirements, and National Programs of OAS member states
Catalogue National Migration Legislation, Policies,
and Requirements of OAS Member States presented in compliance with the Work Plan
of the Special Committee on Migration Issues (Prepared by the Secretariat of the
Permanent Council)
General Documents
Documents (Working)
Proposed Work Plan of the Special Committee on Migration Issues
CE/AM-1/07 rev. 6 Presentation by the Executive
Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women January 22, 2008
CE/AM-4/08 Proposed Work Plan of the
Special Committee on Migration Issues ( Presented by the Permanent Mission of
Canada to the OAS, based on the draft presented by the Chair of the Special
Activities carried out and/or under way in the
Organization in the area of Migration
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil with
comments and proposals for the proposed Work Plan of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues
Draft resolution Migrant Populations and Migration
flows in the Americas (Presented by the Chair of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues)
rev. 3
Mandates and International Instruments related to
Migration Issues
Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues 2007-2008
Work plan of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues for the 2008-2009 period (Presented by the Chair)
rev. 5
Inputs by Member States for activities under the
Work Plan of the Special Committee on Migration Issues for the 2008-2009 term
Temporary Worker Programs - Main Issues (Document
presented by the Chair)
Contributions from OAS Member States on temporary
worker programs
Migration and development: general considerations -
Main issues (Document presented by the Chair)
Brain Drain- General considerations (Document
presented by the Chair)
Migrants in Disaster Situations (Document presented
by the Chair)
Gender Perspective on Migration: General
Considerations (Document presented by the Chair)
Draft resolution Migrant Populations and Migration
Flows in the Americas
(Approved at the meeting of May 11, 2009)
CE/AM-87/09 rev. 3 corr. 1
Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues (2008 – 2009)
Draft Work Plan of the Special Committee on Migration Issues for the Period
CE/AM-95/09 rev. 1
Education for Migrant Children and Youth (Presentation by the Office of
Education and Culture to CEAM, October 20, 2009)
Children and Adolescents: Risks and Issues Involved
in Migration (Document presented by the General Secretariat)
“Youth on the Move” program Youth Americas Business
Trust (Presented to the CEAM on October 20, 2009)
CE/AM-101/09 corr. 1
Newsletter on Migration in the Americas
(Presentation by the Migration and Development Program)
Database of legal frameworks, regulations, policies,
and programs relating to migration in the Americas (Presentation of the
Migration and Development Program)
Considerations regarding a proposal for evaluating
the special Committee on Migration Issues (CEAM) of the Organization of American
States (OAS) (Presented by Ambassador Duly Brutus, Permanent Representative of
Haiti and Chair of the Special Committee on Migration Issues)
Proposal for a Workshop on -The Return of Migrants,
Challenges and Opportunities-
Extra-Regional Migration in the Americas (Background
document prepared by the Secretariat)
CE/AM-117/10 rev. 2
Agenda Workshop: "The return of Migrants: challenges
and opportunities”
The Cross-Cutting Nature of Migration Issues in the
OAS Presentation by the Secretariat of the Migration and Development
Agenda for the forum on: “Extracontinental Migration
in the Americas”
CE/AM-129/10 rev. 2
Draft resolution Migrant Populations and Migration Flows in the Americas
(Presented by the delegation of Mexico and co-sponsored by Argentina, CARICOM,
Chile, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, El Salvador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador,
Colombia, and Nicaragua) (Approved by the Special Committee on Migration Issues,
CEAM, at the meeting held on May 25, 2010)
CE/AM-135/10 rev. 2
Report of the Chair of the Informal Working Group to
Evaluate the Special Committee on Migration Issues (CEAM) (Presented to the
Committee on April 20, 2010)
Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues July 2009 – May 2010
Work Plan of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues for the 2010-2011 term (Approved during the meeting held
January 25, 2011)
CE/AM-150/10 rev. 2
Proposal for the
Development of an Inter-American Cooperation Network for Migration
Workshop “Learning from Experience: Bilateral
Cooperation in Migration Management” Washington D.C., April 12, 2011 (Presented
to the Special Committee on Migration Issues on February 16, 2011)
Workshop “Learning from Experience Bilateral
cooperation in Migration Management” Agenda
CE/AM-167/11 rev. 2
Proposal on the cooperation project: “Development of
the Inter-American Cooperation Network for Migration (RICOMI)” (Proposed by the
Delegation of Paraguay with changes proposed by the Delegation of Canada)
rev. 1
Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues 2010-2011
Draft Work Plan of the Special Committee on
Migration Issues for 2011-2012 (Approved by the CEAM at its regular meeting of
February 14, 2012)
CE/AM-176/11 rev. 3
Proposed Methodology Thematic Meeting “Issues and
Challenges in the Consular Protection of Migrants” Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Proposed Methodology Thematic Meeting “Migration and
Productive Remittances” Date: April 17, 2012
Proposed Methodology Workshop: “New Challenges in
Managing Migration in the Americas” Date: February 27, 2012
Report by the Chair on the Pros and Cons of
structuring a Political Organ for Migration Issues in the form of a Commission,
Committee, or Sub-Commission (Presented at the regular meeting of the Committee
held on April 24, 2012)
CE/AM-202/12 corr. 1
Documents (Informative)
Report from the Department of Education and Culture
of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development of the OAS in response to
the request for information on the Programs and Initiatives Carried out on
Declaration 30th international conference of the Red
Cross and Red Crescent. Geneva, Switzerland, 26-30 November 2007 (Presented by
the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)
Presentation of the Executive Secretariat for
Integral Development (Presented at the meeting held on October 7, 2008)
Rethinking Temporary Worker Programs Presentation by
Dovelyn Rannveig Agunias from the Migration Policy Institute (Presented at the
meeting of November 4, 2008)
Global Forum on Migration and Development Final
conclusions and recommendations of the Chair
Migration and Development from the IOM perspective
(Presentation by Günther Müssig, International Organization for Migration IOM
during the meeting held on December 1,2008)
On Migration and Development in the Global Era
(Manuel Orozco, Inter-American Dialogue -Meeting of December 1, 2008)
Tasting Identity: Trends in Migrant Demands for HOme-Country
Goods Executive Summary Manuel Orozco, NOvember 20, 2008 (CEAM Meeting of
December 1, 2008)
Migration and development: a new policy arena for
the Americas (Presented by Kathleen Newland, Migration Policy Institute, at the
meeting of December 1, 2008)
Making the most of family remittances - Second
Report of the Inter-American Dialogue Task Force on Remittances - May 2007 (CEAM
Meeting of December 1, 2008)
Brain Drain and Impact on Development (Presentation
by Dr. Edward Greene, Assistant Secretary General of CARICOM, during the meeting
held on January 13, 2009)
Skilled Migration and Brain Drain from Latin America
(Presentation by Dr. Caglar Ozden, Senior Economist, International Trade
Division, The World Bank, during the meeting held on January 13, 2009)
Inmigration, Brain Drain, and Remittance Flows in
the Caribbean (Presentation by Dr. Hunter Monroe, Western Hemisphere Department,
International Monetary Fund, during the meeting held on January 13, 2009)
International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies: Cooperation on Needs and Contributions of Migrants in
Disaster Situations (Presented by the International Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies for the meeting of January 27, 2009)
Pan American Development Foundation.s (PADF)
Programs for Preparing for and Responding to Natural Disastres and Other
Humanitarian Crises (Presented by Amy Coughenour Betancourt, Deputy Director,
Pan American Development Foundation, during the meeting of January 27, 2009)
Opening Remarks Ambassador Nestor Mendez, Permanent Representative of Belize to
the OAS and Chair of the Special Committee on Migration Issues
Presentation by Sonia Helmy-Dentzel, Office of
Population and International Migration (PIM), Bureau of Population Refugees, and
Migration (PRM), United States Department of State (as written ) (Presented at
the Meeting of April 1, 2009)
Presentation on the Migration and Development
Program of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (Given to the CEAM
on October 8, 2009
Family Separation and the Educational Success of
Immigrant Children (Presentation by Prof. Sara Poggio to CEAM on October 20,
Project: “Education for Migrant Children and Youth” (Project Background and
Migration of Youth in Latin America and the Caribbean (Paper presented by Dr.
Ana Isabel Roldán Rico to CEAM on October 20, 2009)
Youth on the Move Description of the Program - YABT “Executive Summary”
CE/AM/INF.75/09 add. 1
Youth Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean Study done by: Dr. Ana Isabel
Roldán Rico “Executive Summary”
CE/AM/INF.76/09 add. 1
Curriculum vitae Dr. Ana Isabel Roldan Rico
Curriculum vitae Professor Sara Poggio
Children's Issues at Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC): an Overview
Canadian presentation to CEAM on October 20, 2009
Structure of the Special Committee on Migration
Issues (CEAM) Information Systems
CE/AM/INF.81/09 rev. 1
Mexico’s experience with statistics on International
Migration and the SICREMI [Presentation by Mr. Ernesto Rodríguez Chávez,
Director of the Center for Migration Studies, National Institute on Migration (INAMI)]
CE/AM/INF.83/10 corr. 1
Proposal of Integral care Model for Women Victims of
Violence in the Tijuana area (Presentation by the Secretariat)
CE/AM/INF.84/10 rev. 1 corr. 1
Presentation by Kendall Belisle, Alternate
Representative of Belize to the OAS made before the Special Committee on
Migration Issues on January 25, 2011
Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (PTAT)
Presentation by Ms. Flor de Lis Vásquez Muñoz, Alternate Representative of
to the Special Committee on Migration Issues on January 25, 2011
Strategy for the Prevention and Attention of
Unaccompanied Migrant or Repatriated Children and Teenagers Presentation by Ms.
María Cecilia Landerreche Gómez Marín, Head of the National System for Integral
Family Development of Mexico, to the Special Committee on Migration Issues on
February 16, 2011
Education for Migrant Children and Youth
Presentation by the Office of Education and Culture of the General Secretariat
to the Special Committee on Migration Issues on March 23, 2011
Acciones implementadas por el Ministerio de Trabajo
y Promoción del Empleo (MTPE) del Perú en materia de migración laboral
Presentación del Dr. Javier Barreda Jara, Vice Ministro de Promoción del Empleo
y Capacitación Laboral el 17 de mayo de 2011
Discurso del Embajador Jorge Ramón Hernández Alcerro
Representante Permanente de Honduras, Presidente de la Comisión Especial de
Asuntos Migratorios de la OEA (CEAM), en ocasión de la presentación del Plan de
Trabajo de la CEAM 2011-2012
13 November 2008
8 October 2008
12 September 2008
9 September 2008
7 August 2008
28 April 2008
24 April 2008
23 April 2008
8 April 2008
13 March 2008
11 March 2008
10 March 2008
February 2008
16 December 2009
25 November 2009
18 November 2009
7 October 2009
25 September 2009
5 May 2009
2 April 2009
19 March 2009
10 February 2009
27 January 2009
16 December 2010
13 December 2010
19 November 2010
16 September 2010
22 May 2010
14 May 2010
10 May 2010
4 May 2010
27 April 2010
5 April 2010
27 March 2010
12 March 2010
11 March 2010
25 February 2010
16 February 2010
9 February 2010
5 February 2010
2 February 2010
29 January 2010
22 January 2010
11 november 2011
23 September 2011
9 May 2011
18 March 2011
10 February 2011
24 January 2011
19 January 2011
19 January 2011
16 May 2012
15 May 2012
9 May 2012
8 May 2012
3 May 2012
1 May 2012
1 May 2012
21 March 2012
8 March 2012
14 February 2012